35 The first

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Killua and Gon were staring into each other's eyes while they were alone in the communal bath, faces inches away from each other. They both breathed like that for a moment, then Gon moved. He slid a hand up Killua's thigh and hip, then over and above his waist and up his back. Killua's own hands went to different places, one rested on his hip while the other was placed on his lower back. Kiss me damn it. Gon seemed to see the silent plea in his eyes, because he ran his free hand through his hair and pulled their faces closer until their lips touched. "Mh~" Killua felt a faint blush crawling up his cheeks, but the heat of the moment expelled most of his shame and embarrassment. His eyes fell shut, and he pressed forward. "Nmh~" Gon pulled his body a little closer so their chests brushed together as they kissed, the kiss was sweet and slow.

They kissed like that for a while, then Gon pulled back and they just breathed for a few moments. Holy shit I just did that! Killua blushed hard and turned away, Gon slid a palm from his shoulder down to his back. "Got nothing to say?" He murmured softly. Killua blushed a bit more. "Did you like it?" He mumbled. Gon responded by leaning down and resting a soft kiss on the lower part of his jawline. He blushed a little more. I think that was a yes. "So..." Gon said softly, sliding down in a sitting position next to him with an arm around his waist. "Are we..." Killua leaned into his side, he didn't even need to think about his answer. "Yes" They sat like that for a while before they heard footsteps. "Alri- Oh~" He flushed and shot a glare at Vanessa, who was smirking and half wrapped in a towel. Gon giggled and ruffled his hair, he suddenly wasn't liking this position. "Get your hands off me you little shit!"

Gon pouted. "But your hair's fluffy" He huffed and shoved Gon off him, then migrated a few inches away. "So, are you two a thing?" He blushed and looked down, Gon blushed a little and said nothing for a little bit. "Uh...hmm..." Killua blushed even more and scowled at Vanessa. "Yes but it's a secret" He muttered. Gon nodded. "Whatever he said, I couldn't hear it from here" Killua shot a glare over his shoulder and he frowned slightly. "Why the glare?" Killua growled. "It's your fault!" Gon blinked, then his eyebrows furrowed a little. "How?" He blushed and looked away. For being hot and cute at the same damn time. "I'm just gonna say, you two are pretty great together" Vanessa said with a wink. He scowled, then heard Gon shift. "I'm gonna get out now-" Killua was about to glance over his shoulder when his face went red and he put his hands in his face to cover his eyes.

"Killua? Somet-" He sulked a little. "Please just get a damn towel on" Vanessa laughed a little then walked away, at which point Gon got out of the water with a shower of water and a small splash. He had to force himself to keep his eyes shut, damn his dirty ass mind. I will not look. You will NOT. I swear to fucking god I will stab myself- "Ok Killua, I got my towel on" He shifted a little. "Did you uh...close your eyes?" Gon made a weird noise, then he heard a small smacking sound. "They are now" This is so fucking awkward. He was pretty sure that a few years ago it wouldn't have mattered. Hell, they bathed in the same tub at aunt mito's house. But hormones were a bitch, and so help him if he even peeked, he would die of embarrassment and shame. So he got out of the water and averted his eyes from Gon, who was in fact looking away with his hands in his face. Killua dried himself off and put on his boxers and shorts, then his shirts.

He cleared his throat. "I'm done" Gon nodded and peeked between his fingers, then blinked and let his hands drop. "You already changed?" He snorted. "I have a fuck ton of scars and we're in a hideout filled with over 10 people, hell yes I fucking changed" Gon shrugged, then Killua felt his eyes being drawn down to his abs. Damn. Killua never realized how hot Gon was. His face was what usually drew his attention, not his body. There was a chuckle, "Are you done checking me out yet?" he flushed, then turned and smacked Gon in the face. He yelped, then rubbed his face. "hey!" Killua rolled his eyes and bolted, leaving Gon to change and run after him at a later date. He passed by Asta, who called out to him. "Oh, hey Killua!" He paused, then looked over at him. "yeah?" Asta rubbed the back of his head. "So...I've been feeding the...I think the one's name is Lupe?" He nodded. "Yeaah? And?" Asta grabbed his arm. "Please please please tell me how you tamed them! Whenever I feed them they always try to bite my head off-" Asta was interrupted by rapid footsteps "Killua!" Gon hugged him from behind and he blushed a little, then sighed. "Aight, to the beast cage"

He, Gon, Asta and Magna were there. They had run into Magna somewhere along the way and he decided to join them. "So, go on" Asta gulped. "H-Huh?" He gestured to the cage. "Feed them" He nodded, then took a chunk of meat and nervously approached the cage. Gon shook his head and he let out a sigh, leaning on him a little. He's too nervous. As expected, Lupe tried to bite his head off as soon as he got close enough. Asta fended off the teeth with his arms and drew back with the meat and his body still intact. "See? It happens every time!" Killua let out a deep sigh. "I thought you were the brave one" He blinked. "Huh?" Gon pointed at the three magical creatures. "Those are pack animals, pack animals respect the alpha." Magna looked confused. He rolled his eyes. "They respect power and strength. When you approach all nervous and scared, they see you as prey. You have to show no fear, put 'em in their place"

Gon blinked. "I didn't do that" He frowned slightly over at Gon. "You don't count. Your like...strangely good with animals" Asta pointed to Gon. "Then what do they see him as?" Gon smirked and gave him a wink. "Beta~" FUCK YOU! He blushed and chuckled. "Not a chance. More like a pup they have to watch and take care of or else the Alpha will get pissed" He looked over at Asta. "Watch me" Then he walked forward with a confident and commanding aura. All three beasts perked up and went over to the bars as he grabbed a piece of meat. Killua made eye contact with each, "Sit" He said commandingly. Three thuds and he smirked a little. "You see, if you show you're not afraid of them and you can beat their asses if need be, they won't try to kill you" He said, sectioning off the meat and tossing a chunk at each, smaller pieces because he wanted Asa to give it another go.

He rubbed knuckle along Ursa's snout and she let out a half purr half rumble. "It's not the same as threatening though. Not sure how they were when Yami got them, but they probably got used to his intimidation tactics and commanding aura" he pointed to Gon. "Him on the other hand, it's a talent. No fucking clue how he does it but he can befriend most animals with ease. Damn forest boy" Gon giggled and he took a step back and handed Asta the rest of the meat. He looked nervous, but set his jaw. "Right! No fear..." Then he looked at the beasts and gulped. Magna slapped him on the back. "hey man! He aint as scary as Vetto right? And you brought that beast down. You've faced plenty more terrifying things then some big animals" Asta blinked. "Oh, your right" The determination entered his eyes and Killua took a step back. "Your right! I got this!"

He walked up to the cage with not quite a commanding or authoritative look, but he wasn't submissive and scared either. He walked right up to the bars, the three beasts didn't immediately sit or try to attack either. Asta snapped and pointed a finger down just like Killua does. "Sit beasties!" it didn't work. Killua pointed downward as he made eye contact, and they slowly sat. Asta's eyes sparkled. He cleared his throat, then held out the meat. Killua usually sectioned it to avoid fighting, but Asta didn't know that and he didn't blame him. "Alright, eat up!" Lupe snatched it, then Simia bustled forward and tried to grab it as well. Ursa growled and tore a corner off as she went in for a meal. Asta ran back and Killua saw he was crying. The hell. "I did it! Ahh I actually did it!" Magna sighed, he'd seen Killua behind the scenes pulling the strings. "Well now that I'm more or less recovered I can feed my own beasts now" He said smoothly.

Asta rubbed the back of his head. "yeah...also, what are the other two's names? I only remember Lupe" Gon bounced over to the bars. "Ursa's the she bear and Simia's the apelike one. He's a boy by the way" Asta spoke before Killua could. "By the way, what were you guys doing when I first walked in? it looked like they were attacking you" They...what? Killua was about to shoot a glare when Gon giggled. "We were playing!" He bounced back over and beamed at the group of three. "I ran away while still in the cage and they had to try to catch me. They're really smart Killua! Lupe's the boss I think though. Ursa and Simia tussle from time to time and he just watches" Killua shrugged. "Oh you should've seen what happened when they escaped" Magna said. "They managed to knock out and/or incapacitate the entire squad when they went to go look for them" His eyebrows raised, then he grinned. "Hey Gon" He glanced over. "yeah?" Killua smirked. "Race?"

1740 words

To be continued...

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