Chapter 4

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"Fireheart, Fireheart!" spottedleafs excited voice rasped through his ear fur, "Im moving to the nursery!" "WHAT???" Fireheart yowled, nearly choking on his freshkill, "what??" Fireheart still couldn't get the fact that Spottedleaf was going to have kits! "we're going to be parents Fireheart!" Spottedleaf told him excitedly. Fireheart gave his mate a few swift licks to calm her wild excitement, even though he himself was just as hyped. "when-how-what..." Fireheart was speechless, he didn't even notice himself!  Spottedleaf jumped around him, and Fireheart purred with amusement at her playfulness.

Sandpaw watched Spottedleaf wounding around Fireheart. She couldn't hear what they were saying but she already knew. Spottedleaf was bearing Firehearts kits.  The news had spread through the clan like a forest fire, and now, every cat seemed happy.  "looks like you cant be mates with Fireheart anymore!" a harsh teasing rang in sandpaws ears. she swiveled around to see Dustpaw standing behind her, a wild type of ambition glinting in his eyes. "leave me alone!" Sandpaw wailed, sprinting towards the gorse tunnel. Hoping hunting would take her mind off of her romantic disasters.

Fireheart watched as Spottedleaf entered the nursery, his excitement bubbling up again. Quickly,  he gobbled down his sparrow, then, calling Graystripe, he went out on a hunting patrol.  soon, they arrived at the river, tumbling and splashing over the the rocks that sometimes jutted out of the surface. "water vole!" Graystripe hissed, stalking closer and closer to the river. Suddenly, he pounced, but missed, slipping on the wet rocks and, with a yowl, fell into the river, thrashing wildly. Fireheart stood rigid with horror as Graystripe disappeared beneath the water.  Suddenly, a silver tabby swam over to the drowning Graystripe, and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. Quickly dragging him ashore on the Thunderclan side...

Fireheart sat down in the warriors den, the horror of Graystripe falling into the river still haunting him, he fell asleep.  

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