Chapter 5

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Fireheart yawned, lifting himself out of his nest. It had been nearly a moon since Spottedleaf announced she was going to the nursery. Suddenly, Tigerclaws gruff voice ordered him to go on a dawn patrol since he was up so early. As Fireheart padded into the sunlit clearing, he saw Sandpaw bounding toward him. "where are you going?" she asked, "I'm going on the dawn patrol!" he replied, "wanna come?" "sure!" Sandpaw replied promptly.  Fireheart felt a little uncomfortable at her moony voice,  he was already mates with Spottedleaf!

Fireheart finally saw the ravine, he and Sandpaw had patrolled the entire thunderclan border and he thought his paws would fall off.  He bounded down the ravine, eager to check on Spottedleaf, the last time he had seen her, she was already close to kitting.   He pushed into the nursery to find Spottedleaf curled up in her nest, apparently asleep, while the other queens gently groomed her back. "Spottedleaf? are you okay?" he asked gently, the other queens moved away as he settled down beside her.  Slowly Spottedleaf opened her eyes, "Fireheart? do you always need to wake me up when I'm trying to sleep?" "sorry Spottedleaf," he apologized, "are you okay?" "yes Im fine Fireheart!" she replied, trying her best to the excitement of her kitting as a surprise. Fireheart narrowed his eyes at his mate, trying to figure out what had made her so unwilling to tell him something. A thought flew to his mind, "you've kitted!" he mewed excitedly, "yes I did," Spottedleaf smiled, uncurling to reveal two kits. One was a calico, looking exactly like Spottedleaf, while the other one resembled Fireheart. "what should we name them?" Fireheart asked, gazing down at his new family. "we should this one Leafkit," Spottedleaf mewed, touching her nose to the calico. "I think we should name this one Emberkit," Fireheart purred, touching his nose to the fluffy red kit.  as Fireheart curled around his new family, he realized just how much better this was than having an apprentice.

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