7 The Exam begins

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One of the captains caught his eye. It was a male, and he had orange hair. Killua recognized that weird ass eyeshadow. Leopold's captain I suppose. Do they require the eyeshadow? Although, he heard some people muttering 'Vermillion' in the background so he guessed it was a family thing. He looked regal, and cool headed. Then there was a guy in green, his tongue stuck out when he spoke and he had a huge scar down his face. Looks like a praying mantis- then it clicked. He is one, that's the green squad. Then there was a short male with spiked blue hair and a bright smile, he forced himself to stay monotone. Must be the aqua deer's captain. Damn it his face- Killua dragged his eyes away and to another, that one was a woman. She had some sort of head armor and a blue cloak. Another was sleeping, she had a pink cloak.

And then, the last one came out. He had a weird ass mask and people cheered when he walked out. His robe matches Uno's. I wonder what would happen if I get into that squad? Honestly he didn't really want to find out, that would be awful. Then he saw Leopold, he took the place behind the crimson lion's captain. Killua saw his eyes widen in slight surprise when he saw Killua. Killua nodded slightly in his direction, and he saw Leopold smile a little. The captain of the crimson lions narrowed his eyes slightly at Killua, obviously noticing the gesture. Well, and he felt a few more eyes of theirs on him. Killua activated En to notice that nobody was in a 2 meter radius of him. Well great, I've been singled out. Although, if he was trying to get himself noticed then maybe it would be worth it. He kept his monotone expression on, assuming a relaxed and faintly bored stance.

The bird mask guy said something he didn't listen to, then his grimoire glowed green. Clouds started to gather and a blast of wind whipped his hair. Killua stood his ground as a plethora of tree roots descended from the heavens. I wonder if this man is worth all the hype. He wasn't the wizard king though, that was for sure. They started making brooms, and Killua nearly sighed. I don't even need one, I can't fly. Although trying and failing would make him look bad. So, he leaned back on his broom as he rested an elbow on it. Killua's face didn't change, nor did his stance. Around him people started to fly after a little push, but he kept his position. A few people muttered and pointed, looking at him in confusion or scorn. This isn't the only test. So he activated En, and scouted. The last test was going to be a battle, it always would be. What kind of magic knight couldn't fight properly?

He rested a hand on his grimoire, it was in a satchel type thing on his hip. Hmm... there was this one guy. He had long flowing black hair, and sparkling green eyes. He was gliding past effortlessly and Killua used Gyo on the people around him. He blinked in surprise. His mana, it's...wow. Killua had to admit he was kind of impressed, it wasn't as good as Uno's magic but it was still pretty plentiful. I want him to fight me.

The next test was smashing a brick wall. Killua felt eyes on him again, he knew people were watching. So he summoned some electricity into his hands, then projected it at the wall. SMASH. It crumbled, a few people jumped and looked wide eyed over at him. This is too easy. The next task was moving targets, he zapped his easily without much issues. The next one was tricky though, he had to grow a seed using his 'magic power'. Killua elected to instead slip said seed into his pocket, eliciting more confused murmurs. Everyone seems to be watching me, including the captains. But he kept his eyes on the black haired male, he could tell that he used poison magic. Killua held in a grin. Perfect.

His next test was making a figure out of his 'magic'. That one proved to be difficult, but not impossible. He concentrated, Killua had never been too good at manipulating his Nen into shapes but Nen letters worked just fine. So he formed his electricity into a kitten, it had a ball of yarn next to its paw as well. There wasn't too much detail, and the form kept crackling and shifting. He glanced sideways at the black haired male, he had made an elegant stag out of his magic. It was purple, with fades of black. "and the last test" The bird mask guy said. "Will be a test of battle. A duel" Murmurs went up around the place, people started sifting over to him for some reason. But Killua stayed focused, making his way through the crowd.

He locked eyes with the black haired male, and he walked over. "Something you needed?" he asked, eyes narrowing slightly. Killua kept his face monotone. "I sense your mana is the strongest here, I wish to go against you in a duel" A smirk crawled its way onto his face, a hush fell over the crowd. Damn is he that popular? "How bold of you to challenge a royal of the Numuli house" this just got even better than it already was. He heard a shout for the first bout and gave a small emotionless smile. "Shall we?"

Numuli stood a few meters away, taking his grimoire out of his bag. Killua slipped his own grimoire out, then set it on the ground. His eyebrows furrowed slightly. "Casting aside your grimoire? Do you have a death wish or are you just stupid?" he put his hands behind his head, expression monotone as ever. "Don't need it" That was more or less true, that grimoire was essentially useless for everything but show and tell. The only reason he needed it in the first place was to pass off as a 16 year old who had one. He saw a tick mark appear on his forehead. "I'll show you Zoldyck!" He flipped through his grimoire, then shouted. "Poison creation magic, Violet Venom Serpent!" A massive purple snake materialized, and Killua kept his relaxed stance. He grinned. "Let's see how you deal with this" This might be an issue.

1074 words

To be continued...

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