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Lightly kicking my legs, I twirled through the brightly coral filled sea. A sneeze escaped my nose from the cold temperatures to which I rubbed at my nose, frowning. "It really is getting cold" speaking my thoughts out loud, my arms shivered ever so slightly. Taking that as a hint to get out of the sea, I looked up to the sunlight that fell into the sea from the hole in the ice as it shined right over me.

Kicking my feet, I reached to the top of the water while reaching my hands out to grab onto the edges of the ice. Hoisting myself up, I seated myself on the cold, thick floor of ice. Water speckles fell off of my hair and clothing, dripping back down into the sea as I leaned my head back slightly, taking in the breeze. It was so cold, I guess I should've expected that seeing as it was winter right now but the cold breeze still had taken me off guard.

A small gasp had drawn my attention over to where it came from, I then smiled when I recognised the two familiar figures that were not too far away from me. Hikari's head had poked out from the other hole that laid in the ice while Kaname was seated on the edge next to him. Kaname looked at me with a open mouth while Hikari smiled lightly and waved.

"Hey, Hikari, Kaname! It's nice to hangout with you guys like this, I haven't gone swimming in the sea since we found Manaka and Chisaki" I smiled back and went on a small rant while Kaname continued to stare over me a bit longer, his cheeks heating up. "Is he alright?" Turning to Hikari, concern washed over my voice. Hikari turned to face his friend who was still frozen in place with the same expression.

"Kaname, hellooo?" Hikari started waving his hand up and down, right in front of Kaname's face. Kaname blinked rapidly before shaking his head side to side "you know what, I actually think I should take a second look, just in case" Kaname quickly tried shoving Hikari to the side so he could duck into the water, which had caused Hikari to give him a side glare at the sudden shoving and desperation that Kaname was pulling.

Hikari yelped as he climbed onto the ice to give room to Kaname who was now underneath the water. "What's his deal?" Hikari hissed out as he winced and fully sat up on the ice, looking over to me for any answers. Shrugging my shoulders, I let out a small sigh and peered down at the ice hole that he had disappeared into. "No clue but he's being weird" muttering out loud to Hikari, I brushed my hair behind my ear as he nodded along with what I said.


Leaning myself over the bridges stone railing, I had been joined by Kaname who now stood next to me. I continued to stare out into the ice covered sea with a small frown falling upon my lips. "Lord Uroko's no where to be found" a long sigh left my lips before I lightly fell my head onto the railing. "Miuna and I did see him at the old school and we saw him again when we got Manaka so many we should start looking around around the outskirt of the village" I then suggested to the others.

Turning to face Hikari who stood a bit further up ahead, he leaned on the stone, staircase railing. "Okay, Hikari?" I smiled at him when trying to confirm the plan, but he didn't turn to look at me. "Yeah, sounds good" he finally muttered, not sounding all too pleased or enthusiastic. I frowned slightly to myself at his reply, something was off about him but I didn't want to disturb him by asking what was up.

My frown suddenly dropped when I heard the five o'clock song starting to play, catching the attention of both Hikari and Kaname too, we all looked towards the sounds direction with parted lips. "Oh yeah, they changed the song" Kaname gasped slightly at the realisation of the different tune playing from the sound poles. "Man, this one takes me back to the ofunehiki."

"Yeah, seems like every time I hear them play this song, it takes me right back to that day" I slightly frowned as I spoke that realisation out like, every time I heard this song when I was younger, I had to relive those terrible memories again. Hikari suddenly gasped "that's it! Manaka heard this song on that day too, didn't she?" Hikari flew his arms around as he spoke, suddenly starting to smile.

𝒜 𝓁𝓊𝓁𝓁 𝒾𝓃 𝓂𝓎 𝒽ℯ𝒶𝓇𝓉. - Tsumugu X F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now