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This one's probably gonna be kinda awkward :c I'm not good at writing the L'manburg crew lmao


Since XD had decided to finally leave you be for a while, you wouldn't have to worry about it bugging you while you talked with Wilbur and the others.

And in the process, hopefully figure out who these two strangers were.

As she approached she could see Tubbo visibly stiffen, and Tommy stood up straighter, his brows knitted together in a tight frown..l

Wilbur stood in the middle, slightly in front of the two with his arms crossed, watching her every move as she got closer.

The two unknowns stood together talking, looking rather uncomfortable on the side.

Y/N stopped a yard away from them, not wanting to get too close.

Wilbur stared at her with a cold expression for a minute, his eyes calculating her, trying to guess what her answer would be.

"I'm surprised you decided to show."

His voice was the coldest she'd ever heard it, and it sent a shiver up her spine.

"It wasn't for you, Wilbur." She replied just as coldly, her eyes narrowing when his brows furrowed.

"Then I'll get straight to the point." He took a deep breath, placing a hand on Tommy's shoulder as he stepped forwards.

The young blonde looked angry and hurt as his blue eyes bore holes through her own, hand gripping the fabric of his sleeve in an attempt to control his emotions.

"Y/N... Why?" His voice was small and hesitant, and it sparked a sense of guilt in Y/N's core. Was he really that effected by her absence? Did he really care enough that it had crushed his aggressive side?

She took a deep breath, preparing the words in her head to reply, but before she got the chance Tommy continued on.

"I mean I-... You were family to us, Y/N... And you left and we thought it was okay and that you'd come back but you... You chose them, over us? Over the people who looked up to you?" He refused to make direct eye contact and stared angrily at the floor. It might have burst into flames had he not been blinking away tears.

It was hard seeing him that way. The fragile human behind that loud and obnoxious mask was rarely seen these days, but when it did show, when he allowed his vulnerability to be seen it was almost tragic.

Y/N watched him as he bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from speaking and give her a chance to talk.

"Tommy... I'll be honest I didn't realize you were part of L'manburg until I got here. I knew Wilbur was, but I had no clue you and Tubbo were here." She sighed heavily, crossing her arms as she shot a glance at Wilbur, who looked skeptical and discriminating.

"But when you found out we were here why didn't you switch sides??" Tommy asked, his voice raised slightly as he waved his hands out.

"Well for one, you pointed a bow at me, with very little explanation, the moment you saw me." Y/N raised a brow as Tommy cringed, and Wilbur seemed to deflate a bit with dissatisfaction as he looked down at the boy. Clearly Tommy hadn't mentioned that fiasco a few days ago.

"And secondly, George and Sapnap are my friends too. I've known them longer than I've known you. That year I spent in the village with you guys, helping you with training and shit? I was looking for someplace to settle down with those two. To stop adventuring for at least a while." Y/N waved her hands as she spoke, watching as Tommy's faced morphed into different emotions every moment.

"I didn't mean to leave for very long after that. I really didn't, and I'm sorry I did. I missed you guys in that time-" she tried to apologize, but Wilbur's voice shot through the space separating them.

"You don't get to be sorry after the shit you pulled."

His voice was angry and threatening as he stepped in front of Tommy again, who looked up at Wilbur with a confused expression.

"Wilbur what are you-"

He snapped his mouth shut as the leader of L'manburg shot him a look, and the two strangers came up beside the other three, both looking worried for their companions.

For a moment Y/N felt offended, and possibly even angry at him for that statement, but she held her tongue long enough to think through her words carefully, not wanting to anger them anymore.

"What do you mean." She crossed her arms and tilted her head up,clearly not impressed by his aggressive tone.

Her own voice was flat, a tone the boys knew well meant that she wasn't amused or being playful.

A tone to be wary of, but Wilbur ignores it completely.

She could see Tubbo stiffen again, and part of her wanted to go over and tell him it was alright, but she she wouldn't get three feet before either Wilbur or one of the two strangers would threaten her.

"I mean I'm sick of your shit." Wilbur spat with such disgust that it felt like he wasn't talking to her. She's never heard him speak that way to her.

"You're always talking about how much you "love" us and how much you "care" when you can't do something as simple as send a fucking LETTER to tell us you're okay." He ran a hand through his curly brown hair, teeth clenched in a tense line.

... Hadn't she sent letters?

She could've sworn she'd written letters to them.

"Wilbur I-"

He cut her off by yelling, raising his arm and cutting it downwards as he let out a burst of anger, laced by pain.

"NO! JUST STOP. I don't want to hear any more "I'm sorry"s or your fucking bullshit! You LEFT, Y/N. You LEFT US for an entire YEAR with NO communication and then when we FINALLY hear from you, you've sided with the enemy!? And you expect us to just roll over and still be friends!?? You're fucking delusional!!" Wilbur snapped, Tommy and Tubbo holding onto his arms to keep him from rushing forwards to get in your face.

His eyes were glossed over with tears and his breathing had become unsteady as he yelled, letting go of the pent up stress and betrayal he felt from a year of abandonment.

She couldn't help but stare. It was mildly terrifying to see Wilbur so worked up and angry - let alone being aggressive.

She felt like she'd missed something.

Surely she'd sent letters.

There was no way she didn't send letters.

But now that she thought about it she couldn't remember ever receiving letters either, and there was no reason they wouldn't have replied.

What the hell had happened?


Hi :D

Here's ur chapter. Make sure to drink water and get some rest <3

Thank you to everyone who voted Ranboo on that pole a little bit ago :)

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