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Have I mentioned how terrible my memory is?

Here's ur chapter lol


Punz wound up walking back to base with the three as they followed the cobblestone path back to the portal.

He introduced himself to Y/N as a mercenary, and a... Hesitant friend of Dream's.

Apparently the green man had a penchant for snapping when he was under stress, which offered a little consolation to Y/N after his outburst prior.

Punz seemed nice enough, if not a little quiet and a bit too interested in his job, but he carried a conversation with her the whole way-ranging from what weapons he liked to use to a fox he'd seen in a spruce forest the other day. She was rather surprised he understood sign language.

George and Sapnap trailed behind them having their own hushed conversation, and occasionally Y/N caught Sapnap giving Punz an unnoticed glare.

She caught his attention discreetly at one point and raised a brow questioningly, but he only beamed at her like nothing had happened.

She shrugged it off, hoping it wasn't a big deal.

What she couldn't shrug off was the interaction between her and the two just minutes earlier.

The way they held her so protectively like she'd disappear given the chance. The way George held her hands so gently as if they were made of thin glass... Sapnap's wavering voice when he practically begged her to talk to them, only for their efforts to be discarded when Punz showed up.

The thought of Sapnap's arms wrapped around her waist made her face heat up and she found herself glancing back at him. Unluckily for her he noticed just as she turned her head back, and he winked, causing her face to flush even more.

Crossing her arms in annoyance at herself, Y/N took a deep breath, cooling down her cheeks.

She could hear Sapnap chuckle behind her but refused to let it bother her. He'd already gotten her flustered, there was no point in giving him any more of her attention.

Besides, she had her thoughts to sort out anyway.

"You aren't terribly bright, are you?"

A sharp pain shot through her skull as the voice rattled around in her skull, cause her to flinch and press a palm to her forehead, muttering a quiet "ow".

"You alright? Heat gettin' to you?" Punz put a hand on her shoulder, looking her up and down. "I'm fine. I just don't want to be here anymore." Y/N sighed heavily, her gaze hardening as she watched the black and purple outline of the nether portal come into view.

"We're almost, N/N, we can take a nap when we get there if you want." George piped up, giving her a bright smile when she turned her head to meet his gaze. "Sure. I might steal the couch." Sapnap snorted, a puff of smoke rising out of his mouth.

"Why not just sleep in your room? Do you not like beds now?" He teased, raising an eyebrow cockliy.

"I don't sleep very well in strange places." Y/N muttered. She was slightly surprised when Punz spoke up aswell.

"Beds are overrated anyway. It's either too soft or too hard. Just lie on a sheep. They're comfy and they're already warm."

Y/N had to double take before catching just was he meant.

"You've... Used wild sheep as pillows?"

Punz pop a yup before turning back the way he was walking, seemingly stating he was done talking.

This guy was weird.

But not in a bad way.

Just... Quirky.

"Come on Y/N I'll race you!" Sapnap bumped your arm with his as he ran past, grinning like a child on Christmas day. His hair swoop as he turned back around, the bandana keeping it out of his hair whiping behind him.

"Hey that's not fair! What about George!?" She called back, catching the soft smile on Georges face as she said that.

"He'll be fine, he'll catch up!" Was Sapnap's only reply before bolting down the hill towards the Crimson Forest.

Y/N gave a glance towards George-who shrugged-before running after Sapnap.

He already had a headstart, and hus legs were much longer than hers do she knew he'd win, but it was still fun to chase him.

Kind if reminded her of the "manhunts" they'd told her about that they did with Dream.

She watched as Sapnaps figure got further down the hill, and once he hit the bottom he turned towards her yelled,



There was no way she was looking now.

She didn't even know this guy very well, like hell was she gonna kiss him!

Glancing back at George and Punz, she noticed Punz's face had morphed into a state of confusion and disgust, while George was struggling to hold in his laughter, shaking slightly as Punz jabbed him in the side with his elbow.

Rolling her eyes she bolted after Sapnap, who laughed hysterically as he ran ahead of her.

"Sorry short stack but I'm not kissing a mercenary!" He cackled, dodging through the red Vines that hung from the crimson trees.

Y/N snorted in distaste, clearly not interested in kissing Punz either, but for different reasons.

She had to admit, he had a nice face though.


Sapnap hadn't gotten too far before getting tangled around some trees with low hanging vines, Y/N took the opportunity to climb up one of the trees to get a better chance at passing him.

She couldn't outrun him, but she might outsmart him.

Climbing over the first tree was easy, they we're terribly tall and the stalks were thick. The hard part was getting over to the next one at a consistent pace so that she could pass Sapnap before he got untangled.

Stepping forwards on the thick, mushroom-like substance, Y/N braced herself and launched forwards onto the next tree, landing squarely on the top of the crimson, stumbling forward to keep her balance.

Maybe this wouldn't be so difficult after all.

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