Chapter 1: Welcome Home!

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^^Hamilton songs, cause why not^^

(A/N: Hello, readers! I'm back to hit everyone with a sequel that nobody asked for! Unless you were secretly wanting one and was too scared to ask. To be frank, I think I would be that person. Anyways, here we go-)

Italics are for flashbacks

"Welcome home, you two! Or should I say you four!" Inko shouted happily as she greeted the overjoyed parents and the two little now four-day-old baby twins. 

Izuku smiled brightly as he put his index finger to his lips, signaling that the babies were sleeping and needed to be quiet. 

Inko instantly quieted down, but she still wore a big smile on her face.

Toshinori gave a small pat to his future son in law, and Katsuki replied with a excited smile. 

Izuko, on the other hand, leaped onto both of his parents. He had been able to visit them while they were at the hospital, but he missed both of his parents either way. 

"Daddy! Papa! I missed you so much!" He cried as he smothered his face into his Dad's pants, which smelled of hospital. 

"Awe, honey, I missed you, too," Izuku said softly as he placed the two baby carriers on the ground. He hugged his eldest as he squatted down to his level. 

Katsuki snuggled into the small family group hug, too. Inko smiled as she watched them, taking Toshinori's hand into hers. Toshinori smiled along with her. 

As they slowly dispersed, Izuku whined, "Kacchan, I want food... Hospital food is great and all, but I want katsudon. Specifically, your katsudon."

Katsuki laughed at his pleading, "Alright, alright." Katsuki wouldn't have expected for the twins' first place to rest be a hotel suite. 

Katsuki sighed, their house was far from rebuilt, but Katsuki was already eyeing another house to temporarily stay at. 

They couldn't move completely yet because of the condition Izuku was in, but they both agreed that they didn't want to cause commotion with the other hotel residences because of crying babies. 

As he was making some katsudon, Katsuki thought about the moment that he had arrived. 

Iida was still helping Izuku, and as soon as Izuku saw Katsuki, he jumped on top of him. 

"Kacchan! You're here!" Izuku shouted, crying. Katsuki thought that his hormones were peaking at the moment. 

So, hours later, Izuku's contractions getting faster and eventually, his water had broken and his cervix had dilated enough. 

As Izuku shouted again, Izuku looked expectantly at Katsuki. Katsuki sheepishly grinned, "Honey, I know you want me to hold your hand right now, but last time you did that, my fingers were bruised for days-"

Izuku looked Katsuki dead in the eyes, "Katsuki Bakugou, I am squeezing two of our babies out of one of the smallest openings in the human body, losing blood and energy. Literally destroying my insides at the moment. Give. Me. Your. Freaking. Hand."

Katsuki made no hesitation to hold back his hand. Whether it was out of fear of Izuku or guilt that he had tried to hold back. 

Izuku screamed again as the doctor said again, "Push!" 

Izuku shouted, "I am pushing! What have I been doing this whole time?? Texting?!"

The doctor stayed quiet after that, and Katsuki had to hold a laugh at his fiancé's sass at the moment.

Around three hours later, the twins were born. Both healthy, beautiful girls. Katsuki got to cut the umbilical cords, and he got to hold one while Izuku happily held the other. 

They had already decided the names for them before they were born. Nana and Katzumi Bakugou-Midoriya.

 Katzumi was the girl name originally planned if Izuko was a girl, so they used it now. Nana was a more odd choice. 

She was named after Toshinori's aunt. She was the lady who helped Toshinori get into the acting career, and she also funded some of the money for Katsuki's business at the beginning. She had died a few years after Izuko was born. 

So, the family was finally complete. 

The following days, Izuku was mostly there to make sure that he was doing alright. Katsuki was glad when he found out that there were no complications, and Izuku and the babies were perfect. 

He was glad to know that his nightmare was nothing but a nightmare. 

Katsuki sighed contently as he finished cooking and called Izuku to eat. When Izuku was eating happily, Katsuki viewed his daughters with nothing but pleasure. He has hopes, which are the same for Izuko, that they will grow big and strong just like their Dad. 

Inko and Toshinori talked with Izuko before they waved their hands and left for a while. They would be back to bring some gifts, which Izuku insisted were not necessary. 

The rest of the day, Izuku slept with the babies while Katsuki and Izuko played some games together. 

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