Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 24

Start from the beginning

“Yeah, they’re the lucky ones. Plus those women weren’t in your position- they weren’t shinobi, am I right?” I stayed silent, for he was right, and I didn’t want to admit it out loud. “Ayame, you’re not the type of girl to throw away something you’ve worked so hard for. But let me say this,” Realising that my gaze had shifted to my hands, I snapped my eyes back to the male. “If anything does happen- be it a baby or severe injury- we’ll be here.” I frowned, confused.

“’We’?” Kiba’s eyes rolled, and another smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth.

“Sakura, Naruto, Kakashi, Neji, Lee- Ayame you know this, don’t play dumb.” My mouth wavered, before I let out a long, exaggerated wail.

“KIBA I LOVE YOU~! I LOVE EVERYONE~!” Kiba anxiously glanced around the restaurant, where people had begun to stare.

“Uh, okay, if you love me so much then can you please quieten down a little…?”




It was dark, and that was something I really didn’t want to face right now. I'd decided to sleep at Kakashi's house, in my old bed, hoping that being somewhere I was always at when I was a child would give me some sort of comfort.

I didn't.

I was still awake, staring at the ceiling. Every time I closed my eyes, the two choices appeared, and the only way to escape the two choices was to keep my eyes open. But even now, with counting the cracks on the ceiling, the thoughts started invading.

You can’t run from this forever.

Just don’t show up to the meeting, and you’re problem is over.

You can’t just deny him of this, this is what he’s been wanting since he was young- to continue his dying bloodline, which is reasonable. Stop being selfish.

I reached up, brushing away a tear that had escaped. No doubt I was overthinking the question, and that my lack of sleep was effecting my emotions; but I wanted to sort this out now. It’d almost been a week since I’d gotten back, and I figured that I may as well start considering my options.

Option 1: Show up at the Sachiko Inn and agree, which could possibly ruin my future and my life as a shinobi would end.

Option 2: Not show up, inevitably declining his offer and moving on with life.

Neither of those sounded appealing, and I groaned as my depression grew worse.

‘I should just sleep, I’ll think about it tomorrow with a clear head.’

Easier said than done, and I found myself still tossing and turning for a few more hours, only to be woken completely as I heard the front door open then shut quietly. Abandoning all worries, I sat up and reached under the bed, pulling out a kunai. Normally, I’d reach for my katana’s, but since the abduction from the Akatsuki, they’d been missing. I simply assumed they’d stolen them- they were good quality, after all.

Slipping out of bed, I padded to my bedroom door, listening for any disturbance. There was a light knock, and I assumed the intruder had managed to bump into the wall. Slowly my hand turned the doorknob, opening the door and peeking out- darkness.

Crouching, I darted out into the hallway, making my way closer and closer to where I sensed the dulled chakra. Whoever this person was, they were skilled. Not many could mask their chakra as well as this, and I found I was having trouble locating the position in the house. But eventually I saw the outline of the figure, sitting at the kitchen table silently.

Raising a brow I briefly wondered what sort of intruder would simply sit at a table. Then, the mass moved, and it seemed I was found out. “I woke you up, did I?” Without any hesitation I dropped the kunai and sprang up, running at the mass.

“Oto-san!” I all but tackled him to the ground, burying my face into his chest. “You smell.” A chuckle was heard, and I felt him wrap his arms around me.

“Well, I haven’t been able to shower for a fair few days, so that’s to be expected.” Not bothering to ask what his mission was, since it was confidential, I asked the next obvious point.

“Why are you home early?” Kakashi flipped on the light, which blinded me temporarily.

“Why not?” The answer was spoken as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, and it caused me to glare. Clearly my lack of sleep had ruined my mood.

“Just tell me!” Kakashi raised his visible brow, surprised by my snippiness.

“I didn’t wake you up, did I? You were already awake.” He glanced at the clock that was hanging above the table he’d been previously seated at. “It’s four in the morning. Either you’ve decided to wake up exceptionally early, or you haven’t been able to sleep. You’ve never really been a partier, after all.” Pursing my lips, I let my arms drop from around him, but his own arms didn’t let me free. “Ayame, what’s wrong?”

I sighed, thinking. No doubt Kakashi would know the second I told him anything, and that would put both me and Sasuke in danger. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that Kakashi would do anything in his power to protect me, but Sasuke? I wasn’t so sure.

“Nothing’s wrong, I’m just stressed from the mission, and I’m tired.” Well, it was all the truth; I just didn’t go into detail.

“Hm.” And Kakashi picked up on it. “Sleep in my bed with me tonight, like you used to.” I blinked a few times, surprised. “Remember the first few weeks after I took you in?”

Indeed I did. I’d been plagued by nightmares, and of course I was scared. Being brought into a house and meeting all new people was terrifying, and the lack of snow- I was upset about that, of course. Kakashi would hear me at night crying, although I tried my best to keep my volume at a minimal, and he’d take me into his room and he’d tell me funny stories about what had happened that day until I fell asleep.

“Come on, get settled in and I’ll make us some tea.” Kakashi released his hold and put a hand on my shoulder, smiling behind his mask. Staring for a few seconds, my mouth finally curved into a smile.




hah yeah. I felt like writing this chapter for a while, I was just excited for the Kiba scene; although, it wasn't supposed to be so dramatic. Imma write how I wanted it to go right here, just for the lolz. idk this part right here is why i started writing this chapter, and it didn't happen officially, so imma write it for myself. OK?! 

I grinned, watching as Kiba put the two staws up his nose and wiggled them around. A waitress approached, making a face at the brown haired male who simply grinned up at her. "Two milkshakes, please!" The lady nodded hesitantly, and it was then that Kiba started to reel back. 

He was going to sneeze. 

Launching forward, he did as I predicted. The straws flung from his nose and landed straight in my previously ordered soup. I stared at the two plastic objects floating in the liquid, and I couldn't help but start to laugh. The waitress, however, was not so impressed. With a huff, she wrote down our second orders and marched away. 

"What's up her butt?" I asked after I was finished laughing, and noticed Kiba staring at her 'lower back' as she departed. 

"Well, I know what I wish was up her butt." Making a face, I slapped him across the head. "OW! I'm kidding!" The male's face contorted from pain to amusment. "I'd much rather you."


Okay I'm done. Simple fanservice for myself. For the record, that scene would totally happen. i don't know, I just find that I imagine Ayame's and Kiba's relationship much deeper than I've really shown. WAIT, NO, STAHP, OR I'LL SHIP THEM. 

Okay I better go. I'm tired so I'll probably write something now, wake up, and be like "seriously? SERIOUSLY?" And then be too lazy to change it so erhoaidsj okay bai. 

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