53 A gay tries flirting with a girl

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A few weeks passed, he and Gon had been on quite a few more missions. Both of them went much more smoothly than the first and second ones. A band of thugs here, a few missing people there, mostly boring stuff. On every mission they got sent on, it was resolved within 24 hours and with neither of them breaking a sweat. Currently it was their day off. Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Vanessa, Finral, Noelle, Magna, and Charmy were all walking together in a random down that Finral dropped them off in. "So, why exactly are we all wandering a random village?" Magna asked, glancing around. Gon beamed, twirling a little so his front was to everybody else. He was walking in the front, Killua close behind him. "We're gonna go do something! Together!" Noelle rolled her eyes. "Ok, but what are we going to be doing?"

Kurapika sighed. "He probably has no clue" Gon giggled. "Right! We're gonna walk until we see something-" Killua spotted a building and grinned, pointing at it. "There!" Gon smacked him, it was a casino. "No!" Kurapika gave him a stern look. "I heard about your little gambling addiction Killua, just because your good doesn't mean you can't lose at all." Killua scowled. "Why does Gon get to jump off cliffs but I can't gamble?" He grumbled. Kurapika put a hand to his head. "Cliff jumping can't get you arrested" Killua scoffed. "And you guys are getting on me about doing 'dangerous' things. Why the hell does he get to jump off a goddamn 7 story building but I can't play poker!" Killua complained, pointing a finger at Gon like he was a kid whining to his mom about his sibling getting unfair privileges.

Vanessa chuckled. "When you put it like that it does sound ridiculous" Kurapika however, was still giving him a stern glare. "Gon hasn't nearly died going cliff jumping, I heard you bet your life on a pair of dice" Killua puffed his cheeks out in a frustrated breath, shoving his hands in his pockets and continuing walking with a scowl. "That was one time. This is bullshit" Suddenly Gon squealed. "Oh! Oh! I know, we can all go cliff jumping!" Killua laughed for a few seconds, turning with a grin. "Oh hell yeah, let's bring the whole squad. I vote getting to shove Gauche off a cliff" Gon beamed, but Kurapika shut them down immediately. "Absolutely not" He and Gon both groaned. "Oh come on!" Gon whined. He shot Kurapika a scowl. "We finally agreed on something we both want to do, and you still say no!"

"You're not shoving people off any cliffs" Kurapika said, crossing his arms. Gon pouted and Killua stuck his tongue out. "Killjoy" Kurapika sighed heavily. "I swear, the only reason why you two aren't either dead or arrested is because you have a sensible and responsible adult capable of telling you no" Killua threw up his middle finger. "Fuck you!" Damn you Kurapika. He was actually really looking forward to getting a chance to shove Gauche off a cliff. "Aha um...yeah, I'd like to not get thrown off a cliff please" Magna said with an awkward laugh. Killua was about to say something when he heard someone's voice. "Ow!" Killua paused, Gon blinked. "Hey...I smell blood" Killua froze. That was a kid.

He started running, leaving the others to trail after him. "Why do you even care where the blood's coming from?" Noelle asked in confusion. "More importantly, how do you know where it's coming from? You don't have a strong nose like Gon does" Kurapika said. Killua's eyes narrowed. "You wonder why I stopped? I heard something. And it sounded like a damn kid." He hissed. When Killua rounded the corner, he paused with a slight growl. There was a girl who looked to be around his age, maybe a little older. She was blonde and had green eyes, hair cut short to hang above her shoulders. She was shouting at brown haired 7 year old boy who was shivering and covering his bloody nose. It was Kessho.

His blood boiled, but he forced himself to stay calm. "What's going on here?" Kurapika said, coming up behind him and crossing his arms. The girl paused, then her eyes drifted over to them and the bulls who came up behind them. The girl smiled, "Just teaching this brat a lesson" She said sweetly. Killua's right hand twitched, inches from his pocket sheath. Ohhhh I'm gonna cut a bitch. Then her eyes landed on Killua, he saw her eyes sparkle slightly and a little bit of color rose in her cheeks. HAHAHAHAH. OH, OH, THIS IS PERFECT. SO FUCKING PERFECT. Killua put his hands behind his head and made his expression one of boredom. He also had gone through the art of seduction in his training, he was gonna have a field day with this.

"Lesson?" He said smoothly, everybody behind him took note of his difference in tone almost instantly. Charmy waved her hands in the air from her position next to Kurapika's legs. "What is the meaning of this la!" She huffed, then twirled her hair between her fingers with a slight lick of her lips as she looked directly at Killua. "Just making sure he knows how revolting it is to be romantically interested in someone of the same gender" Killua had to force himself to keep his role. A homophobic bitch? Wait, Kessho's gay? He knew both Gon and Kurapika stiffened though, and some of the bulls were definitely not happy with her choice of words. Killua however, kept on a slightly flirtatious attitude. "A very important life lesson indeed" He said smoothly, dropping his hands with a wink. "How about I teach you a lesson?"

She blushed a little more, biting her lip and looking down and away. "Oh, what kind of lesson would that be?" Killua chuckled slightly, then got an idea. Killua forced himself to remember something, he and Gon's kiss in the communal bath. A blush crawled up Killua's cheeks, Killua took a few steps forward. "About yourself~" He said as sexily as he could, smirking slightly with a slight lick of his lips. Her blush deepened as Killua got up close, then slid a hand up her arm and around her shoulder as he brought his face in a few inches from hers. Haha, nope. Killua swerved his head a little, instead sliding behind her and trailing a hand down over her other shoulder to rest against her chest. Killua murmured seductively in her ear. "It's a lesson every naughty girl needs to be taught" Oh dear god I'm gonna throw up if Gon doesn't kill me for this first-

He heard shuffling noises and glanced up slightly, Gon looked so fucking pissed. The others were confused, and mildly alarmed. Well, except Finral who looked jealous. Kurapika was glaring at him though. Killua slid his hand back up her chest, then rubbed a thumb along her jaw as he slid his knife out of his pocket sheath. He twirled it once, before it landed in a reverse grip and his left eye twitched slightly. The bulls looked less alarmed and more nervous now. Killua raised the knife, thumb still tracing along the homophobic bitch's jawline as he grinned manically. Gon made a snapping gesture with his fingers, then pointed downwards. Killua paused, then shot him a glare. Why the fuck not? He held up a finger. 'put the knife down' He puffed out his cheeks in irritation, throwing his hand up in a 'why the fuck not?' gesture. Kurapika shot him a stern look, also holding up a finger as the homophobic bitch shifted slightly. 'Gon's right, put it down' Why the fuck can't I just kill her? He shot the two a dirty look before sliding his knife back in his pocket sheath. Alright, guess we're doing this the other way. 

1318 words

To be continued...

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