Chapter 17: The Seven Deadly Kids

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Twenty-year-old Tsunami smiled brightly as she held her boyfriend's hand, Kai, whose deadname was known as Edith. He, being nineteen, also had a toothy smile on his face as he faced his parents along with Tsunami's.

"Please be careful," Ochaco said, tears forming in her eyes when she saw that he daughter was all grown up. 

"Mom, it's a business trip. I'm sure we'll be fine," Tsunami said. It was true, a business trip for the combined company that had gems, sea life, and minerals that were found in the sea. Worked out well for the couple, seeing as the company seemed to prosper much more with their combined efforts.

As Tsunami boarded her plan with Kai, they both looked back onto their home in Japan. They remembered when they were children, playing with toys and not bothering about paying attention in school. Tsunami remembered her uptight friend and her aggressive one. 

She smiled fondly, "Kai, do you remember when we played all day and never seemed to run out of energy?"

Kai smirked, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure two of us are still doing that."


"THE TURKEY IS ON FIRE-" Katzumi, now twelve, yelled as she placed her dirty hands on her head of blonde hair when she saw the turkey literally on fire. "WHO SET THE TURKEY ON FIRE-"

Izuko, who was eighteen, smiled sheepishly as he presented the burning turkey in front of his other sibling, Nana, also twelve.

Nana sighed, "Kat, we don't even need to ask. It was Izu."

Izuko smiled with sweat beading off his head, "Huh- F-Funny assumption-"

Mono, also eighteen, came rushing with a fire extinguisher in her hand and sprayed the foam all over the turkey, destroying the food that was already too far gone.

She glared at Izuko with no actual anger, "You could've killed us all."

Izuko laughed, "No, because I already knew that you were-"

"That's no excuse!"

"Kids, what have I said about burning the house down?" Izuku asked, still looking young even later.

"Yeah, ya brats, you don't do it when your dad's home-" Katsuki stated before getting smacked upside the head. He laughed, rubbing his head with his right hand.

Izuko relaxed, "Sorry, Dad. But I thought I would try and make something special for.... you know..."

Izuku smiled sadly, "It looks like the 'Seven Deadly Kids' are really going off on their own way, huh?"

Izuko gulped down the hot liquid that burned his throat, "I- yeah."

Izuku and Katsuki both embraced their angsty eighteen-year-old. Katsuki sighed, "Well, don't get too caught up in school but don't get too not caught up, okay?"

Izuko laughed with tears at his Papa's horrible advice, "Yeah-" his voice cracked, "okay, Papa."

Then, he added, "I'll- I'll miss you guys."

Nana and Kazumi hugged Izuko as well as Mono, and they all embraced with small tears.

"We'll miss you too, honey," Izuku said as he kissed his son's forehead. 

Truly, the Seven Deadly Kids were all going their separate ways, but they never lost touch with each other. 

Mono and Izuko went to college; Kai and Tsunami started to takeover their parents' businesses. Nana, Poly, and Katzumi were all following the footsteps of their siblings while also taking their own interests. 

But it had all been worth it for the parents. The parents that had raised their children. Ochaco, Tsuyu, Eijiro, Denki, Kyoka, Momo, Katsuki and Izuku. 

Never they all been so happy for their children's futures.


Dear Readers, 

First off, I thank all readers for reading. It truly meant the world for me when I saw how many comments, views, and votes were on 'The Seven Deadly Kids' and the sequel as well. 

Thank you so much. I enjoyed writing this book as much as I hope you read it. I know it seemed a bit rushed in the end, but I just wanted to get as much done as possible which probably lead to the chapters seeming rushed.

Regardless, I loved writing this very much. 

Not to mention the music. I hope you enjoyed hearing those (if you have) considering that I enjoy those songs. They were all clean and contained no swearing.

Thank you to all of you readers, commenters, and voters.



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