
641 24 15

Fixing my hair up, the wind blew through it and into my face, messing it up again. With a sigh, I gave up and continued to wait outside for Hikari and Miuna. Hikari had invited us to go out to the city with him and Miuna so, now Chisaki, Manaka, Kaname and I were all waiting outside for them to come out of the house. I had decided to dress nicely and put on a [Fc], floral dress.

It wasn't very often that we could go out to places like the city, so I wanted to take this opportunity to dress up pleasingly. As the door made a click, I turned my head over to its direction just in time to see Hikari and Miuna stepping outside to join us. They made their was down and just as soon as they joined us, Kaname had a teasing smile already on his face.

"Oh? Are you wearing your boyfriends clothes now?" Joking around, Kaname's lips pulled into a grin as his finger rested on his chin. "I- I am not!" Hikari started to burnt red out of embarrassment, not taking the joke too lightly. Done with Kaname, he then turned to face is girls "and what are the three of you all dressed up for?!" Hikari eyes traced our outfits up and down briefly.

"Well you said the city, so.. ya know-" Chisaki spoke up with slightly embarrassment in her tone  as she started to feel overdressed. "We're going out aren't we? It's not everyday we get to go to the city, might as well dress to impress!" Answering with a grin, I twirled in my outfit to show it off with pride. "So.. we look weird?" Manaka questioned, a frown forming on her face.

"Wha-.. look, Miuna and I are on a mission today, alright?" At those words, Chisaki turned her head to the side, stubborn about Hikari's previous comment on our clothing. "Mmhm, thanks for asking us to help" she then smiled with kindness as she crouched down to Miuna's level. Manaka and I then giggled and jogged over to join them "mission accepted!" Manaka cheered as she clenched both her fists, holding them in the air.

"Hey guys, I think we should get a move on" speaking up while looking down at the watch on his arm, Kaname pointed out the time that it was. Clattering then followed soon after "huh?" Our eyes all followed as the train drove by the tracks from above. "Ah, we're gonna miss it!" Yelling, I had already started dashing off towards the train station in a hurry.

"[Yn], wait up!" Hearing Manaka calling after me, I then heard her loud footsteps following after me as she began to run as well. At that, everyone then started running as well to follow after us to the train station. In a hurry, as soon as we got there we pressured Hikari into hurrying up with the payment as he took his sweet ass time. "Hiki, hurry! The trains gonna leave!" Manaka urged him on as she waved her arm.

"I'm working on it!" Rushing, he yelled back in a pant "ah- hm, uh- how much is it?" Glaring at the wall, Hikari fumbled around to try and figure out the prices. "By the way, if we miss this one we're going to have to wait an hour until the next one" Kaname smiled towards Hikari, not being very helpful. "Then why don't you shut up and help me?!" Hikari argued with annoyance.

"640 Yen" a voice that wasn't originally in our group had spoken up, as it caught my attention, I averted my head over towards the person to see who had spoken. "You were going into the city, right?" Standing behind us, Tsumugu looked over to Hikari with question. "Hey, Tsumugu!" Lips curving into a smile, I eagerly waved at him at his sudden appearance. Who would have thought that we would bump into him here? Great timing.


Arriving onto the train, we all took our seats. Manaka took the window seat on the left hand side where Hikari then joined her, seating himself on the chair bedside hers. Wanting to take a window seat as well, I sat on the opposite side of Manaka with a gleeful expression as she smiled to me. Chisaki had decided to sit on the right hand side by the window seat. Guess we were all window lovers.

𝒜 𝓁𝓊𝓁𝓁 𝒾𝓃 𝓂𝓎 𝒽ℯ𝒶𝓇𝓉. - Tsumugu X F!ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang