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Things in parentheses () are subjective to what you prefer ^^ feel free to change/ignore them!

Also a friend told me I should include thoughts so a slight change in writing style!


The strategy meeting went decently, besides the curtness between Dream and Y/N and the awkward tension it formed.

The plan was to ask for surrender one more time before fully declaring war. To give Wilbur one more chance before they completely destroyed L'manburg with TNT.

It also gave Y/N a chance to talk to him about Tommy and Tubbo. How they shouldn't be part of a war, and Wilbur should find some place else to settle his nation.

If she was honest with herself, Y/N thought Sapnap, George and Dream had been rather forgiving with this whole mess. Tommy had created countless issues between people and Wilbur just straight up was doing illegal stuff-and dragging children into it as well.

"So we're decided? One last chance and we blow it all to shit?" Dream leaned forward onto the table, shifting his mask to sit on his face a bit more comfortably. He tapped his fingers on the wood, staring silently as he waited for Sapnap and George to respond.

George seemed hesitant, but he nodded, his eyes trained on the floor as he thought deeply. Contemplating their choices.

Sapnap shrugged, giving a sigh as he rest his hands behind his head, crossing his legs as he hummed. "I wish we didn't have to. It's just annoying. I'd rather go back to commiting arson, y'know?" He chuckled as Y/N sent him an inquiring glare. "Excuse me?" She signed to him and scoffed as the dark haired netherian chuckled nervously. "Nobody gets hurt! Just... Stuff, usually."  He crossed his arms infront of him, shrugging with little care.

"That's not the point right now." Dream interrupted, placing his hands on the table as he stood up. Being the tallest in the room he towered over the other three, creating a tense atmosphere as he spoke.

His masked face turned to Y/N and she met him with her full attention. "Y/N. I know you have connections with L'manburg - specifically Tommy and Tubbo. Are you willing to put aside your relationships to help us get our land back?" She couldn't see his eyes but she could tell he was skeptical.

She glanced at her close friends, searching if they held the same discriminating glare.

Sapnap met her eyes and gave a small, reassuring smile. He wasn't nearly as skeptical as Dream was.

Part of her felt indignant that Dream didn't trust her, but she refused to lose her temper again and nodded, crossing her arms in front of her as she met Dreams eyes.

He seemed almost hesitant to accept her reply, and continued to hold their intense staring contest for a moment too long, the air getting awkward as neither seemed to want to look away.

She had no idea what Dream's expression was, but she could only assume he was glaring.

George cleared his throat, looking up from the table and raising his hands. "Well now that it's decided, why don't we all get some rest? It's nearly one in the morning by now and we have a lot to do for the week." He offered, smiling at his friends as he stood up, not waiting for an answer before walking towards the doors. "I'll probably be asleep later than usual. I don't stay up this late these days." He waved to the three at the table before closing the doors behind him.

Y/N sighed heavily, letting her arms uncross as she stood up as well, nodding to Sapnap and giving Dream a look.

"I'll stay to lock things up, you go ahead, Dream." Sapnap offered and the masked man nodded, following Y/N out the door.

She hadn't had any intention of speaking to Dream after that whole fiasco, but when she felt a hand grasp her wrist she turned to see Dream standing behind her.

"Hey," he started but stopped himself, letting go of her wrist and clearing his throat.

"Look, I'm sorry for being a dick earlier. This whole situation really pisses me off and I guess I just... Took it out on you." He shifted his mask as he tilted his head to the side, awaiting her reply. She mimicked his motion and tilted her head, eyes narrowing slightly.

'Honestly he's got some nerve even talking to me right now.' She hummed, thinking for a moment before giving Dream a curt nod and promptly walking up the stairs without a word.

'I don't want to talk to him, maybe tomorrow when I'm not as angry, but definitely not right now.' As she reached the top of the stairs she glanced down them to see Dream staring up at her. He caught her gaze and quickly averted his eyes. She heard him clear his throat as he walked down the hall and out of sight.

'Odd. Was he just curious or was he glaring at me? I really hate that mask some times...' Y/N hummed softly as she turned the knob on the door to her bedroom, running a hand through her hair (and untying it to let it fall to her shoulders).

Exhaustion washed over her as she sat down on the bed, leaning down to untie the laces of her boots. She kicked them off to the side, stretching as she stood up to change into some sleep attire. George had left her a small pile of clothing that she could wear until this whole thing was over, since she hadn't really had time to pack anything but the essentials of battle with the urgency of the letter.

She brushed her hair out and took a shower, letting her muscles relax as the hot water faintly messaged her back.

Y/N didn't expect Wilbur to back down, that just wasn't like him, and that meant she'd have to against fight him and L'manburg. She just hoped she could convince him to discharge Tommy and Tubbo for their age. It just wasn't right to put children in danger like this, no matter the cause. They should be off creating mischief, not planning wars and getting injured.

Sleep held little rest for her that night as her mind processed the information she'd been given by Dream about L'manburg and it's citizens.

There wasn't much she could do but wait for orders, and she hated that she'd most likely have to fight people she'd known in such a trivial squabble over land.

'There's no point in over thinking it now... I should just get some rest and talk to George in the morning...'


Bruh this kind of fanfic is not my forte but I hope it's decent in some way xD
Next chapter should be out soon, it'll be a bit more romantic now :)
Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments ❤️
Thank you for the votes on the previous chapters!!

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