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Y/N couldn't help but feel completely dumbfounded as Punz repeated his words.

"You've out cold for a bit over a week. Wilbur said you passed out during a conversation with him after having a panic attack." Punz explained carefully as the quartet of players tromped through the woods.

Tubbo interjected quickly, his voice wavering with an anxious tone. "But Fundy said you're not sick or anything!! Eret thinks you were just emotionally overwhelmed or whatever he said." Tommy nodded in agreement, but it didn't help to calm Y/N's nerves.

Because while they thought it was a panic attack, she knew full well it was because of that god- that thing.

'What the hell am I going to do if it comes back?  What is it trying to do to me??' her head was spinning with all the questions and insecurities she reflected on.

A heavy hand squeezed her shoulder affectionately and she looked up to meet Punz's careful gaze.

"You'll be okay."

It was simple, and in some cases probably would have been what she needed to calm down, but in this situation it just wasn't that easy.

"Why is Dream going crazy? Why did he chase after us like that?" Punz looked away for a moment before sighing.

"... I don't know exactly, but it feels like he's slipping. Something not right with him. He's been mumbling to himself lately and having nasty fits of rage when someone slightly inconveniences him." Punz watched his companions face carefully as she took in the information. Her face contorted into confusion and concern when suddenly Tommy let out a sharp yelp.

Tubbo follow suit, but when Y/N and Punz looked up from their conversation, neither of the boys were anywhere to be seen.

"TOMMY? TUBBO!" Punz shouted, raising his sword out of his sheath and taking a defensive stance in front of Y/N.

Y/N grabbed ahold of a knife strapped to Punz's belt and drew forwards, eyes attuned to the dark forest as she scanned it for trouble.

A deep, almost rumbling voice called from above them.

"Bruh you guys are TERRIBLE at bein' stealthy like seriously I could hear you from thirty feet away."

A flash of red and white landed in front of the duo, revealing an impossibly tall piglin, dressed in a formal white shirt with a red sash and cape lined with white fur.

The piglins face was covered in scars, and the top third of his left tusk was chip off. His eyes were black, with white slits as pupils.

Y/N had never seen anything more terrifying, and she could this piglin knew that.

However, despite her fear towards the creature, Punz visibly relaxed, letting out a heavy sigh as he lowered his sword.

"You scared the shit out of me, Techno." 'Techno' let out a chuckled and looked entirely amused by Punz's reaction. "What'd you do with Tommy and Tubbo?" Punz asked, raising a brow. Techno shrugged. "They're hanging around."

All three of them looked up, and Y/N inhaled sharply as she saw Tommy and Tubbo hanging from a tree by a rope tied around their ankles. Neither looked very amused about their situation.

"TECHNO I'LL FIGHT YOU IF YOU DON'T LET ME DOWN FROM HERE!" Tommy shouted, and in response Techno chucked his axe up into the tree, scaring both teenagers into screaming. But the axe never hit them. It cut the rope and fell back down into Techno's hands as Tommy and Tubbo tumbled to the ground.

"Happy?" Techno asked, looking down at the blonde. Tommy lift a hand to give him the bird and grumbled something into the dirt.

Punz sighed heavily, his hands on his hip. "Let's not murder the children I'm trying to save, please?" Techno cleared his throat and nodded, glancing at Y/N for a moment.

"Alright. Let's go."


The walk through the forest was quieter this time, but Tommy clearly held a fascination with Technoblade, as you'd been told his full name by now.

Technoblade was... Interesting. He seemed like a completely and totally normal human being - except for the fact that he was a piglin, and on some places was referred to as "The Blood God". He refused to elaborate on that.

Techno didn't understand sign language, so Punz translated for you most of them time, as long as Tommy didn't butt in.

Tubbo was mostly quiet, staying by your side and occasionally holding your hand as you walked.

This simple act also sent your head spiralling into cuteness, but you didn't want to embarrass him so you never said anything.

After a while the trees lessened and slowly changed into spruce and pines, the weather getting colder to the point of snow.

Tommy had kidnapped Techno's cape at that point to stay warm, which the blood god apparently didn't mind. Punz offered you his hoodie, saying he had a thick long sleeve on underneath, but you declined and gave it to Tubbo, who'd been silently shivering for a while.

Not to say you weren't cold yourself, but you cared more for the children's well-being than your own at this point.

As you came around a large hill, Technoblade turned to face the group. "Uh real quick. I have like. A ton of animals, so don't freak out if a polar bear or an Endermen comes up to you."

You blinked twice, and made the assumption he was joking about the Endermen by the grin on his face, but after Punz elaborated that he had an Enderman in his house, sitting in a boat, you quickly interjected.

"You have an... Enderman. In your house."

Punz chuckled as he spoke. "She's shocked about the Enderman." Techno laughed and waved his hand as he rounded the hill. "Yeah most people don't like Endermen but he's a good roommate."

Again Y/N was shocked, but she didn't have time to sign anything before Techno shouted something again

"PHILZA! PHILZA WAKE UP OLD MAN WE'VE GOT NERDS VISITING!!" His voice was laced with amusement as he shouted, and something in Tommy and Tubbo's demeanors changed.

They both perked up, looked at eachother and raced to catch up with Techno.

"PHILLL!!" Tommy shouted as a man with blonde hair dressed in green robes opened the door to the house sitting near the slope of the hill.

Y/N thought him an ordinary person until giant black wings spread out from behind his back, and he flew up and towards the small group of visitor.


3/4 SBI

SilentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora