Chapter Forty-Three

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AN: Mark Lanegan with 'Mockingbirds'.

Happy Valentine's Day and all, but who's looking forward to Cheap Candy Day tomorrow?

* * *

Cole had meant what he said about not calling Sean back, but that didn't stop Sean from calling again the next morning. Nancy wasn't home and he still felt like shit, but he didn't want to miss a call from Snow.



Fuck. He should have just hung up then and there. Woulda, coulda, shoulda.


"You sound awful, buddy. Did I wake you?"

Maybe he should have just let Sean think he was dead or something. That would have saved him the hassle.

"I'm sick."

"Do you need a doctor?"

"My girlfriend knows what she's doing."

"She was the one who answered the phone yesterday, wasn't she?"


"She sounded nice."

"What do you want?"

Had that been his voice? It had sounded pretty firm, considering who was on the other end.

"Watch it, Cole."

Or what? You'll break in here and remind me to keep quiet?

"What do you want?" he asked again, his voice softer.

"Just wanted to see if you were ready to come home yet."

Cole hung up. The phone rang again, but he didn't answer this time. The sound hurt his head, though, and he shuffled back to bed and put his pillow over his ears.

* * *


Huh? What time was it?

"How are you feeling?"

Um...tired. Yeah. And achy. He could do with a shower.


"Be honest."


"Thought so." There was the sound of a backpack hitting the rug. "How's leftovers sound for you?"

Fine. Whatever. As long as he didn't have to perform the grueling task of dishing them out and putting them in the microwave.


Oh, right. He hadn't answered.


Footsteps came over by the couch and he lifted his head. Things were still black and he realised that he hadn't opened his eyes. Oops.

"Hey, Nance."

"You okay?"

"Mm-hm." He stood up and stretched, feeling things crack. "I'm gonna take a shower."

She shrugged and went into her bedroom. He shuffled down the hall and locked the bathroom door behind him.

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