27 Marie vs Alluka

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Killua kept dozing off. Each time he'd fall asleep, it would be for approximately 30 minutes before he jolted awake again. It was painful, but he needed it. Killua did this 4 times before giving up though, he was too terrified to fall back asleep again at that point. He sat on the couch with his knees tucked into his chest, biting his lip and trying to force the tears back. What the hell's wrong with me? w-why can't I get the image out of my dreams? First it would be images of Gon, they were happy in the beginning. Then there was the chimera ants, he'd see Gon and Pitou, next the hospital, and finally...his worst nightmare. I-I can't tell Gon or he'll worry, I can't tell anyone about it. He gritted his teeth, grinding the lip he was biting on so bad he could taste the sharp tang of blood in his mouth. Is this better or worse?

He had been sitting for quite some time when he heard someone. Killua made himself presentable and slipped a book out of his backpack. Poisons, Dungeons, and the art of torture. Why the hell's this the only book I own? He started reading, putting on a slightly bored expression. I hope nobody reads the damn title, that'd be awkward. "Killua?" he glanced up at Gauche, who had a nosebleed again and his picture of his little sister. Ew. I mean, I love Alluka lots but not like that. Fucking sister complex. "Gauche?" He said, in a slightly sarcastic and obviously irritated tone. He sighed. "What are you doing up so early? It's my morning time with Marie" I don't see a small blonde haired girl here. "It's not like I'm bothering you asshole, let me read in peace" Gauche looked like he was about to argue for a second before he brought out a mirror and sat down on a nearby chair. "My darling Marie, how lovely it is to see you-"

I have a feeling that this is borderline pedophilia. Not that Gauche was trying to take advantage of his sister, just the...the way he looks at her. Not only that but the nosebleeds... It got on his fucking nerves honestly. He had to deal with Gauche sweet talking Marie for the next 30 minutes, when suddenly he heard Marie say something that made him glance over again. "Big brother, who's that boy?" She can see through that? Gauche stiffened. "None of-" Killua placed his hands behind his head and strolled over, giving her a smile. "Hey Marie, the name's Killua. Your big brother talks about you all the time" He said smoothly. Gauche gave him a death glare which he ignored. Marie's eyes lit up and she smiled. "You look super nice!" Gauche scoffed. "He's far from nice Mar-" Killua knew what would piss him off, so he did it.

Killua did one of those cat faces and Marie's eyes gleamed. "Ahh! So cute! You should visit the church in Narin one day!" Narin, I'll keep that name in mind. Gauche froze, then he did this weird thing like he was cracking and turning to stone? "That'd be nice" He replied smoothly, giving her a smile. Suddenly the mirror went blank, and he felt a small burst of bloodlust from behind him. Aha. "What are you trying to pull?" Gauche said in a dark tone. He turned with his hands behind his head and a slight smirk. "Your sister's kinda cute, I thought I'd come say hi" Gauche's face twitched, then he got his grimoire out. Oh shit- "I will not allow you to steal her from me! Mirror Magic, Reflect Refrain!" Killua had to dodge as multiple beams of purple light shot out of a few mirrors. "Hey! I just stated the obvious asshole!" He yelled, then had to dodge again. Damn. "I'll never let you touch Marie!" I wasn't planning on it. He let out a slight smirk. Well, until right about now.

A few holes were blasted in the hideout, thankfully the thing rebuilt itself so he didn't have to worry too much. "Oh my god, can you like keep it down? I have a massive headache" Vanessa grumbled, walking down the stairs. He ducked under a beam of light and Gauche's eyes darkened. "Stay out of this you drunk" He snorted. "Hey, I like drinking too! Vanessa's not as bad as some people I've seen before, most actually. Been to a bar a few times and had to constantly shove drunk bitches off me every single damn time" He rolled his eyes. Gauche scoffed. "Bragging about being an underage drinker?" He snickered, dodging a few more attacks. "Just cuz I'm better than you doesn't mean I'm bragging. Hell, your little sister said I was cute, has she ever said that to you before?" Gauche's face got even darker, Vanessa took a step back and settled down on the top of the stairs. "Yeah I'm not getting involved in this" She muttered. "Mirror magic, double reflect refrain!"

Killua had to dodge twice as fast, the beams of light just kept coming. "Gauche! Leave him alone!" Asta yelled, appearing next to Vanessa at the top of the stairs. Gauche actually listened surprisingly, subsiding with a huff. "Not like he'll ever find my angel-" Killua knew he was losing interest, so he thought up the perfect thing to say. "Bet mine's cuter than yours" He said with a wink. Gauche stiffened again, "HOW DARE YOU! MY ANGEL MARIE IS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN ANY OTHER GIRL IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!" He chuckled. "She has nothing on Alluka, keep dreaming asshole-" He had to dodge another flurry of attacks. "S-Stop provoking him!" Asta tried desperately. He glanced back over at where he and Vanessa were, only to see even more people. Luck and Magna were there as well as Noelle. "I BET YOUR SISTER'S A RETCH!" Killua froze, a dangerous look in his eyes. "The fuck did you just say you sister obsessed freak?" He said in a low dangerous tone.

The air grew tense. "You heard me you foreign albino bastard" Killua gritted his teeth. "too far man" Magna muttered. "Your gonna regret those words you motherfucking bitch" Killua hissed, eyes narrowing and hand going to his knife sheath. It took most of his self restraint not to stab the bitch right there for saying that about Alluka. "Or what?" Gauche said, looking down his nose at the smaller male. He zipped around behind Gauche's back and held his knife to his neck, a dark menacing look in his eyes. Everybody froze, and Gauche started to sweat. "I could slit that pretty little neck of yours for talkin' shit about my sister" He said with a slight eye twitch. "KILLUA ZOLDYCK" He yelped as Gon roughly grabbed his wrist and yanked him away. "What did I say about death threats?" He went to open his mouth and Gon brought a hand down hard on the back of his head. "He was talking shit about Alluka!" Killua snapped.

Gon rolled his eyes. "Knowing you, you probably talked shit about his sister first." He scoffed. "Excuse me? I just said she looked cute! Then this asshole started firing magic at me and I said Alluka was more adorable and he called her a retch!" His face went dark "The next fucking time someone talks shit about my little sister-" Gon grabbed his hand and he paused, blushing a little. "Killua, he's never met her. Your assuming things, he didn't mean it like that" Killua took a sharp breath. O-Oh... I didn't even realize. His hand tightened slightly on Gon's and he closed his eyes as he inhaled and exhaled a few times. Then when his eyes opened, he smiled. "I need a fucking drink"

1298 words

To be continued...


I just spent 10 minutes scrolling through cursed mha ships and I need bleach. Actually, what I did to cure it was look at cute Killugon pics for about 30 minutes :3

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