Chapter 11: Little Black Dress

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"Hey, Kacchan, is this spicy enough for you?" Izuku asked, handing out a small spoon with a bit of the soup that he was making.

Katsuki tasted it before nodding his head, "Yeah."

Izuko read an English book to his sisters, and Nana wasn't paying attention, but Izuko kept on going. 

They were all excited and on edge because Izuku had finished every preparation for the house they were going to move back in, the wedding, and the gala. Katsuki had looked it over and simply had replied with, "It looks amazing."

So, Izuku was celebrating by cooking Katsuki's favorite meal. 

"Izuko, food," Izuku called, setting his bowl  down in front of Izuko's seat. Katsuki came too with his two daughters who seemed to love hanging out with their Papa.

"Wait. So, we're going to America for a week for some gala. Then, we're coming back and having a wedding, but before we do that, we set up our house?" Izuko asked, clearing things up in his mind.

Izuku nodded, "Yes, you've never been to America before have you, Izuko?"

Izuko shook his head, "No! I really, really, really want to though!"

Katsuki snorted, "It's not as great as you think it is, and you have been there once."

Izuko turned his head suddenly to his Papa, "I have??"

Katsuki snorted, "'Course ya have. When Dad was pregnant with you."

"That's not fair. I wouldn't remember that," Izuko said, crossing his arms. "Also, America is amazing! I saw it on T.V. a few times."

Katsuki rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say."

Izuku smacked his fiancé's head, "No, Izuko's right. It is a great place."


America. More specifically, the U.S.A. Even more specifically, Phoenix, Arizona. A really hot place that not many people know about other than it is the capital of Arizona. 

It's pretty boring there, no big events or tourist attraction, but it was a good place to have a good gala.

Izuku sat in the backseat of the car with Nana and Katzumi. Izuko was sitting further up in the row, and Katsuki was driving.

"I don't get why you have to sit in the back, Deku," Katsuki said, sticking out his lower lip to form a pout.

"Nana and Katzumi... and other reasons," Izuku said, whispering the last part so nobody could hear. 

Katsuki seemed to suck it up after that. 

Izuko turned around from his seat and showed his Dad his drawing, "What do you think, Dad?"

"It's great, honey, but do you not have a head ache?" Izuku asked, admiring the drawing that he had drawn.

"Nope," Izuko said and continued to doodle.

Nana cried almost the whole way to the airport since it was so far away. It was a car ride, so Izuku was not very confident about the air ride.

Nana doesn't like motion objects if she's put in them. Izuku, and pretty much the whole family had figured that much, she enjoys playing with toy cars, but she won't like it if you put her in a car. 

Katzumi is the opposite. She doesn't like sitting still. She likes crawling, moving, squirming, being in a car, anything that involves motion. 

So, Izuku knew it was going to be a long flight as the family stepped onto the plane. They were first class, thankfully, but it didn't help much other than it saved Izuku from apologizing to everyone every time Nana cried. 

Only two or three other people were on the flight, and they seemed to sleep through everything.

Izuku didn't get much sleep, nor had Nana, Katzumi, Katsuki, and Izuko. 

"Nana, please stop crying. We're almost there, okay?" Katsuki said, bags under his eyes from the absence of so called sleep.

He was trying to calm her down since Izuku was out like a light on the plane. He hardly got any sleep, perhaps less than Katsuki, and Katsuki didn't want Nana to wake him back up. 

Nana didn't comply with Katsuki's plead. 

It was a very, very long flight before they finally got to their destination in Phoenix. The hotel they were staying in was owned by a woman. Melissa was her name, and she was the host as well.

She invited everyone in, and Katsuki and Izuku were staying in a suite on the highest floor.

Katsuki whistled, "Not going to lie. This is pretty good." 

Izuku laughed, "Shouldn't you be intimidated by your competition?"

Katsuki turned red, "No, I know mine are better."

"Whatever you say, Kacchan," Izuku said.

Izuko said a "wow", "oooo", and "aaaahhh" every time he stumbled at something that was to his liking. In this case, everything.

"Well, it's a week long gala, so I hope you brought your outfits," Eijiro said from the door.

Ochaco stood next to him, "Yeah, I expect myself to gasp at your outfits, Deku."

They all shared a laugh while Izuko snuck out to see Edith and Tsunami. 

Izuku caught him and decided that they should go together. The group was walking down the hallway, talking casually when a woman ran into Izuko.

"Watch it, you brat!" she shouted. She pat her slim black dress as if it was infected.

"Sorry!" Izuko apologized. 

She sent a glare to his way before looking at his parents. Both of which were glaring daggers at her.

✓ The Seven Deadly Kids 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora