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That morning wasn't quite as peaceful as the last one had been.

It was raining, hard, which meant the team couldn't patrol as easily for a while because of the muddy ground.

Sapnap and Dream had left to mine in the nether for a while, leaving George and Y/N to watch over the house and the SMP. This gave them the perfect chance to talk, as Y/N had been meaning to for a bit.

They were both sitting in the living room, Y/N was watching the rain trickle down the clear windows and the dark forest beyond with little interest, while George was seated near by, reading a book. Dream's cat, Patches, was laying on the window sill watching them curiously but keeping to herself.

It was much quieter in the house when Sapnap and Dream were gone. No thumping from heavy foot falls upstairs or any yelling across hallways. George was quiet most of the time, and even when he spoke it wasn't terribly loud. Only the sound of rain beating against the roof and the occasional flip of a page murmured through the comfortable room.

Y/N inhaled deeply, settling her nerves before turning towards George.

She tapped the top of his book to get his attention and he looked up at her instantly, a little confused.

"They back already?" He asked, glancing around. She shook her head and signed to him.

"No, but I wanted to ask you something about Tommy." George stiffened at the mention of Tommy, but nodded after a moment. "Sure, what's up?" He set down his book to give her his attention, a faint frown in his eyes.

"What all has he done since he got here? I'd ask the others instead of bothering you but honestly you're the only mature one of you three." George chuckled, a light blush dusting his cheeks and he glanced at the floor. "Yeah they can be a little childish at times, but when you see Dream in battle there's no doubting he's an adult. The guy's insane at PvP." He beamed as she chuckled. "I'll take your word on that." He nodded, shifting forwards so he was sitting next to her while they talked.

Part of him really wanted to wrap an arm around behind her, just nonchalantly be close, but his nervousness refused to let him be too forward. She didn't seem to mind him sitting next to her though.

"Well, Tommy's stolen items from people, killed pets - although Sapnap's done that too - started a war with Dream over a couple of discs, begged for forgiveness, gotten it and thrown it away again... Honestly the list goes on. He's just a trouble maker in general. I still don't know why Dream hasn't thrown him out." He sighed, leaning back against the couch while subtly leaning towards Y/N.

"Sounds like he's gotten worse." Y/N sighed, her gaze a bit distant as she breathed deeply. Her eyes looked slightly hurt, as if she'd lost someone.

"So what about you? How do you know Tommy?" George asked, making her look up and make eyes contact with him.

"We grew up in the same village. He tailed behind me most of the time, watching me train or beg to spar some times. I always said no but he never stopped insisting. He claimed he wanted to make his brother - Wilbur - proud. Never really understood why though." George hummed quietly in response, lacing his fingers together in thought.

"Sounds pretty wholesome for Tommy." He commented quietly, closing his eyes for a moment.

He slipped the white glasses off of his head and placed them down on the side table near the couch, then reaching out to take Y/N's hands in his. He looked up at her with sympathetic eyes, and she stared back.

"I'm sorry you have to fight people you know and love. I know how hard it is to watch someone fall away from you..." He whispered, gaze filling with hurt as he recalled past events.

"This war will be hard on all of us. But I'm willing to fight to protect my friends."

George's eyes locked with hers again, and being met with a pair of melancholic E/C eyes. Y/N smiled softly at George, tilting her head slightly as he stumbled over his next words.

Every time she spoke it was like something in him snapped and he couldn't think properly anymore. All he could think about was her voice. How smooth and sweet it sounded, how thoughtful her words were. It blew him away how much power someone's voice had over him.

"I know. I trust you." He said after a moment of silence, and his heart melted as she beamed at him with a kind smile. He leaned forward just a little, locking gazes with her again.

He'd felt drawn to her for so long it was almost unfair how much he wanted to kiss her.

He wasn't oblivious, he knew he had feelings for her, but she'd said things in the past that made him think she didn't want a romantic relationship. Things along the lines of "I'm a warrior not a little girl".

It didn't help that he was fairly certain Sapnap had a crush on her as well.

Maybe he should just let it go, find something else focus his attention...

He blinked as she cleared her throat, her hands squeezing his gently before letting go. "Thank you, George. For answering my question." She signed, sitting back against the couch. He chuckled nervously and nodded, tugging on his shirt collar as his cheeks warmed up. "Of course! No pr-problem! Anytime."


Oh the comedic timing, you damned arsonist.

George scowled as he felt a sort of frustration boil inside his chest. It seemed like every attempt he'd make at having a nice conversation with Y/N was interrupted by his friend. Was it intentional?? Was Sapnap just messing with him now? It was really irritating.

"What is it, Sapnap." The guy in question raised his hands defensively, chuckling nervously. "Eesh, snappy today aren't we? Did you get woken up from your beauty sleep?" Sapnap snickered as he walked over, standing next to Y/N near the couch.

George stood up abruptly from the couch, and without another word exited the room.

Y/N raised her hand to stop him, but Sapnap grabbed her wrist to pull her back.

"Don't, he's just pissy at me for teasing him. He'll get over it." Sapnap shrugged, sighing as he watched George leave.

"Anyway, Dream and I found a good bunch of Netherite while in the Nether, so we can get you some decent armor." He beamed at her, and she raised a brow at him.

"What's wrong with the armor I already have?" She signed, crossing her arms afterwards. "Well nothing's wrong with it, but we can make better stuff." He grinned, offering his hand for her to take.

"Let me show you."


Eyy, another chapter
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