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"Wow, amazing, Hiki!" Eyeballing Hikari as he cut some cabbage up, Manaka had a wide smile spread across her face. We were taking our cooking class and surprisingly, Hikari was a pro at it! "You're really good" Manaka continued praising Hikari with as much as her attention that she could give him. At her compliments, he bashfully looked away "it's not a big deal" cheeks tinted with a light shade of red, he held a small smile.

"You okay? Your cheeks kinda twitching" staring at the boy as he continued with his cooking, Chisaki offered him a small smile. Nervous, Hikari could only let out a small chuckle at the call out. Peering away Hikari, I was drawn over to Tsumugu who was also cutting up his ingredients as well. Watching with curiosity, I let out an noise of surprise when I noticed how he was skinning it like it was the easiest thing in the world. "Nice work, Tsumugu!" Praising another person once again, Manaka still held her usual smile.

"Wow, that's really impressive!" Eyes sparkling, I complimented him, my eyes still observing over his hand movements. "How'd you learn to cook like that?" Curious just as much as I was, Manaka popped the question out loud. "I always knew how, it's just me and my grams so I had to" without stopping from doing his cooking, he answered with a breeze. "I see, that's very admirable" Manaka held a closed eye smile towards him.

"Wow, I want to have a lover that's good at cooking, cause I'm sure not good at it!" Speaking to myself, I jokingly swooned, my hands on both sides of my cheeks. "Well, I'm good at coo-" Kaname had started to respond before he was was drawn out by the sound of a loud clanking noise. Hikari, who had gotten jealous of Manaka's administration for Tsumugu, started chopping at the cabbage with a quick pace.

"Uh, we really don't need that much cabbage.." waving her hands, Manaka had tried to get Hikari to stop cooking. "You should probably slow down before you end up losing one of your fingers, Hikari" nervously giggling over the rooms new tension, I only watched as his chopping got faster. "You know, if he ends up chopping his finger off, I'm not calling for the ambulance" crossing my arms, I backed away from Hikari.


Finished with our cooking, Manaka went to taste our final result. Chewing on it for a few moments, she left us all in suspicion for our awaited answer. Her eyes lit up, sparkling brightly as she continued to chew the rest and then swallow the food down. "Delicious!" Cheering at our success, Manaka picked a piece and urged for me to take a bite. "Manaka, I ate not too long ago!" Wining, I closed my mouth when she tried to put the food into it.

"Come on, you'll love it! Eat up!" Still insisting that I ate it, I finally gave into her begs. "Fine, fine.." grabbing it from her hand, I ate the piece that she had insisted that I tried. "It's pretty good" swallowing it, I gave my honest answer to the excited girl. Proudly smiling, Hikari nodded at both of our answers, happy to hear that we both had enjoyed it. "All right, now everybody, let's all go around to the other groups and try out their food!" Waving us off, our teacher made us walk around.

Everyone had went around to other groups, trying their dishes. Well, almost every group, none of the other students had came over to even take a glance at what we had cooked. "We worked so hard on this, only to have no one even sneak a look at what our dish is" letting out a sigh, I leaned my back on the counter. "What should we do?" Glancing at us, Kaname said the question that we had all been thinking. "Not sure.." sharing the same reaction as me, Chisaki also let out a small sigh.

Frowning, Manaka wasn't in the slightest bit happy with our responses. Her frown was then joined in by her furrowing her eyebrows, angry from the lack of interest that our classmates were showing us. "Excuse me, would like to try this!" Desperate to get someone to try a bite of it, Manaka held out our fish to two boys in our class, bowing slightly. "You want us to eat that?" Disgusted, one of the boys didn't try to hide his rude tone towards Manaka. "Like there's any way we would eat anything you sea people made" snickering, he looked over to his friend for backup.

𝒜 𝓁𝓊𝓁𝓁 𝒾𝓃 𝓂𝓎 𝒽ℯ𝒶𝓇𝓉. - Tsumugu X F!ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon