Chapter 5: Gone Driver Gone

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Izuku rushed towards the school. Well, as fast as he could with a pram in his grasp. As he reached the principal's office, he sees his son with his group of friends, and a boy that Izuku had seen once a few times. 

Izuko had a band aid that was placed on his left cheek and the Todoroki boy had a bruise forming on his forehead.

"Oh, Mr. Bakugou, you're here," Nezu said in his usual level cheery voice, though it was less happy and more strained. "We've called all their parents. You seem to be the first one to show up. Please take young Bakugou home."

Izuku didn't ask why when he saw the looks each of the other students in the room gave him. He sighed as he motioned for Izuko to follow him to the car. 

Walking in the long hallway with only the squeaking of the stroller as a source of sound, Izuko looked at the ground as he kicked it harshly.

"Dad, I-" Izuko started to say as the silence that surrounded him was suffocating him. 

"We'll talk about it in the car," Izuku said monotonously. He didn't know what had happened,  but he had a pretty good guess. If his guess was correct, and it was, then they would have a lot to talk about. 

Izuko gulped, his former anger now residing into anxiety at the behavior of his usually upbeat Dad. When his Dad got like this, you didn't want to play around. 

Nana yawned cutely as she was carried from the stroller into a car seat. Katzumi wiggled her arms as she tried and failed to get out of the contraption. 

Izuko took his place in the middle of the two girls and stared nervously at his Dad, who turned on the car rather rashly. 

"Dad, I- I'm really sorry. He was just making fun of you guys and-" Izuko started once again. He just wanted the conversation to be over as quickly as possible now that they were in the car. 

The humming of the car engine was the only reply Izuko got back before Izuku let out a sigh. 

"Izuko, we've been over this. Multiple times. People like that just are.... Well, like that. You're Papa used to have a problem with it too. Believe me, it took forever for him to realize it. There were so many times where he couldn't control his anger. Unfortunately, you get that from him. His temper. Just- Just don't let it happen again, okay?" 

Izuko nodded, feeling bad that he turned the situation into one such as this. 

Izuku was less concentrated at driving at that point. He was thinking about what they were going to do when they got home that he didn't see that a car had zoomed past a red light. 

A car that was going right at them.


Katsuki slammed his head on the desk. The guy on the phone kept talking about the same thing and the same questions over and over again.

Katsuki groaned internally before he threw the phone at the television. The impact wasn't enough to break the phone, but the T.V. flickered to life as it had clicked the on button.

A fuzzy, "Hello? Mr. Bakugou? Hello?" could be heard from the phone, but Katsuki ignored it as he saw the television news. 

"-Drunk driver crashes into family car. Reports say that it was full of three children, two of which were less than a few weeks old. Also, a middle aged- Oh, my! Hold on, viewers, I have some shocking news-" The reporter held her hand to her ear as her mouth gaped. 

Katsuki viewed intensely, he always hated when car accidents happened. It was always such big damage. 

"Oh, my goodness! It appears that the accident involved Izuku Bakugou and his children! They are currently in-" 

Katsuki was in shock. he could no longer see or hear the reporter nor could he think. The only thing repeating in his mind, 'Izuku and the kids- car accident' 

He dashed out of the room with his phone picked up from the ground. He called Izuku quickly, not believing that this was indeed reality. 

He waited before he heard his voice. 

"'Hey, it's Izuku. Sorry, I can't get to the phone right now-' 'Daddy! Daddy! I want to say something!'"- Laughter was heard before, "'Say watcha need after the beeeeppppp!'" Izuko's little voice said before the automated version indicated a beep.

Katsuki's heart beated loudly in his chest as he ran to his car, calling Eijiro now.

He picked up almost immediately.

"Bakugou, he-" Eijiro said as he tuned into the television.

"I know! Where is he?! Is he okay??" He asked, frantically.

"Look, I don't know... They just said that Izuku was in critical but stable condition. They said that the children were fine. I think the hospital was [insert some generic Japanese hospital]," Eijiro said, trying to reassure the blonde. He didn't know what thoughts were going on in the mind of his, but Eijiro knew for sure that what Katsuki was thinking was probably way worse than the actual thing.

At least, he hoped they were.

Katsuki took a sharp right. He knew that hospital from anywhere.

He just hoped that they would be okay.

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