He stepped into the shower. It was nice and warm when it hit his body. He loved it. Especially after a long and pretty boring day. There was just something so relaxing about warm showers.

He just stood and let the water run down his body. It was hard to put soap on when he was dry so.

He was enjoying himself until the shower curtain opened. His eyes widened, noticing soon enough. He turned to look, seeing Pico.. naked??!

"AAAH-!" Keith yelled, turning to look away and hugging himself. "WHY ARE YOU NAKED?!" He screamed. Getting embarrassed by the situation.

"What do you mean 'why am I naked'? People don't shower with clothes on." He responded. That was pretty damn obvious wasn't it?

"Besides, it ain't nothing you haven't seen before." He commented with a light grin.

"Huh?!" Keith looked confused. "I'm showering with you." He said, Stepping into the shower with him.

"I told you to stay out there!!" He shouted. His face all flustered out of embarrassment. It's true, it's not like they haven't seen each other naked before. But this was just.. embarrassing!

"This honestly saves money from the water bill." Pico commented. He wasn't worried about that though.

He placed his hands on Keith's sides. Leaning toward him. "We should do this more often.." He placed a kiss on his shoulder.

Keith lightly flinched, a bit surprised by that. "This is why I told you to stay out there.." He knew Pico would try some shit like this. "Don't pull this stuff right now!" He splashed water in his face.

Pico didn't mind it, it wasn't much anyway. "But it's the 'stuff' you like." He smirked. Keith could just hear the flirtatious tone in his voice.

Keith closed his eyes, still sort of embarrassed by this. But it soon started to slowly wash away with the water.

"You're cute you know." Pico let his hands roam around his sides. But no where else just yet..

"..Stop." Keith's voice slightly hitched, feeling him rub up against him. Slightly grinding himself on him. Keith couldn't help but bite his lip.

"Do you really want me to..?" Pico was more of the aggressive type, but if he truly was making him feel uncomfortable, he'd stop.

Keith actually.. sort of liked this type of behavior from him. He didn't know why but, he wouldn't mind if he kept going for a bit..

He lightly shook his head. The water gently hitting the top of his hair. Making it a bit damp. Pico gave a low grin. Moving forward and kissing him on his cheek. He knew he wouldn't hate this.

"I can feel it.." Keith mentioned, talking about what was pressing up against his lower back. "Yeah..? Feel it even more." He said, grabbing him by his waist. Purposely rubbing his dick against him.

"You're the one who came in here.. so don't tease me." Keith glared back at him. Pico a bit surprised, he even got a bit more turned on from that comment-

Is that what he wanted? Well shit you didn't have to tell him twice.

Pico turned his head, making him look back to kiss him. Keith slowly turned around himself so that he was facing him. Making it easier to kiss him back.

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