Chapter 8: The Master Plan (Part 3)

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(A/N: Oh my god, what am I writing? Feel free to skip this chapter. It's pretty sucky)

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. 

Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. 

The metallic taste of blood hit his mouth as he woke up. His head woozy, and the memories of the day coming back to him. 




A baby's loud cry woke him right up. He knew that cry. He did. He knew it very well. It was Nana's.

Izuku's sat awake, gasping for some air to fill his lungs. He was at the.... hospital? What? Wait. He didn't understand what was happening. 

"I'm sorry, Bakugou... We tried our-" Eijiro said with the tears streaming down his angled face, his bright red hair sitting flat on his head. 

"No, we didn't! There's got to be something!" Katsuki shouted, eyes full of tears that refused to fall because he refused to cry when there was nothing to cry about. 

"Awe, Kacchan, don't cry! I'm right her-" Izuku reached out for him, but something grabbed him back. Or someone. 

It was him. The man he was trying to avoid because of their complicated past, not to mention weird. 

"Izu~ I told you that you would come to reason. I told you~" He cooed, grabbing further onto his arm and pulling him close. Izuku's face rested on his strong chest, which didn't change since high school.

"No! I told you I don't want this anymore!" Izuku shouted, feeling more and more like he had when he was in his third year. 

He tsked, "Yeah, yeah. You say that, but I know you don't mean it. Mitsuki hates you anyways. Your friends already want to give up. You saw what Kirishima said. They've done everything they could have. You've been gone for weeks, Izu."

"Turn off the projection," the man said, and Izuku was sitting in a dark cell. 

"Cool, right? It wasn't fake, you saw what was happening in the hospital. You just weren't there!" he shouted. 

Izuku shivered. His mind wasn't comprehending what had happened. 

Mitsuki hates...

Give up...

Gone for weeks...

"You're lying! Lying! I was only gone for- for-" Izuku protested, feeling like a child again. He was scared like one. All adults had their weaknesses too. 

"You don't know, do you? It's because you've been sedated for so long," he said, feeling the small curls on Izuku's head. 

Izuku swatted his hand and tried to walk away but he was stopped. 

"If you leave this room, my doctor will kill them. All of them," he said, the threat wasn't a bluff.

Izuku froze in place. 

He smiled, "That's right, Izu. That's right."

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