New Bestie

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Salt 5~

Class Salt - Chloe Sugar

"I'm sorry, for everything I did"

Marinette stared at her like she was crazy. 

"Are you, Chloe Bourgeois, apologising to me, Marinette Dupain-Cheng?", Marinette asked. 

"Yes, I know its shocking, but I'm sorry for treating you the way I did. I was just jealous of how you everyone liked you instantly, and your family", Chloe said looking down, "My mother never loved me, and my father never has time for me, but you have everything. Family, friends, talent. But I can't stand how they believed that liar over you".

Marinette broke down right then and there. Her enemy. Chloe Bourgeois, had only hated her cause she had something Chloe never had. But only Chloe had understood her well, and knew her well enough to believe her over Lila. 

Chloe ran over to Marinette and hugged her. Mari let it all out. The pain she had been holding back. It didn't take long for the two girls to become bestfriends. They became closer than Marinette and Alya had been. Tom and Sabine were a bit skeptical at first but welcomed Chloe. 

Things still weren't easy for the two girls at school. The bullying got worse and the day Chloe got a head injury, Marinette unleashed her true strength had, lets just say Lila had to be in hospital, with a broken arm, and a few broken ribs. Chloe and Marinette both got expelled, so they decided to be homeschooled. 

It was one day that they were working that both girls started singing. And it was that day that Jagged Stone heard them both, and from there was born superstars MDC and Royal C.

After releasing their first album, everyone fell in love with their music. MDC and Royal C were on the top along with Jagged Stone. But of course, Lila used this as an opportunity to get more popular; and get more sympathy. 

"Yeah, the three of us were so close and used to best friends. But since I had to move, they got a bit distant from me. Even though MDC and Royal C cut me off, I introduced them to Jagged, since I knew they were talented", Lila lied.

"Wow girl! You have such a heart of gold. Those two should be grateful to you!", Ayla exclaimed. 

Word got around that Lila had introduced the two girls to Jagged, even though they had cut her off. Unexpectedly, that story got around the internet and social media really quickly. They were many debates on if Lila was actually telling the truth or not, and if she was really the reason for MDC and Royal C's fame. 

Marinette and Chloe decided to use this situation to their advantage. 

"Lila Rossi?" Jagged exclaimed. 

He was giving an interview with Nadja Chamack.

"Yes, she claims that she introduced MDC and Royal C to you. And that the three of them were best friends, until she had to move and cut her off", Nadja explained.

"I don't believe it. I have never heard of a Lila Rossi. And I knew MDC and Royal C well, before I even knew they could sing", Jagged told, clearly annoyed.

"Well, this is what has been going around lately", Nadja played a video, from the Ladyblog.

"So Lila, is it true that you were the one responsible for MDC and Royal C's fame?", Alya asked.

"It is actually. I didn't want to tell people, but I actually introduced them to Jagged Stone", Lila answered.

"How do you know them?", Alya questioned.

"Well you see, we used to be very close. Best friends actually. But after I moved, I saw that MDC and Royal C got more closer and were distant from me. I tried to talk to them, but they just cut me off. When I went back for a holiday, I heard them sing, and even though they weren't really good friends to me, I introduced them to Jagged and he made them famous. I have actually written a few songs for them, but they didn't want to put my name in the credits. Its fine though. Its their singing talent and their fame.", Lila explained.

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