45 Killua's past pt.1

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So, I've been wanting to do this and I saw someone else do it, this is going to take a few chapters I'm sorry. -3- but I'm starting to run of ideas and I wanted this to happen so sorry if it's shitty.

Captain Yami, Nero, Vanessa, Finral, Asta, Noelle, Kurapika, and Gon were in an empty void. There was solid ground beneath them but nobody could see it. Gon gasped. "Where's Killua!" they got no answer. Suddenly an image appeared, one of a woman holding a child in the middle of a forest. Gon's eyes widened. "T-That's Killua's mother! She looks so young!" A few of the bulls murmured to each other. "This must be Killua's past" Nero said, pointing to the child. Said child had white hair and blue eyes, but he looked to be less than a year old. "That's not good" Kurapika muttered, earning him some uneasy looks. Gon seemed to be panicking slightly. "Ah he's so cute! But this is bad- damn it I don't know how to feel right now" He muttered. Kikyo was smiling, gently rocking baby Killua in her arms. "it doesn't look so terrible" Finral muttered. "yeah, I thought you said his family was awful" Vanessa pointed out. There was a rustling, then a younger Silva came out of the trees with a grin.

"Kikyo, how is he?" Kikyo smiled. "Wonderful" He ruffled Killua's hair. "You are a Zoldyck Killua, part of the most feared family of assassins known to man" Baby Killua blinked up at his father. "You'll take my place one day son, You'll be the head of the family one day" Kikyo smiled. "You're going to be the best assassin in the history of the Zoldycks!" She said fondly. "He...didn't even get a say in this?" Finral said in disbelief. Gon was watching silently, as was Kurapika. They'd get a chance to see what Killua was really like when he was young. There was a yell, and suddenly a sword came arcing down out of nowhere. A few of the bulls gasped in alarm. "The baby! Their going for the baby!" Noelle yelled. Then Silva turned and appeared behind him, a small brown cloth in his hands.

The man dropped to the ground, a hole in his chest where his heart should be. There was dead silence from the bulls. Silva walked over with a grin. "This'll be you one day son" He said, holding out the bag. "One day you'll be able to cut down your foes with ease" Then he unwrapped the cloth to show a still beating heart. "HE'S LESS THAN A YEAR OLD!" Asta yelled. 

The image rippled, then changed. Killua was older now, appearing to be about half a year old. And he was walking. "What the hell? Children don't walk that young" Captain Yami muttered. Gon scoffed. "Unless you're a Zoldyck" He spat. He was out in the forest when Mike came, multiple people jumped a little at the size. "Holy crap-" Asta yelped. Killua reached up a hand. "Mike"

Mike lowered his large head and Killua stroked his nose. "Up" He knelt down and Killua crawled onto his back, then Mike took off through the forest. Baby Killua's eyes were wide with excitement as they moved. "He wasn't kidding about that thing being 2 stories" Finral muttered. There was a sharp whistle and Mike paused, then started off in the direction of a huge mansion. "Holy crap that thing's huge!" Asta said in wonder. "That's Killua's house, the entire estate is the mountain it's on" Kurapika supplied. Mike paused at a balcony that Kikyo was standing on, with a whistle in her hands. "Killua darling, come to mother" She crooned, holding her arms out. Baby Killua crawled off Mike's back and Kikyo picked him up. "It's time for training" She said sweetly, carrying him inside. Gon frowned slightly. "Training? He didn't start training until he was three"

He got a few alarmed looks. "three years old?" They fell silent as Kikyo moved into a dungeon like area, then into what looked like a torture chamber. "he does have one of those, I thought you guys were joking" Finral muttered. Silva was waiting with two objects. A syringe and a taser. "There you are" He said, then Killua was set on a table. "Ok" He said, then held an arm out and looked away. "Don't tell me-" Vanessa cut off with a gasp as Silva turned the taser on. "H-he's not even a year old yet!" Finral protested. Gon punched at the image of Kikyo, but his fist never connected. "FUCK YOU!" he shouted, tears rolling down his cheeks. Kurapika put a hand on Gon's shoulder and he calmed a little, then the taser was pressed to Killua's arm. He let out a small cry of pain, but squeezed his eyes shut and didn't do much else as it was connected for about 2 seconds.

Then the syringe was injected into him and he gasped, then started foaming at the mouth. "Silva! How much did you give him?" Kikyo snapped. He frowned slightly, as if confused. "half a syringe of Likutonun?" Kikyo gasped. "Silva! Your only supposed to give him a quarter! What use is there poisoning him if you're just going to kill him so young? I said small doses until he turns 5!" She snapped. The group was frozen in horror. Well, except for a furious Gon and Kurapika. Kurapika's eyes had gone red and Gon's own were dark. Baby Killua was writhing in pain on the table, coughing and still foaming. "he has to get through it, my son is going to be the next head and he needs to be ready."

It cut out again, Killua was older now. He was in the same room, this time he looked to be about a year old. Illumi was supervising him, he had short hair and was just standing in the doorway. Baby Killua took his syringe and injected it into his own body, nobody could speak as they watched his eyes roll back in his head for a few moments. "This is awful" Vanessa said softly. Gon seethed for a few moments, then turned to glare at Kurapika. "Kurapika, I need to hit something." he blinked, then held his arms up and activated Ko. "If you must" A few alarmed glances as Gon slammed his fist into Kurapika's arms, it wasn't with Ko and his knuckles bled a little as he let out an angry yell. "You need me to do the taser Kil?" Illumi said emotionlessly. Killua coughed a few times, holding his stomach and breathing hard. "Mhm" Illumi electrocuted him for a few moments and he gasped, then gritted his teeth against the pain.

Killua was even older now, about 3 years old. He was standing in front of Illumi in the forest outside of his house. Illumi took out a knife and tossed it to Killua, he attempted to catch the knife but got cut a little in his palm with the blade. "Faster Kil, now start your exercises" he nodded and wrapped his palm in a cloth, then started taking slashes at the air with a disinterested expression. "I would say I was surprised that they let their child hold a knife that young but by now I don't think I am all that much" Asta muttered. Out of nowhere Illumi chucked a rock at Killua and he tried to block with the knife but missed, wincing slightly as it caught him just above the eye. "Faster" he threw another and Killua kept trying to deflect, it worked about once every 5 tries.

The scene shifted once more, Killua was lifting weights in his room. Finral's eyes widened. "That looks like 5 Kilograms!" Killua was three and a half now, and counting. "105, 106, 107-"

Killua was practicing with Illumi again, this time with real knives. Killua deflected or dodged them all, keeping an imitation of his monotone expression on. "It's impressive though" Captain Yami said. Gon scowled. "Maybe, but it's hell."

Time fast forwarded again,"Kil, time for your first round of endurance training" Illumi said, looking down at a 5 year old Killua who was practicing slashing at a tree. His moves had gotten faster and sharper. Killua paused, then looked up at his older brother. "Endurance training?" He was lead back into the torture chamber, though it was cleaned out a bit. Gon turned away, gripping Kurapika's arm hard. That made everybody watching Killua's life tense, whatever was about to happen wasn't going to be good. Killua let himself be chained up, face to the wall. He also wasn't wearing a shirt, and everybody watching noticed how he only had about 5 scars on his back. "Milluki" Milluki walked in, he was less fat but still chubby. "Illumi?" he pointed to Killua, who was waiting patiently. "Begin"

1475 words

To be continued...

So, I'd like to point out that liek 75% of Killua's backstory is not cannon. I did a lot of wiki searching, anime watching, and tried my best to keep what you do know accurate. The rest, is my personal Au. also, another thing about my Au is that Alluka's 10 and Kalluto's 11

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