52 Public humiliation and another appearance

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He gritted his teeth, then Killua slipped his bag back on and moved the cash over to himself. "Now" He said, with a smirk. "I've got a deal" There was a huff and he glanced over to see that all of the bulls seemed impressed, slightly shocked, or on the verge of laughing. Gon however, was giving him a look. 'Don't you dare' He crossed his legs, putting his hands behind his head with a slight smirk as he dragged his eyes back to the man he had been betting with. "One more round, if you win you get your suitcase and half your money back" Then a small glint flashed in his eyes. "If I win, you owe me two favors. Both will be immediate, and if you refuse then I can just take the high road and bruise that pretty little face of yours" The man gritted his teeth, then sat back down. "Deal" Heheheheh. Killua slid half of the cash and the suitcase back over to him, then the cards got dealt.

Killua put on his monotone expression, the man sweat nervously. Even more spectators had gathered, nearly the entire damn casino was watching now. He looked down at his cards, then internally snickered. This is gonna be great. Some cards shifted, then the man threw down his hand. "Full House" Killua grinned, "Four Of A Kind" The man gritted his teeth, slamming his hands on the table. "Now, about those favors-" Suddenly Gon was beside the table with crossed arms. "Killua, don't be an asshole" He stood up, the man stood up as well. "I promise it'll be good, I won't ask him to eat his own shit or anything. I mean I could tell him to go suck someone's dick but I won't" The man sweatdropped, realizing that he was now at the mercy of a sadistic kid who could very easily fuck up his entire reputation in one fell swoop.

Magna snickered, Finral tried to hide a laugh but failed. Vanessa sipped some wine in amusement and Captain Yami was watching with crossed arms. I've got the perfect idea. He grinned. "Strip, give me everything you have on you except your boxers" The man's face flushed and Captain Yami started laughing, so was pretty much the entire casino by now. "No damn wa-" Killua moved faster than the eye could see, removing his clothing and snagging every item on him until he was left in nothing but his boxers. He yelped, then scowled at Killua. He was about to walk away when Killua raised a hand. "Not so fast, I said two favors. Now, unless you want to get beat to a pulp you've gotta do as I say still" Captain Yami finally stopped laughing. "You know, I like you kid" Gon shot him a look and he cleared his throat, then put his hands behind his head. "Vanessa, help me out on this one"

She walked over and he murmured in her ear with a smirk, she blinked and then shrugged. "Alright" Then she took out her grimoire and used her magic to edit his boxers. Words appeared on the front, and it said 'I'm a dirty cheater, I suck at gambling, and I lost to a 13 year old' In bright neon pink. Even Gon snickered a little at that. The man's cheeks grew hot again and he grinned. "You've gotta leave this town, looking like that, and you're not allowed to ask someone for clothes until you get to another one" He put his hands behind his head, a fake smile on his face. "Karma bitch, I wonder how many people you've cheated out?" People were laughing, pointing fingers, sneering, Killua felt satisfied. Gon sighed heavily as the man ran out and Killua started gathering his new things. "Well damn" Magna muttered.

He shot a grin over at him. "What was that you were saying about me being bad at gambling?" Finral frowned slightly. "I don't get it, isn't it just luck?" Killua snorted, grabbing his new suitcase and stuffing the rest in his bag. "No it's not. It's an art. Bluffing, strategy, knowing how to read people, keeping a straight face. Yeah sure, there's some luck but most of its how you play your cards" Gon giggled. "You and your gambling addiction" he shot him a glare. "I'm not addicted to it!" Gon crossed his arms. "You bet your damn life on a pair of dice." All four of the others stiffened in alarm. Killua waved his hand dismissively, "it was a 1 in 20 chance-" Gon scoffed. "You rolled the damn thing five times" He huffed, rolling his eyes. "dude what the hell? You could've died!" Finral said.

He grinned catlike. "I won a shit ton of money that day-" Gon smacked him. "Bisky had to knock you out before you killed yourself with it! This is why I don't let you go gambling. You don't stop" Killua shot him a glare. "Are you telling me to leave?" He crossed his arms again, "You know the answer" But I only got to play one game! He hissed. "I only played one damn game" He gave Killua a stern look, the rest of the bulls didn't interfere with this. I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE YET DAMN IT. He huffed, holding up a finger. "How about this, I get a few rounds on that" He said, pointing the same finger at a dartboard across the room. Gon grabbed his hand and started dragging him out, he hissed and struggled. "No! Damn it! Fuck you Gon!"

"Ohohohohoho" Killua's ears twitched, then he caught sight of that old lady across the room. She was also playing poker, and had just run some guy for his money. Gon blinked. "Your just gonna let me-" someone snagged the bag of winnings and he dislocated his bones to get free. Before Gon could grab him again, he appeared behind the dude and swiped said bag. After that he kicked his feet out from under him and stuck his tongue out. "Baaka" Gon shot him a glare and was about to come smack him for stealing someone's money when he walked back over to the old lady's table and set the bag back down. "This is yours ma'am" There was a confused silence from the bulls, including Gon. "Is that Killua...being nice to an old lady?" He muttered in confusion. The old lady smiled. "Thank you boy" He rested his elbows on the table licking his lips. "Now, I was wondering if you had anything for me today"

As Killua spoke he dropped 20 Yule on the table and she laughed. "Sure do, here you go" She put the heavenly jar of chocolates on the table. His eyes sparkled and he grabbed it, then gave the woman a smile. It wasn't actually forced to be honest. "Thanks! I'll be on my way now" Yes! "I- what the hell was that?" Magna said, right after he walked back over. Killua blinked, then opened the jar and stuffed one of the chocolates in his mouth. "Business my friend, business" Gon giggled. "You didn't even call her an old hag-" He shot Gon a glare. "Listen, that old hag deserves my respect. I try my hardest not to call her that to her face." Gon snorted. "You show her more respect than you do Bisky-" Vanessa blinked. "Didn't you say that was your old teacher?" Gon nodded. "The blonde one with the pigtails" Vanessa, Magna, and Finral, sweatdropped.

Killua growled. "That old hag is a bitch and she never once gave me chocolate. We've talked about this Gon, me and old ladies don't mix." He blinked. "Which is why I myself am confused as to why me and that old woman get along so well" Gon thought for a moment. "when was the first time you saw her?" He grinned, munching on another chocolate bar "So I was in the royal capital for the magic knight exam when I came across her stall. It didn't have much, just some...purple snakes" Killua shifted a little, then shot a glare at some nosy guy who was listening in. He gulped and cleared off, definitely one of the spectators for that poker game. "Anyways, I was about to walk by when I smelled it. She said it wasn't for sale but I dropped like...I dunno like 50 Yule or something? I hadn't had any sort of chocolate in a while and I didn't quite have a grasp of the coin system so I just grabbed a few handfuls-"

"Gon's right, he is damn royalty. Throwing around money like it's nothing" Magna muttered under his breath. Killua ignored that and kept talking. "She said it was homemade and I said I'd come back. I never ended up revisiting the royal capital but I keep seeing that old lady for some reason" Vanessa frowned slightly. "Really?" He nodded. "The royal capital, twice at Bukuni village, oh right and on my second mission I saw her too but you were kind of dragging me and I didn't even have my Yule on my anyways" Gon blinked. "Do you not know her name?" Killua blinked as well. "No?" Gon crossed his arms with a huff. "Sometimes your utter disrespect for figures of authority is irritating" Killua scowled, "I don't like being controlled. I'll do whatever the damn hell I want without other people dictating my own actions for me"

1575 words

To be continued...

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