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Y/N Had been planning an escape from Tommy's grasp, but the dog beta her to it, slipping past Tubbo and snatching Tommy's shirt by the hem, pulling him away from Y/N and forcing him to stumble to the ground.

Y/N Winced as Tommy hit the ground, and instinctively reached out to help him, but in that moment the dog grabbed her by the shirt sleeve and started dragging her towards the back door.

'How the hell is this dog so smart?? What kind of canine did Dream tame???' Y/N Was purely stupefied by the dogs intuitiveness that it took her a moment to realize it was dragging her away from the from door, where she assumed Dream was at, arguing or fighting with Wilbur.

This was either very good or very bad.

Tubbo caught up with them before the Dog could get very far with Y/N, and grabbed it by the collar, pulling it off of the girl.

"Y/N are you okay?? It looked like it grabbed your wrist!" Tubbo looked up at her once he had the dog securely in his arms, the canine struggling and barking to get out. 

Y/N Rubbed her wrist, shaking her head. "It grabbed my shirt sleeve. I don't think it wants to hurt me." Tubbo looked concerned, but looked down at the dog as it calmed down, sitting in Tubbo's arms with it's tail wagging anxiously as it whined.

"Wait..." Tubbo reached for the collar around the dogs neck and turned the charm around. "It says 'Punz'."



Tall blonde and pretty cool Punz?

That would be incredibly odd.

"Let me see." Tubbo turned so Y/N could look at the collar, but as she was about to reach for it, the sound of Dream's voice crashed through the door as a green figure stumbled through while also fighting off a brown figure.

Y/N akined it to two school boys fighting over a shiny rock, but that innocent-ness was severely lacking when Dream shoved Wilbur off of him.

"Y/N!" He shouted, looking around the room.

Dream and Eret caught each other's eye for a moment, but apparently deemed the other unimportant because they said nothing.

Eret just sat there.

That wasn't about a really good book anymore.

Something was going on here.

With the outburst from Dream, the dog struggled out of Tubbo's arms just as Tommy had picked himself up off the floor, barking twice at them before running at the back door.

Y/N followed suit, finding a sense of trust in the white canine.

Tubbo and Tommy glanced at each other before following as well, a bit more skeptically.

As they ran out of the building, the dog led them into the forest behind the house. They could hear Dream running after them, occasionally shouting something at Y/N or Tommy, seemingly ignoring he existence of Tubbo.

They ran past tree after tree after tree, and the dog led them through a tight thicket of brush, and once they pasted, they'd lost Dream's trail and were safe to take a stop to breathe.

Tubbo collapsed to the ground, now exhausted from both this run and the run before. Tommy bent over to put his hands on his knees, breathing hard.

Y/N sat down cross-legged and the dog sat beside her, panting from the exercise.

She was slightly wary of the creature still, but hesitantly reached out to pet it's head, watching as it nudged it's head into her hand for more pets.

Tommy lifted his head and Y/N could see his expression clearly. He was angry, but mostly scared.

But why was he scared? Did Dream scare him that much? What did he do to them before she'd gotten here?

The blonde took a deep breath and stood up, walking over to Tubbo to help him stand up as well. "We have to keep walking. Dream isn't stupid, he'll find us if we stay here."

Y/N looked up at him as he offered his hand down to her, giving the dog an awkward side-eye.

"Come on." Y/N Took his hand and stood up, brushing off the dirt and leaves from her jeans. Tommy let her hand go and started walking into the brush, but the dog let out a low growl, catching the boys attention. Y/N watched as the dog pointed his nose in a different direction, and Tommy scoffed. "Oh please. What does a mutt know?"

"That mutt knows a lot, Tommy."

Tommy and Tubbo tensed,  but Y/N recognized the voice almost instantly.

She spun around, facing the figure dressed in white and gold.

He was leaning against a tree, covered in armor and carrying an axe over his shoulder. He gave Y/N a smile and leaned off the tree.

"Punz!" Y/N ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him, taking him by surprise as he dropped his axe to catch her. "Whoa whoa chill you've only been gone for like a week."

Y/N suddenly tensed, and Punz looked down at her, breaking the hug. "What?"

She shuddered, eyes wide. "I've been gone for a week?" Punz gave Tommy a hard glare, and the boy shrunk back. "I told you to tell her the moment she woke up, Tommy." Punz's voice had dropped an octave and ran cold, Tommy flinched and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. 

"Ahaha... Sorry Punz. I forgot. I was really excited that she hadn't died! I promise I would've remembered eventually-!" Tommy stopped rambling when Punz cleared his throat harshly, but instead of continuing to chastise the teenager, whistled sharply and the dog (who'd been sitting patiently) hopped up and ran over to him. 

"Good job, buddy. Now, let's get you three someplace where Dream won't chop your heads off."

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