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it was silent. besides the ticking sound of the clock displayed on the wall, you could hear a pin hit the floor because of this awful silence.

the first whimper escaped alex's mouth before leading to a full on sob as he dropped his head. he looked so defeated in the way that his chest heaved up and down, and his shoulders lost the usual confidence that he had.

"i'm so sorry, hyung," logan apologized softly, but alex doesn't seem to care. he continued to cry with his face in his hands so that we couldn't see how heartbroken he is.

logan gestured for me to give them some time alone, i'm sure alex is embarrassed that i saw like this. so i'll pretend i didn't see this and head to my room.

i couldn't focus on studying because so much happened, just in this one night. rona ends up in the hospital, and the issue is we don't even know who did it.

clicking my pen nonstop, i stared hard at its label that read 'ballpoint pen' before dropping it onto my desk. the glaring computer screen was starting to make my eyes tired so i saved my work and logged off.

after washing up in the bathroom, i crawled into bed and laid on my side, staring at the lamp on my nightstand.

sometimes i want to take a break from everything.

sometimes, i don't want to go to school nor see any of my loved ones. they mean a lot to me, but it emotionally affects me so much when they're in pain or hurt. i can barely take care of my own well-being sometimes.

but i just can't imagine life without them.

eventually, my eyelids droop and i find myself slowly drifting off to dreamland.

i woke up pretty early the next day. no alarm clocks or any ruckus in the house, i found it weird that i woke up when the sun was barely out.

i closed my eyelids and tried to fall asleep again, but i just couldn't. instead, i rolled myself out of bed and washed up in the bathroom.

afterwards, i walked into the living room after greeting the maids that were already cleaning.

i thought about watching tv, but i didn't want to wake up either alex or logan. but the walls are pretty solid, right?

i decided to sit on the balcony by myself. the cold morning wind blew past my face as i watched the calm sunrise. the water of the pool rippled softly. birds flew by. it was a very peaceful scene.

for a place as lively and busy as the city, it was incredibly calming to enjoy this moment.

i realized that i missed the countryside.

out of nowhere, the idea of a spontaneous trip to my grandparents' house popped into my head. i have school later, but i figured missing one day of class wouldn't hurt.

i changed into some jeans and a knit cardigan before heading downstairs into the lobby.

i asked secretary hong if he had time to drive me to the countryside. he was a bit confused but he showed in less than 20 minutes.

when i was seated in the backseat of his car, he started the conversation by nagging, "don't you have to go to school today?"

"yeah, but i wanna do something spontaneous today. so i'm going to visit my grandparents," i told him, and he's not surprised at this point anymore.

"you're not going to make this into a regular thing where you suddenly go on random trips?" secretary hong looked at me through the rearview mirror, an eyebrow raised.

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