Chapter 2

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Graystripe had been sneaking out of camp nearly everyday and ignored whatever Fireheart said.   Fireheart decided to check on Emberkit and Leafkit,  seeing his family always relaxed him.  As Fireheart approached the nursery, Spottedleaf appeared, the kits scampering behind her, looking around the camp with wide eyes. "they've opened their eyes!" Fireheart squealed, sounding like a kit himself. "yes, they have." Spottedleaf replied, sitting down to watch her kits scuffle near the nursery.  Fireheart sat down beside her,  Emberkit had green eyes like Fireheart, while Leafkit had her mothers amber eyes.  "I really wish Bluestar would let me mentor one of them," Fireheart confessed, looking toward Spottedleaf, "oh, she will, if you ask her." Spottedleaf reassured him, returning the gaze.

For the next few days, Fireheart ceased his attempts to talk Graystripe out of visiting Silverstream, instead, he watched his kits as they came nearer and nearer to joining the clan as an apprentice.  Fireheart had noticed that Emberkit was quite outstanding at mock fights against the other kits while Leafkit seemed more interested in the various herbs in the medicine den.  Fireheart could hardly wait, his own kits were just one moon away from their apprenticeship!  He had talked to Bluestar about Emberkit and she promised he would get him as an apprentice.

Fireheart stormed away, his talk with Graystripe putting him into a bad mood after he insisted to visiting Silverstream and saying he didn't care what Fireheart said.  As he stomped toward the warriors den, Spottedleaf came up beside him. "are you okay Fireheart?" "im fine," Fireheart sighed, saddened by the thought of him and Graystripes lost friendship. "its just,   Graystripe never listens to me anymore and I just feel so...alone,"   "whatever happens Fireheart, remember that I'll always be here for you," Spottedleaf promised, "thanks Spottedleaf." Fireheart replied, relaxing. He nuzzled Spottedleaf lovingly and went to grab her some freshkill as she hurried back to the nursery to tend to their kits.

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