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the obvious question was why?

who in the right mind would turn down a proposal from the person they loved most?

there was one thought that crossed my mind, which made me rethink the whole decision.

i was so lost in thought and began sobbing uncontrollably, because i might have lost an opportunity of a lifetime.

"so how did it go-" alex turned his head, but confusion replaced the excitement on his face. he watched as i ran into my room and slammed the door close.

locking the door of my bathroom behind me, i placed each hand on the surface of the flat marble counter, as i stared in the mirror.

my reflection depicted a miserable girl whose face was stained with tears. she was sniffling and her runny nose was as red as rudolph's.


i wished that he hadn't proposed to me earlier. why did it happen so early?

i loved him to death and would absolutely take a bullet for him, but why did he propose so early?

i trust logan so much, but i've been betrayed by all sorts of close loved ones in the past. saying yes to forever, terrifies me.

i've known him for barely over a year, and as much as i love him, i have doubting thoughts. when i thought i loved baekhyun so much, and imagined forever with him, he popped my bubble of fantasy by being absent when i needed him.

he couldn't promise forever if he failed to be there on the day i needed him most.

but logan has never let me down, even during the rocky periods that we've gone through together.

marrying him also meant cutting off ties with my family. i've barely reconciled with my siblings and it's a miracle my parents are reaching out to me now.

would logan's parents accept me? aside from his grandma and alex, i am almost sure that no one else in his family would welcome me with open arms.

in my mind, i already know that he's the one i want to spend the rest of my life with. and when the right time comes, i'll marry him without hesitation.

i turned on the faucet, letting the cold water fill up in my palms before splashing it onto my face.

logan must be so heartbroken right now. i think it's only right that i try to explain to him. he deserves an explanation more than anything.

i was so surprised because he didn't follow after me to demand a decision. he let me be and that made my heart ache even more, because he still put me before him.

he had every right to be disappointed at me for rejecting his proposal.

i stood behind my door, my hand already prepared to twist the handle. i heard a loud crash, followed by alex hollering. i flinched at the sound of it.

i cracked the door open to see a broken soju bottle on the kitchen floor. small pieces of glass surrounded the spilled liquid. alex stood there with a stern look, staring at a distraught logan glaring back at him.

his eyes met mine, and for a moment, the fire in his eyes disappeared. but his expression grew stoic, as he pushed past alex, and walked out the front door.

alex, who had his focus fixated on the broken pieces of glass on the floor, calmly asked, "what the fuck happened?"

maybe the 'fuck' part was a bit aggressive, but he had a good reason to be upset.

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