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It'd been about an hour since her spat with Sapnap, and she'd been wandering through the woods to clear her thoughts and sort her feelings out.

Needless to say she was still angry at Sapnap, but not I-Want-To-Punch-You-In-The-Face angry.

Who was he to try and pry information out of her? And to restrain her for gods sake.

Had he gone insane or something? Was the upcoming war getting to him?

...Was he afraid she'd betray them too?

She may have been isolated out in the woods but she hadn't lost her marbles, jeez.

She cared deeply for Sapnap and George - although she could do without the addition of Dream's snarky comments and switchy personality.

The guy acted like he hated her one moment and then was all nice and apologizing the next, like what the hell??

She could have sworn these three were going to drive her nuts, and she'd only been here two days.

...No... That wasn't fair to them. They haven't seen her in years and she'd be an idiot to expect them to be exactly the same.

Dream probably didn't trust her very much at the moment because she was new and came from outside his SMP. It was probably a startling thought.

She half started to wonder about his mask again before letting out a frustrated groan, shifting her hand to grip the sword at her hip and slice a thin tree branch clean off the trunk.

Yelling out her frustrations sounded like a nice idea at that moment, but she'd rather not get into more trouble.

Honestly the whole situation was just frustrating.

... She really needed to find a new word.

Livid? Pissed off? Royally ticked? Exasperated, irrate, dispirited, irked?

Oh the list of words goes on. How's a girl to chose. Perhaps irrate would work.

There was no use stewing in her own irritance for much longer. She'd practically worn a path with all the pacing she'd done back and forth between the pine trees, not to mention the hacked off limbs of some of the smaller trees now laying defeated on the grass below them.

She mentally grumbled at mess, and shoved a few of the branches into a pile behind a larger tree.

It's not likely anyone came out that far, anyway.

Er - at least she hoped.

Another sigh escaped her lips as she trudged back the way she initially came, slipping her sword back into it's scabbard and letting it rest against her belt.

With deft fingers she ran her hand through her hair, breathing deeply as she felt the soft breeze that wafted through the trees on the early morning sun.

If she hadn't been so distraught by her own thoughts, she might have notice just how peaceful and beautiful it was out here.

Untouched by ash. By war or debris. No fighting, no shouts of anger or pain. No orders from commanders and no vague threats to be fret upon.

No loud rustling of trees, no bustling of animals or pattering, chittering birds.


It was dead silent.

She shifted her gaze to the tree tops, eyes widening as her gaze fell upon a deep, red sky, with a painfully bright sun sitting directly above her.

It wasn't noon. Far from it. It was at the lastest nine o' clock.

What the hell was going on?

"It took you this long to notice?"

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