Chapter 4

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Fireheart crouched low underneath the bush, straining his ears to pick up the packs sound.  Just then, a yowl broke through the trees as Graystripe laughed himself out of the undergrowth,  quickly scaling a tree.  Taking a deep breath, Fireheart let out a fierce yowl, and bounded from the bush, praying to StarClan his plan would work...

Fireheart carried his leader through the moonlit forest, feeling grief and fear well up in his chest. as Fireheart reached the gorge,  Tigerstar had pinned him down, letting the pack catch up to him. Just as Fireheart thought his plan had failed and Thunderclan was doomed, Bluestar had come to his rescue, laughing the pack leader and herself into the raging torrents of the gorge down below. Fireheart had tried futilely to rescue his leader from the rushing currents until Mistyfoot and Stonefur came to his aid. Fireheart had witnessed his leaders last moments, as she lay dying on the riverbank, reconcile with the kits she had secretly given up to  serve the clan she loved.  Now, with Bluestar dead and the clan frightened, fireheart dint know if this was a blow Thunderclan could recover from.

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