3 Storytime

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Killua blinked, then squinted over at a slightly irritated Yuno. "A magic knight you say?" He strolled over with his hands in his pockets and looked him up and down. "I thought those were all nobles and royals and assholes. Although, I do say you fit that description by what I'm seeing" Sister lily frowned slightly. "Why do you hate him so much?" He scowled. "Pretty boys get on my nerves" the little green fairy stuck her tongue out. "Yuno's not just a pretty boy! He's super powerful and-" Killua plucked her up by the wings and dangled her in front of his face. She squirmed, snapping furiously. "let me go! Why are you so strong! Ow-" he pinched her wings a little and she let out a yelp. "The fuck is this thing?" he examined her. "A magical beast or something?" Sister lily sighed. "She's a sylph, the wind spirit" He blinked. "I was imagining more of a giant fire breathing dragon-type creature when I read about those"

He got blasted by an aggressively huge burst of air directly in his face. He scowled, then poked her eye with his pinky finger. "Don't Screw up my hair you little imp fairy thing!" Yuno reached out and grabbed his hand. "Just give her back" He huffed, then glared at the little sylph with a slight eye twitch. "You get on my nerves too little winged bitch" Sister lily shot him a glare. "What did I say about that swearing problem you have?" Shit. Killua dropped the fairy and looked away with a scowl. "S-Sorry. I guess" Since he was living with a group of kids he was supposed to stop swearing, or at least 'tone it down a bit'. "Besides the point" Yuno said, eyes narrowing slightly at him. "Why don't I sense and mana from you?" He blinked, then turned. "Well Uno, maybe I'm hiding it" he said, then let some electricity crackle between his fingertips as he held them about an inch apart. "Mind your own damn business"

Yuno's eyes narrowed further. "You can't just hide-" He growled, then stomped over and flicked him between the eyes. He only got a slight reaction, but he could tell it hurt. "Fuck off! Nomotatos here I come!" He said the last part as he ran inside, they were honestly starting to get a little addicting. Especially the fried ones. So when he entered the room his eyes gleamed a little as he saw a huge plate of fried Nomotato slices in his seat. "Hell yeah!" He sat down and grabbed his fork, but Father Orsi shot him a glare. "Wait for Sister lily and Nash Killua, we all waited for you" He huffed, then crossed his arms. "Mr. fancy cloak and butterfly had other plans" He blinked. "Huh?" He shot a glare at the door. "This Uno guy stopped me from coming in for some reason. Needs to learn how to mind his own damn business-" One of the kids' eyes lit up. "Yuno's back!?" He scowled. "Why the hell's everybody making such a big fuss? He's got a fancy cloak so what?"

One of the older kids smiled. "He's a magic knight. Part of the golden dawn" Killua blinked. "The what now?" Father Orsi sighed. "He's-" They were interrupted by footsteps. "Sorry we're late, we have an unexpected visitor" Sister lily said, walking in with Yuno and Nash. All of the kids cheered. "Yuno!" This Uno bitch gets on my fucking nerves. He seethed in silence, glaring at him. "Anyways. The hell's this 'Golden doe' thing?" Father Orsi sighed. "It's Golden dawn, and it's the best magic knight squad" He blinked, then frowned slightly. "I highly doubt that. Sounds like their filled with stuck up royals and snotty nobles who think their better then everyone" There was dead silence at the table for a few moments. "well, he's not wrong for the most part" Yuno admitted.

Killua blinked. "Did you just admit you were stuck up?" He finished chewing a Nomotato before speaking. "No" He rolled his eyes, stuffing some more Nomotatos in his mouth. "Mhn" Maybe before I leave I should grab some seeds or something. "So, can you tell us more about where you're from?" The blonde haired kid asked eagerly. He smiled a little. "Sure, why not" He slipped a paper out of his backpack as well as a pencil, then started sketching. "Well. I happen to be pretty much considered royalty where I come from I guess" The kid's eyes started to gleam. Yuno looked skeptical. "I find that hard to believe, the way you talk about royals and nobles" he rolled his eyes. "Things work different here, where I'm from their not really called 'royals' or 'nobles'. Their just really popular families that everybody knows. In some cases feared, which is pretty much what happened with mine."

He finished sketching his mountain and held up the photo, everybody peered at it with interest except for Yuno, who just kept quietly eating his Nomotatos. "This is Kukuroo mountain. Or, my family's estate" Nash's eyes went wide. "They own a whole mountain?" He grinned, then pointed to the doors. "those are the testing gates. The first set is two tons. The next is four, then eight, then sixteen" Father Orsi looked startled. "Why have doors like that?" He shrugged. "So people don't break in and try to kill us. Last time I was there I think I opened the fourth one, but I can't really remember. It was a pretty long time ago" Then he brightened a little as he flipped the paper over and drew on the back. "Then, Mike" Killua really missed Mike, sometimes he'd curl up and read a book while leaning on his side.

When he showed this picture, there was evident shock on everyone. Killua smiled a little as he spoke. "This is Mike, he's the guard dog pretty much. Mauls anyone who doesn't come in through the testing gates or members of the family" Father Orsi looked a little unnerved. "Are you sure that thing's a dog?" He shot him a glare. "Mike's not a thing!" Killua snapped. He huffed, "And no. He's a giant wolf" Sister lily spoke next. "You said something about how you haven't been home in a while, why is that?" He blinked, then shrugged. "I ran away when I was 12" Father Orsi looked kind of worried. "Why?" He scowled, rolling his eyes. "I didn't want to be the heir" Nash looked confused. "Being the heir of a royal family sounds awesome" If only you knew.

He growled a little. "I have four siblings, and I'm the one in the middle. Yet somehow, they chose me to be the heir" He brought up his hands to make finger quotations. "because I 'have the most potential' or something" Killua rolled his eyes. "some bullshit about me having white hair and therefore 'my father's power'. Being hated by your parents is one thing but being obsessed over is worse" I don't like where this conversation is going anymore. He shrugged. "anyways." He pointed to Yuno. "I never got a full explanation about you" Sister lily smiled. "Yuno grew up here with the rest of the children, but he left a few years ago to join the magic knights" He blinked, then activated Gyo. "Are you sure he's a peasant? Because as much as I hate him he's radiating magic. Like, the most I've ever seen. I thought you had to be royalty to have powerful magic or something" that notion sounded like bullshit to him, but that's how it worked around here.

"He was dropped at the doorstep when he was a child, so he could be from anywhere" Nash offered. Killua squinted a little. "Well by the way he acts I'm willing to bet he's at least a noble of some sort." Yuno blinked in slight surprise. "Was that a compliment?" He huffed. "A fact, I still don't like you" Then he sighed. "So, what exactly are you doing here?" He rolled his eyes. "Well, I have no damn clue where the hell I am. I think I'm like from another continent or something, I literally woke up in Hage a few days ago with no idea how I even got here" He put his hands behind his head and crossed his legs. "So I'm gonna take some fancy exam and get me a shiny cloak so I can speak with someone who can figure out a way to get me back home" Yuno blinked. "I could just get you an audience with the wizard king. He'd probably do it if I told him you were a foreigner"

It's that easy? He thought for a moment, then shook his head. "Nah, I'm gonna get me a cloak. Sounds like fun" he said with a slight smirk. Then his smile faded. "So, it sounds to me like the squads are filled with prissy princes and princesses. Or cocky nobles. Is there a squad that's more bearable?" He didn't really want to be in a group full of bitches and assholes. Yuno thought for a moment. "Well. There is one, but nobody likes that squad" Sister lily spoke over him. "Their reputation has gotten better since Asta joined! There not in last anymore!" This peaked his interest. "So there is a squad like that, spill" Father Orsi sighed, then wiped his mouth with a napkin. "It's the squad full of the people nobody else wants" he started, and Killua smiled a little. "The Black Bulls"

1589 words

To be continued...

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