Chapter: 8 Moving Onward

Start from the beginning

"Prepare your Noble Phantasm, Shield Maiden, for I am not chivalrous enough to wait for you," and to her word, she was right. Her mana output suddenly spikes up dangerously as if warning everyone that she is about to release it.

But there is one predicament, Mashu doesn't know what her Noble Phantasm is or even if it does anything. She knew that the shield is the catalyst, but doesn't know how to activate it properly. Her knee buckles and falls, believing today is the day she takes her last breath.

"Hey stop, are you suicidal!?" Olga Marie cried out at Gudako who broke into a sprint toward her Servant and helped Mashu to stand upright properly by giving her shoulder to lean on.

"Master..." Mashu muttered weakly and baffled.

"Don't give up, you can still win this, WE can win this. I refuse to accept that this is where we fall when we barely left our startline. Just like how you are willing to give your all to protect me, so well I, as your Master and friend, be willing to give my all to support you!" unconsciously, Gudako activated one of her commands spells with will power alone as she places her hand on to Mashu's who's holding the shield tightly.

"So no matter what, stand strong and survive so we can leave this hell together! Let my strength be one with you!" all of a sudden, unexplained vigor from an unknown source fills Mashu with strength and power. Her body feels lighter and her pain becomes a dull numbing sensation.

"Master...Thank you! Mashu Kyrielight will do her best!" she bellowed, convincing herself with an unwavering belief in her Master. Her mana spikes up, her hands tighten with strong confidence.

"Cry. It's time you come crashing down, Vortigern. Hammer of the Vile King, reverses the rising sun," the shape of the sword made purely out of mana rages on, like an unstoppable hurricane ready to be unleashed. At the same time, on Mashu's side, what seems to be a round shape barrier is starting to form in front of her, though small it may be, seems to be just only the beginning of what she is capable of.

"Finally, you make me wait long enough. Try to withstand this. Swallow the light, Excalibur Morgan!"

With a mighty upward swing, came forth from her holy sword, a deadly beam of destruction. Black and red highlight, colors its way through, leaving the land scorched and melted. The king has called her judgment, those who stay in her way shall be blown away.

But her judgment shall fall on deaf ears, for a pair of Master and a hero of an unknown origin shall disobey the king's decree and tread through the storm of destruction, with their head held high.

"With this Noble Phantasm, which holds my desire to protect those who are close to me! To protect my friends and my Master! To Chaldea who gives meaning to my life, and gives me a chance to meet my faithful partner, it is only right for me to give this temporary name. Lord Chaldeas!"

The round barrier of mana expanded in size, covering a wide area of fields from behind the shield. A bonus wall of mana manifest in front of the barrier of conception, white in color, almost radiating with holiness in its own way. Saber's eyes widen in shock as if she recognized what she's witnessing in disbelief.

Excalibur Morgan met Lord Chaldeas, working to overwhelm them as the Master and her Servant stood their ground against it. Mashu's shield isn't perfect, it is more accurate to say that the only reason her Psuedo-Noble Phantasm manifested is due to her willpower to protect flaring up strongly. A basic requirement for Shielder Class, she just happens to meet the condition when her desire to keep danger away from those she loves comes forth strongly.

Mashu seems struggling, but it isn't enough for her to give in just yet. With a battle cry, she stood her ground as Excalibur Morgan finally calm down, dissipating into nothingness.

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