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I am late but that is okay!!!! Because!!! Long chapter!!!! Also fighting skeletons and swearing so be careful

Also more people are adding this to their reading lists and it makes me happy >:D


The trip to the Nether was way less than favorable. Anything that could've gone wrong, pretty much went wrong.

As they entered the Nether through their hidden portal they were dropped immediately into a wandering group of hoglins in the crimson forest. Sapnap and Dream took care of them quickly, but the beasts managed to scrape them up a little in their attempt to protect the rest of the team.

After they moved passed the Crimson forest they entered a soul sand valley, which created it's own problems. The way they were headed branched over a large section of soul sand. In the previous trip, Sapnap and Dream had built a cobblestone bridge over it to save time later, but a ghast had come by and blown up a good portion.

So while George set down the stones he had on hand, Y/N trudged through some soul sand to gather more and Dream helped her carry it back to the other two.

While they were carrying the stones back, Dream cleared his throat to catch her attention. "Everything okay? You've been quiet. Er- unmoving?" He wasn't sure how to indicate her sign language and she chuckled breathily. "Mhm." She hummed, not being able to give a proper response because she was carrying a collection of stones.

"Are you still mad at Sapnap?" She thought for a moment, pulling her legs forward to trudge through the thick soul sand. It felt like it was crawling up her legs as she walked, but in reality it just sunk under her weight and was difficult to pull out of. At least it wasn't quick sand.

She nodded hesitantly to answer Dream, and he sighed, his gaze shifting aside as he helped her over a mound of Netherrack that was in their path.

"...Are you... still mad at me?"

His voice came out little more than a whisper, but loud enough to be heard over the eerie echoes of Ghasts and the rattling of skeletons lurking in the shadows.

He sounded almost remorseful, yet somehow still stubborn, if that was even possible. Maybe she was Imagining that part from what little she knew about the guy.

If she thought about it much she wasn't entirely sure if she was still mad or not. He certainly hadn't made himself out to be the gentlest of people, but at the same time she understood the stress he was under with L'manburg threatening to take his land from him.

But L'manburg had Tommy and Tubbo in it. And they we're children being dragged into something far too large and complicated for them to understand, yet Dream seemed to ignore that fact when facing Tommy before.

It was a lose-lose situation. And she couldn't help but feel lost within the war. Had she picked the right side? Should she confront Tommy and Tubbo directly? Should she leave it be and hope for the best?

A pair of fingers snapped in front of her face, startling her out of her train of thought. She blinked back into focus, looking up at Dream, who was standing in front of her with his head tilted slightly to the left.

"Are you okay? You were zoning out pretty hard there." He asked, chuckling when she nodded harshly, a pale red blush dusting her cheeks in embarrassment.

He shifted his weight to carry the cobblestone easier and stepped aside for her to continue on, picking up their "conversation" again.

"I didn't know it took so much thinking to answer a simple yes or no question." Dream teased and Y/N elbowed him back, rolling her eyes.

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