Chapter 16: The Wedding

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You would expect the grooms to be very, very nervous about their wedding, but it was indeed Ochaco who was being nervous for the both of them, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- Wha-How are you two so nonchalant about this??"

Izuku shrugged, "It's not that we are being nonchalant, Ochaco. We're just not freaking out-"

Katsuki hugged his fiancé aggressively. Ochaco had told him that it was bad luck to see the groom the day of the wedding, and since that day was tomorrow, Katsuki was snuggled into Izuku's hair, neck, and chest this whole entire day. 

"-We're just waiting for-" the moment Izuku had said the word 'waiting' the two people that they had been waiting for showed up with their breaths uneven.

"Uncle Izuku! Uncle Katsuki!" Eri yelled, her head band with one horn falling off her head as she had crashed into both of them. 

Her head band came with a small story. When Eri was a bit younger, she had a head band with two horns, then when one broke off, she was really upset and ran to Izuku, her uncle, who was just settling in with Katsuki at the time.

They had told her that you could find a lot of people wearing head bands with two horns, but that they had never seen anyone with one. So, they called her special, and so Eri wore that head band for the next few years. It was also around the time Katsuki and Izuku decided that they wanted to have children. 

Kota, on the other hand, stood smiling softly at the cuddled group. 

"Kota, come and hug them!" Eri demanded. 

Kota smiled, "No, I think I'll be fine here-" He was pulled into the hug eventually, and they all had a good laugh. 

The two teenagers were highly influenced by the couple in front of them and when they were contacted to be the flower girl and the ring holder for the wedding, they graciously took the offer. 

Ochaco tapped her binder which was full of the schedule for the wedding, "All of you to bed! You have to wake up bright and early tomorrow, so you need to go sleep!"

They all laughed as they were pushed inside, and Eri and Kota were put in the guest bedrooms. 


When Ochaco said bright and early, she meant it. She first hid Izuku under the blankets, took Katsuki out of the room, and called for Eijiro and Denki to help him get ready. She then called Momo and Kyoka to get Izuku ready while she ordered around the setting of the wedding in a hotel that was only a little while away. 

It was the most breathtaking hotel in Japan, hitting high charts always when it came to the top three in the world. Funny enough, Katsuki owned that one. 

The pool itself was the size of a lake and the building was even larger. 

Tsunami, Mono, and Edith helped Izuko get ready while Poly, Nana, and Katzumi were in cute poofy dresses with help from Tsuyu. 

"Aren't you excited, Izuko??" Edith asked, putting on her suit as well, "Your parents- married!"

Izuko nodded, "Yeah, I want to eat all the cake. I swear, that thing looks so tasty!" 

Tsunami rolled her iridescent eyes as she buttoned her long dress, "Cake, Izuko? That's all you can think about?"

When Izuko replied with a "yup!" the group shared a laugh. Eri and Kota walked, and the group recognized them right away. The two had sometimes babysat the four of them when the parents were busy. 

It was all coming to plan, and Ochaco took a breath of fresh air, "Finally, this wedding is coming out perfectly!"

The kids arrived at the hotel, along with Tsuyu, Eri and Kota, all looking fabulous in their outfits. 

Izuku came to the hotel first, since he was needed to get set up with the veil and finishing touches there, but the look on his face was enough to prove to Ochaco and the rest of the team that it was the best day for Izuku. 

Ochaco gently placed the veil on Izuku's hair, clipping in on but careful to not mess up his carefully styled hair. 

She shed a tear, "Oh, Izuku, you look wonderful."

Izuku smiled, "Thank you, Ochaco. Y'know for the wedding and the friendship and the-"

Ochaco hugged her best friend, "Anytime, Deku. Anytime."


Everything was ready now, and Izuku could barely hold onto Toshinori's arm without shaking.

"Now, now, young man," Toshinori smiled, "there's not need to be so nervous. You're love is waiting for you on the other side of this curtain. Are you ready?"

Izuku nodded, holding back the salty liquid trying its best to escape the confinements of the eye.

As the 'Wedding March' started to play, Izuku's heart beat loudly against his ribcage, and when they threw back the curtain, Izuku was blinded by the light of it all. 

Katsuki was standing on the other end of the aisle, his children were standing in the front along with his friends and family. Eri paved the way happily throwing flower petals onto the ground before sitting down as she finished. Kota stood stiff and happy next to Katsuki holding a cushion with rings tied onto them. 

It was the happiest moment that he could think of. Everyone Izuku cared about was there. Everyone Izuku loved was there. 

And most of all, Katsuki was smiling right at him, tears in his eyes and a smile that could be seen from across the world.

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