Chapter 4

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Fireheart tracked Emberpaw through the forest.  He was on his first hunting mission near the twolegplace, suddenly, Emberpaw burst through the bushes, a terrible fear in his eyes. "Fireheart!!  saw Tigerclaw at twolegplace with a bunch of terrible, hungry looking cats, I thought they smelled me so I came to find you."  "you did the right thing." Fireheart told his son, stiffening at the thought of Tigerclaw.   "Do you know what he was doing, talking with the rogues?" "No, I was afraid they would see me but Im sure they're planning something!"  Emberpaw exclaimed, worry flashing in his eyes.

Fireheart glanced around the devastated clearing. Fur still floated through the air and littered the ground, while droplets of blood stained the yellow sand.  He looked around for Spottedleaf,  he finally saw her with Emberpaw, cleaning his wounds. The medicine cats handed out cobwebs and poppyseeds, Fireheart waited for his turn. He had fought Tigerclaw as he attempted to kill Bluestar to become leader,  proving Firehearts suspicions right.  The ambitious deputy, though a good fighter, was bloodthirsty and dangerous, murdering whoever stood in his way to power.  Tigerclaw was currently slumped beside the highrock, unconscious due to the loss of blood.  Bluestar weakly leaped onto the highrock, calling the summons for a clan meeting.  She told Fireheart to tell the clan about Tigerclaws treachery, how he killed Redtail to eventually, become deputy. How he terrorized and plotted to kill his own apprentice to keep his secret safe. And how he brought the rogues to camp to act as a distraction as he attempted to kill Bluestar.  

"Fireheart will be the new deputy!" Bluestars announced, padding back to her den under the highrock. Fireheart stood there, dazed. He was deputy? He wasn't sure he could do it, he didn't have much experience, but if Bluestar wanted him to be her deputy, then he would... Try his best.

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