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Happy pride month <3

Also thank you for 1.19k reads!! I'm glad people enjoy this story :] it's been giving me serotonin lately.


Y/N cracked open the front door of the house, wincing as it creaked from the motion.

The trip back to the house was rather uneventful, despite her nervousness about being jumped on, like the last two times she'd left the house.

Luck just wasn't on her side this week as it seems. At least she wasn't dead or severely injured.

The house was quiet as she walked into the foyer, glancing around at the dark oak walls and the doorways for any signs of life. It was quiet, almost a bit eerie. 

 Y/N sighed, half wondering if they'd gone out or were looking for her. How long had she been asleep out in the forest? The sun didn't seem to change much, but to be fair she hadn't paid too much attention to it while she was walking.

"Hey." A much deeper voice than her own called from behind her and she jumped, taking a step forwards and turning around, eyes wide as she caught a flash of green before catching the gaze of the man who'd snuck up behind her.

"You were out for a while." Dream leaned against the front door's trim, arms crossed and hood up. If she was honest with herself it was kind of intimidating, with how tall he was.

Not that she was terribly shorter than him, but it still added to the effect.

"Yeah. Sapnap was being a dick so I went for a walk before I did anything stupid." She signed, fixing her stance as she wasn't as startled now. She purposefully left out the cryptic dream she had, not wanting to seem like she was insane or something.

There was a moment of silence as Dream presumably looked her up and down with the tilt of his mask.

"Hmm. He left a bit ago to look for you. Looked pretty stressed." His tone was flat, like he was unamused by the whole situation, and Y/N's brows knitted together. "You good? You sound frustrated." Dream tilted his head to the side like he was confused, but ultimately shook it instead. "No, I just didn't get much sleep last night after the meeting." "Thinking too much?" "...Yeah." That sounded like a flat out lie, and she raised an eyebrow at him.

He didn't make any notation of acknowledging her silent inquiry and instead stood up from the doorframe. "Come on, let's get George up and go find Sapnap before he burns down another forest looking for you."

She refused to follow after him as he walked over to the livingroom doors, and as he looked over his shoulder she shook her head. "After the stunt he pulled this morning, you guys can find him on your own."  Dream shifted his gaze slightly to look at you better, but sighed and muttered under his breath. "Of course he did..." and walked through the doors.

She was left standing in the foyer, a little confused by his choice of words, but quickly shook it off and wandered up the stairs to her room. 

She changed into some more comfortable clothing, making sure it was nothing she particularly cared for in case she went out into the woods again. She pulled off her boots and put on some sneakers instead, seeing as they were more comfortable, and as far as she was aware, they weren't doing any fighting today.

She walked back down the stairs, coming to the kitchen door, which was open just a tad with the light on.

She could hear Dream and Sapnap's voices from inside ,and she leaned against the wall to listen.

"I asked you not  to be an ass about it and what do I find out you did? Grabbed her and tried to force it out of her??  What the hell!?" Dream sounded angry, much angrier than she'd heard before. Perhaps that's why he'd sounded off when they spoke earlier.

"I was trying to help, Dream. You don't have to yell at me for doing what you told me. Besides, she's my friend, not yours." There was silence for a moment, and someone sighed heavily.

"You don't get to decide who's her friend and who's not. That's her decision." Dream's voice was low, and part of Y/N thanked him for saying that. She wasn't sure what was going on with Sapnap lately, but it was unusual.

"That's not- I wasn't- I wasn't trying to say that you can't be friends, I'm just saying that you aren't right now! Jesus." 

What the hell, dude.

"And how would you know? Have you been spying on us? Are you psychic now?" Dream teased lightheartedly, perhaps trying to lighten the dark mood, but Sapnap wasn't having any of it. 

"Piss off, Clay."

There was a slow intake of breath, and Y/N decided she'd better stop snooping and make her presence known. She swung open the door casually, and glanced at both of the men in the room.

Dream stared at her for a moment before nodding in acknowledgement, Sapnap sputtered for a moment, surprised by her entrance. "Y -Y/N! Uh- Hey." Y/N gave him half a glare and walked over to the cabinets, opening one to find something to eat.

"First cabinet left of the fridge is for breakfast foods, and the cabinet next to you is for dishes." She looked over her shoulder at Dream as he spoke, nodding to him. 

Sapnap stood their awkwardly as you made yourself something to eat, seeing as you hadn't had anything when you woke up because of the whole deal that morning. Y/N didn't have any intention of making things lighter for him. He'd made her far more uncomfortable then than he felt now.

Dream decided to sit with you while you ate in silence, but Sapnap quickly made his way out of the kitchen when he realized neither of you were going to talk with him around, since you were both angry at him. As he walked out, George slipped past him into the kitchen, looking thoroughly confused.

"So are we giving Sapnap the silent treatment now? He looks pissed." Both Y/N and Dream looked up upon his entrance and Dream sighed. "He was being an ass, don't worry." George hummed curiously before sitting down next to the pair. "Okay...Well uhm. Are we doing anything today?"

Dream rest his chin in his hand as he leaned against the table. "Yeah. I need to go to the nether again and finish out that mine. We also need to finish up her armor." He jabbed a thumb at Y/N, who hummed in response. Sapnap never did get around to showing her what that was all about.

"Oh and one of you needs to grind for experience so we can enchant it too. I've got nothing since the last time a skeleton sniped me." He sounded irritated by the mention of the skeleton and George snickered. "It didn't snipe you, it was like five feet in front of you. You just suck." Dream scoffed as George sent him a smirk. "Shut up George, you fell in a hole you dug the other day." "It was an accident! I wasn't looking where I was walking!" "Yeah sure." Y/N could hear the grin in Dream's voice, and she was glad for the change of atmosphere. It wasn't nearly as suffocating, even though the lingering feeling was still there.

After Y/N ate and chatted with Dream and George for a while (mostly listening to them bicker, but she did leave her input occasionally), finding out that Dream actually didn't know much sign language. He knew enough to catch most of what she was saying, but sometimes he'd just use context to know what she was saying.

George said he'd teach him some later, and despite Dream protesting and saying it'd be embarrassing, Y/N offered to help out as well, since she knew it the best.

"Alright, grab your stuff I'll meet you two at the portal. If you see Sapnap tell him to meet us there aswell." Dream gestured to Y/N and she nodded, bounding up the stairs to her room. She passed Sapnap's room on the way to hers and knocked on the door. It almost immediately opened to his surprised face and she nodded to him. "We're going to the Nether. Grab your stuff." With that turned to walk away, but Sapnap grabbed her wrist.

She raised a brow at him, skeptical. "I'm sorry." His voice sounded slightly nervous, but she turned back to him, her skeptical look turning sympathetic.

The guy really was just like a big dumb puppy. You leave him alone for five minutes and it's like you've left for two years.

...Granted She did do that, but still.

"It's fine. But I wanna see your supposedly "famous" roasted cherries tonight or we'll have issues, capisce?" He snickered and nodded. "Alright. I will."


1483 words :]

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