36 Lupe Vs Ursa. oh, Simia's there too

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Killua slid on Lupe's back, Gon chose Ursa. Simia let out a whimper and he sighed. "Well, you can come too I guess. Sorry, there's only two of us" He rumbled, then Killua grinned as he saw both Asta and Magna sweatdrop. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Magna said nervously. Gon giggled, "Of course it is!" He smiled fondly. "Reminds me of the times I rode Mike around the estate." Then he winced slightly. "One time someone broke in and I was on his back when he mauled someone. That was bloody" Gon snorted. "Then don't ride your guard wolf" He rolled his eyes, "They deserved it for breaking in! people only break in when they want to kill us so I don't exactly feel bad for them" Gon shrugged. "Guess not, their usually greedy bastards anyways" Killua grinned, then pointed to Asta. "Open the cage!" He looked nervous and took a step backwards, so he took a page out of Yami's book.

Killua let his face grow dark. "You don't get a choice kid" Asta yelped and opened the door, then frowned slightly. "Was that an impression of Captain Yami?" Killua snickered, and Gon giggled as well as they started moving forward. "Why yes it was" Magna muttered half to himself. "It was pretty damn good to be honest" Killua whispered into Lupe's ear. "Run wild" He let out a short howl, then started hurtling down the hallway. "AH! AFTER THEM GIRL!" Gon yelled. Simia grumbled and bolted as well, he heard the thumps of large footsteps behind them as Lupe ran through the huge hallways. The wind through his hair was awesome, and he'd never actually ridden on a large animal before like this. Sure he'd ridden Mike, but he was massive and couldn't really just bolt like that. He ran his fingers through Lupe's fur on the neck near the ears and tugged a little to the left. Lupe went down another hallway to that direction and he grinned. Plus I have more control.

"What the hell's that noise-" Gauche broke off with a shout of alarm as Killua nearly trampled him with Lupe. "Sorry not sorry asshole!" he yelled over his shoulder. Gon shouted from behind him. "GET BACK HERE!" he snickered and burst into the dining hall were Charmy, Noelle, and Vanessa were all chatting while eating. Noelle jumped to her feet with a startled expression. "Ah! Did they escape again?" Killua snickered. "Catch me if you can dumbass!" he yelled over his shoulder. Vanessa sighed, sipping some wine. "I think it's safe to say it's the two new recruits screwing around" Lupe made it to the other end of the dining hall before Gon came in on Ursa, Simia tailing them. "GET BACK HERE KILLUA!" He and Lupe turned, low to the ground and with an excited growl.

Ursa rumbled and pounded forward at them, Gon leaned forward with a giggle. "Your trapped!" He whispered into Lupe's ear again. "Don't run, go right for them" Lupe let out a short bark, his ears were pricked and his tail was swishing. Ursa and Gon got within a few meters and Lupe launched forward, taking them both by surprise. Killua leapt off Lupe's back as the two large animals crashed into each other, landing a few meters away with a snicker. "ACK!" Gon got thrown from Ursa's back and came hurtling in his direction, then they both went sprawling on the ground. "Killua you asshole!" He laughed, then Simia joined the fray and the three smashed into some tables. "Get your beasts under control!" Noelle shouted. He and Gon stood up, but Killua couldn't stop laughing. Why can't I stop? Fuck I'm running out of air-

Gon slapped him and he coughed to a stop, then shot him a glare. "What was that for!" He huffed. "You did that on purpose! You told Lupe to hit us!" Killua snickered and then yelped as Gon tried to grab him. "W-Wait we can talk about this" Killua said nervously, taking a few steps back. Gon smirked and Killua blushed. "Get away from me!" Suddenly there was a yelp and both Killua and Gon looked over to see that Noelle tried attacking Simia with her magic, all three were now growling and approaching them. "That was a bad idea Noelle" Vanessa said, and summoned some threads. Killua whistled sharply, all three paused their approach. He strolled over, smacked Noelle, and then walked over and stroked Simia. "There there, I hit her for you boy. No need to bite her ass alright? As much as I'd love to see that she only did it for self defense" He said reassuringly. "H-Hey!"

He shot a glare at Noelle over his shoulder, Gon came over and started petting Lupe and Ursa. "That was a dumbass move princess. If neither me or Gon was around you'd have been shredded." She scowled. "Then control your beasts! They nearly trampled me!" He pointed to the 5 meter gap between her and the magical creatures. "Your 5 meters apart bitch, don't you dare try to pull that on me. If-" Gon put a hand on his shoulder and he paused. "Killua, calm down. That sleep deprivation's getting to you again" He blinked a few times, then subsided. "Yeah...right" Charmy looked faintly curious. "Sleep deprivation la?" Gon sighed and bonked Killua on the head. "This idiot neglected to tell anyone that the curse magic made him unable to sleep. Thankfully we're getting this issue dealt with tomorrow" Killua perked up. "Really? You never told me that!"

Gon blushed a little and looked away. "Well, I was going to tell you but the uh... heat distracted me" Oh. He blushed a little as well and rolled his eyes. "Oh, who's coming with you guys? You can't just go by yourselves being two boys and all" Vanessa said. He frowned slightly, but Gon nodded. "Right! The witches think that their superior to males or something-" Killua turned and looked Gon up and down. Excuse me? "How the hell would you know that. Not only are you a dumbass but you're not from around here" Gon beamed and took out his 'The Clover Kingdom For Dummies' book. "It's all in this book! It's got everything I need to know about a whole ton of important places. I just looked up the witch's forest and the witch queen earlier today because we're going there" Killua's eyes narrowed slightly. "Where the hell'd you get that?"

He rubbed the back of his head. "So...you know how I got here right?" Killua blinked. "I assume you made a wish, how the hell else would you teleport across the ocean and land in or near the hideout?" Gon nodded. "So my wish was to go somewhere you visit often, with an explanation about how the place worked" He gestured to the book. "This hit me in the head after I appeared in front of the beast cage" He blinked, "It just...fell on you?" Gon nodded. "Yeah" He said awkwardly. Interesting. "Wishing magic? Never heard of that before" Vanessa said. Killua scowled over his shoulder at them and Noelle looked kind of nervous. "It's way more fucking complicated than that" He snapped. Gon put a hand on his shoulder, then whispered something to the beasts. They wandered off and Gon gave the girls a smile. "Killua's little sister's magic can grant wishes" Charmy drooled a little. "I wonder how many yummies I could make with that la-"

"SHE'S NOT A FUCKING OBJECT!" Killua snapped. All three of them jumped and took a step back nervously, Gon slid an arm around him and he paused. "Killua, she didn't say that." He took a deep breath and looked away. He's right, I overreacted. "Sorry about that, it's a sensitive topic. His family kind of used her for their own benefits and the lack of sleep isn't helping" Vanessa sighed. "That's why he nearly slit Gauche's throat a few days ago isn't it?" Killua groaned. "Damn it I can't think straight anymore" He grumbled. Gon smiled down at him. "Let's go do something that doesn't require all that much thinking then alright?" He blinked up in confusion. "Like what?" Gon giggled. "Well I could take you to a bar~" Killua licked his lips and his eyes lit up. "That sounds great" Then he pointed firmly at Gon. "You're not allowed to drink though!"

He looked slightly wounded. "Why not?" He growled. "Your underage!" Killua snapped. Noelle spoke up. "So are you right?" He rolled his eyes, putting his hands behind his head. "I can take more than a few bottles without getting drunk, this idiot would be out by a single fucking shot" He shrugged. "I mean, I wasn't planning on it anyways" He nodded in satisfaction. "Good" Then Gon sighed. "Might not be a good idea to bring someone who already has impaired judgment to a bar, if you do somehow get drunk who knows what the hell might happen"

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To be continued...

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