28 The definition of fun

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Killua was sitting on the couch drinking some wine. It was 3:00 and he'd spent most of the day annoying people to alleviate his stress. He felt the lack of sleep starting to get to him, what happened this morning with Gauche was a result of that. He tried acting like nothing happened, it seemed to work for the most part. Most of his squad were still getting used to his more open personality, he used to be so deadpan and emotionless until Gon came. Suddenly his eyes went wide and he panicked for a moment at what he saw. "Hey Killua!" Two Gons shouted at the same time, it took him a solid 10 seconds to realize that he wasn't hallucinating, it was just Grey. He shot them a glare. "What are you doing Grey?" The first Gon giggled, the second pointed to him. "I bet you can't tell us apart!" He grinned. "Wait! No asking questions about where you're from" The other Gon agreed. "it wouldn't be fair" He sighed. "Aight"

Killua sat up, then crossed his legs and threw his knife. One Gon jumped backwards, the other caught it. "Killua!" He grinned. "That'd be you" Gon shot him a glare. "You can't just throw knives at people!" He rolled his eyes, then both Grey and Gon ran off. He huffed, before knocking back the rest of his wine bottle and turning away. "Why do you carry a knife with you?" Vanessa asked curiously, she was beside him on the couch. He snickered, then held it out hilt first. "try it" she skeptically put her hand under it, then Killua let his grip slip a little. Her eyes went wide and she snatched her hand back. "How heavy is that thing?" Killua grinned. "20KGs" he said, then started twirling his knife between his fingers effortlessly. "Damn" She muttered, then glanced over his shoulder. "incoming" He turned and let out a deep sigh when he saw Grey and Gon chatting on their way over to him. Damn it I can't tell which one's grey.

"You cheated the first time!", "yeah so you gotta try again!" He rolled his eyes, then thought for a moment. "Baaka~" He said, hands behind his head. One Gon squealed and he knew instantly that was Gon. "That'd be you dumbass" he said, pointing to Gon. He pouted. "Damn it you know me too well!" Grey blinked. "Why'd you squeal like that?" He giggled, then pointed to Killua. "Killua's so cool!" He blushed a little. "B-Baka! I said one word!" He huffed, then Grey dragged Killua away. "What the he-" There was a poof and suddenly he was looking at himself. Killua scowled. "The fuck are you trying to-" Grey interrupted him with a monotone voice. "This game's pretty good to pass the time with" Oh. He sighed. "Your gonna regret this most likely, but why the hell not" He put on a monotone expression as well and Grey sighed. "this is difficult" He snorted, "Keeping a straight face is something I'm good at. If you can't do it then you can't pretend to be me"

Grey rolled his eyes. "Of course I can, it's not all about a straight face. Hell I could pull you off better without it" Killua blinked. "Ya know you're not too bad at that" then he grinned. "bet you can't do this" Killua dislocated a few bones in his fingers and Grey jumped a little with a startled expression. "What the fuck?" He muttered. Killua snickered. "I can dislocate my bones at will" He nodded. "Alright" then he smirked and darted past Killua. "I'm gonna go annoy someone as you" He growled, then ran over him. "GET BACK HERE!" Somehow he lost Grey, but he didn't really care. He instead made his way back over to the couch, before sitting down. "So, where's Grey?" Vanessa asked. He snorted. "probably gonna get his ass beat"

Approximately 5 minutes later he heard loud footsteps. He glanced up to see Grey bolting from Gon, who was giggling and chasing after him with his arms out. "GO AWAY!" Killua snorted, then covered his mouth to try to hide his laughter. Poor Grey. Vanessa chuckled as well. Gon suddenly noticed him and paused, then Grey turned and hissed at Gon with narrowed eyes. "Oh! There's two Killua's!" He sighed and stood up, then put his hands behind his head. "Aight" Grey crossed his arms. "This game's a waste of time, but knock yourself out" He's actually pretty good at that. Gon thought for a moment, then went over and sat down on the couch. He was confused for a few seconds before he went to hug Vanessa and Killua hissed. Realizing what he just did he blushed, then looked away. "Aha!" Gon jumped at him and he blushed even more. "G-get off me!" Gon giggled. "You hate it when I hug someone that's not you. Especially people who are older than me." He grumbled for a few seconds, then shoved Gon off him.

"What's so wrong with hugging people?" Grey asked. He shot him a glare. "This fucking dumbass can't tell the difference between someone who's genuine and someone who wants to kidnap him! I've had to save your ass 20 times. And that's only from kidnappings." Gon rubbed the back of his head at Vanessa and Grey's alarmed expressions. "Well you've rescued me every time right? It's not like it's something you can't handle" He glared Gon straight in the face. "Remember that time we got kidnapped by the phantom troupe?" Gon blinked. "yeah?" he put his hands on his hips. "How'd we get out of that one?" Gon thought for a moment. "Kurapika exchanged us for the leader of the troupe right? He nodded. "exactly. I was fucking pinned. As much as I hate to admit it, there's plenty of people who'd like to get their hands on you that I couldn't beat." Gon frowned slightly. "But I know all their faces. Illumi's needles change his appearance but I know his other face now, plus Hisoka's not exactly stealthy. Well, I mean he did kinda stalk me for a while but...you know what I mean!"

Killua sighed. "Your hopeless" Vanessa cleared her throat. "Uh...I'm sorry, you've been stalked?" Gon shivered a little. "Hisoka's creepy as hell" Killua growled a little. "The next time he looks at you I swear to fucking god I'll impale him on a spike" Vanessa looked worried. "Please tell me that this is a child and not a full grown man" He gave her a look. "wait what does that have to do with anything?" He covered Gon's ears for a second, then cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, I want to cut his dick off and shove it down his throat for being a pedophile ass fucking CLOWN. GODDAMN IT" He coughed and uncovered Gon's ears again. "What was that for?" He turned away from Vanessa's deeply concerned look. "I'm not sure how it works over there, but surely it's illegal?" He snorted. "nearly anything's fucking legal if your strong enough to rip through police like tissue paper" He retorted.

Her expression turned from concern to alarm. "The only reason why I think I'm not dead is because he wants to kill me when I get stronger instead of now" Gon sulked. "Isn't there some sort of...protectors? Like the magic knights?" Killua rolled his eyes. "The police don't do shit, and their weak anyways. And the hunters...well Hisoka's actually one of them. It doesn't matter your intentions, if you pass the damn test you get a license and your legally allowed to murder people." Gon blinked. "You can do so much more with a hunter's license then that. You get access to information, places, and some other stuff I forgot" He rolled his eyes. "Our side of the ocean is so fucked up when you think about it. I mean, I still think magic knights are kinda bullshit but at least it's not a fucking free for all" Gon bonked him on the head. "hey! The first 12 years of my life went smoothly! The first time I saw a dead body was after I met you!"

Killua snorted. "Are you blaming me for being exposed to death? The world's dangerous, get over it." Gon's eyes gleamed. "I'm not blaming you, I'm thanking you! Life's so much more fun with all the thrills! I used to be so lonely in bored without any friends my age in the middle of a forest" He gave Gon a weird look. "I'm surprised you're not dead yet with that weird ass mindset of yours." Then he sighed. "it's so, peaceful over here." Killua admitted. Gon nodded. "I know right? He bounced a little on his feet. "Man I haven't had even a close encounter with anyone remotely dangerous in so long! I mean there were some bandits that tried to attack me but they were all weak and I beat 'em to a pulp because I was so bored" He chuckled. "Go to one of the other kingdoms and pretend you're trying to invade. That'll get a whole military on you real quick" Gon's eyes shimmered. "I can do that?" He smacked Gon in the back of the head. "No dumbass! I like the peace! Haven't seen a dead body in months!" He paused. "Well, that asshole from the mission doesn't count. He died by natural causes"

Gon gave him a look. "You pushed him off a cliff" He smirked. "gravity is natural" Gon shot him a glare and he huffed. "Look, I didn't know there were damn spikes at the bottom! If I knew that I would've waited for him to get us over to the other side of the fucking cliff before shoving him off! But then the other two came and magic's so fucking unpredictable. I don't like unpredictable, unpredictable means you're in the unknown. So I got rid of the unknown threat before it could become a problem, sure I knew Shen's magic type but how do I know all his spells and abilities? There's so much that could've gone wrong!" He pointed out. Gon thought for a moment. "well I think it's kinda fun" He shot Gon a glare. "Not when the lives of people are at stake Gon, that's not fun." He said, pointing at him. "You think me getting impaled was fun? You think me getting my hands fucked up was fun? You think getting stalked by someone who wants you dead is fun?" Gon sputtered for a moment. "I-I didn't say that!" He protested. Killua turned away, rolling his eyes. "That's sure as hell what it sounded like"

1777 words

To be continued...

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