25 Things are starting to look up

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He rolled his eyes. "Bitch was kidnapping children so I got myself kidnapped too and pretended to be a hyper 11 year old" Gon blinked. "Something tells me you were acting like me" He chuckled. "Sorry, a smart hyper 11 year old" Gon tried to protest. "I'm not a complete idiot!" He grinned. "Oh really? Then what's-" Gon smacked him. "No! Not math!" He suddenly remembered something. "Oh Gon, guess what?" He blinked. "What?" Killua smirked. "this hideout has a torture chamber" Finral looked alarmed. "W-Wait it does?" He snorted. "Yall call it a 'rec room', but it's a fucking torture chamber."

"How do you know what one of those look like?" Luck asked curiously. Before he could answer, Gon giggled. "Killua has one at his house!" well I do, but he's never been there. "You've never been there, how could you possibly have known that?" He asked. Gon rolled his eyes. "Oh please, that thing's massive. I'd bet you have some dungeons in there as well" Killua chuckled. "I do, never been down there personally though" Gon's eyes gleamed. "Oh! The cute beasties!" Killua snorted. "The girl's Ursa, the wolf's Lupe, and the other one's Simia" Gon bounced a little. "Lupe's so fluffy! Where'd they come from by the way?" He grinned. "Who the hell cares? Captain Yami said I could keep them" Gon's jaw dropped. "REALLY?" He nodded with satisfaction. Gon squealed. "Ohmygod when we go back home can they come to? " Killua blinked. "Why wouldn't they?"

Gon shrugged, "Dunno, just making sure" Killua chuckled, then patted Gon on the head. "There's someone I think you'd like" Gon beamed. "Really?" He pointed over to Luck. "Go talk with him, you guys would have a blast" a few of the bulls seemed extremely confused, but Luck blinked and zipped over on his electric magic. "Really?" Gon waved. "Oh I haven't met you before, I'm Gon!" He laughed. "my name's Luck! Hey, you like fighting?" Gon's eyes gleamed. "Of course!" Luck's eyes lit up. "Hey! Wanna spar? Nobody ever wants to fight me!" Gon nodded. "Ok!" Killua suddenly got a small misgiving. "Wait I'm not sure about this anymore" He muttered. Luck and Gon were chatting together a few meters away, Asta came up behind him. "About what?" He rubbed the back of his head. "I'm not sure if it was a good idea to put two psychopaths who love combat together." he said nervously. Asta frowned slightly. "Why not?"

Suddenly there was a hole in the wall about 2 meters wide and Luck dodged with a laugh. "Gimme all you got!" He pointed. "That. That right there is why, they'll destroy the entire damn building" A few of the bulls jumped and sidled away a little. Electricity shot around and Gon kept trying to hit at him, soon enough they were just a blur and Killua let out a deep sigh. "DUMBASS" he yelled. Gon paused, "yeah?" He pointed to the door. "Take your bullshit outside before you level the whole building" Gon pouted, then snickered and bolted out the door. "Catch me if you can lightning bolt!" Luck zoomed after him and all was quiet for a few moments. Killua let out a deep sigh, then remembered. "I'm starving" Charmy grinned and gestured to a table. "Good thing I planned for that!" His mouth watered when he saw the feast. Oh fuck yeah. He shoved Gordon out of the way and sat down with his legs crossed, licking his lips a little.

"If I had more than 20 Yule then I'd probably give you a tip but I'm broke right now" He said, before shoving some of the Masago in his face. "You're a lot more talkative" Vanessa commented. He rolled his eyes. "Isolation's a nightmare but socializing is bullshit. I have trust issues and a fuck ton of anxiety what the fuck did you think would happen" He said, before munching down on more sushi. "Mh" He then chuckled. "By the way I'm actually 13, I only lied so that nobody could stop me from drinking" He said with a catlike grin. Vanessa's eyebrows raised. "You do that type of thing often?" He shrugged. "I mean, a few times." He ignored the crashing and booming noises from outside for now, enjoying his sushi. "That shit you gave me was weak as hell though, maybe I'll go to a casino and double my money to get some good stuff" Magna grinned. "Oh hell yeah! You gamble?" he smirked. "I don't gamble, I bet" Asta rubbed the back of his head. "Isn't that the same thing?"

He snorted. "Gambling is playing the odds, betting's being good at it" Suddenly there was a large crash and the door flew open. "KILLUA COME FIGHT ME! THIS GUY'S WEAK!" he shot a glare over his shoulder, a few people gasped when they saw Gon was dragging Luck's unconscious body behind him. "I'M EATING MORON!" He shouted. Gon dropped Luck and bounced over, then shook his shoulder. "But I'm bored" He complained. "Go jump off a cliff or something" Gon gasped with a gleam in his eyes. "Really?" He snorted. "Knock yourself out", "Wait!" They both glanced over at Finral. "Why would you tell him to do that?" He thought for a moment, then pointed to Gon. "That idiot's mentally unstable, I let him have fun when I'm tired of his bullshit. He finds jumping off cliffs fun so I let him do it"

"Is that normal where you guys come from?" He laughed for a few seconds. "It sure as hell aint normal, this idiot is far from normal" Gon giggled and grabbed his hand. "Your way more interesting than I am! The way you just ri-" Killua shoved some sushi in his mouth to keep him quiet, he knew exactly what Gon was going to say. "I said don't talk about that! That's the main reason why people don't like me" Gon finished chewing, then pouted. "But it was so cool!" He snorted. "Tell that to Jonas" Gon blinked. "Who?" He sighed. "The guy who could break rocks with his fingertips at trick tower?" He rubbed the back of his head. "Oh...OH. Uh, ok I get it" He muttered.

Killua moved on to the Saba, there were only 3 types of sushi that Charmy had made but they were his favorite ones. "Oooh is that sushi? Gimme!" Gon snatched up three of his Ebi and he shot him a glare. "Oi! If your gonna steal, steal the one I like the least" Gon ignored him and started stuffing his face. "More sushi coming up la!" Charmy said, then brought out her sheep cooks. Gon stopped eating and watched in awe as the sheep made more. "Woah!" he snickered and pickpocketed off of Gon, taking his small bag of Yule that he had noticed. Heheheh. He sifted through it and dropped 10 Yule on the table next to Charmy. "Here ya go-", "I saw that!" Asta yelled. He snickered and Gon blinked over at him in confusion. Then his eyes went to the money and he brought his hand down on Killua's head. "HEY! I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU ONLY STEAL FROM ASSHOLES!"

Killua grinned catlike, "We both know that I'm the one who provides both of us with money so you can shut your mouth and deal with it baaka" Gon snatched his last bit of masago on his plate and Killua snarled. "OI BITCH" Gon chomped down on it and he grabbed Gon by the bag, lifting him above the ground with a yelp. "THAT'S MY FAVORITE ONE YOU LITTLE-" He giggled and booped Killua's nose with a finger. Killua blushed a little, then sputtered for a few seconds. "W-What the fuck?" Gon beamed and he dropped him, then looked away with a huff. "Your so fucking weird" Gon rested his head on the divot between his shoulder and his neck, which made him blush some more. "Well I know it annoys you, which is why I do it" It's not that I don't like it it's just that IT'S FUCKING WEIRD. AND THERE'S LIKE 10 PEOPLE WATCHING. Killua shoved Gon off him, then scowled. "your weird ass habits are irritating, quit it"

"Aww Killua-" He shot Gon a glare. "I said I'm done with your bullshit" he beamed. "Then spar with me!" Killua activated Zetsu so on couldn't predict his movements then reached over lightning fast and chopped Gon's pressure point. He caught him as he fell and lay him on the wooden bench of the dining hall seating. "No" He said flatly. "I-Is he alright?" Killua rolled his eyes at Asta. "Just knocked him out. As much as I missed him he's irritating and difficult to deal with. Now I can finally eat my sushi in peace" he said the last part with a grin as he slipped another in his mouth. Things are starting to look up.

1472 words

To be continued...

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