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Nik is painting and I'm sitting on the couch near him drawing when Stefan walks in. "Looks like a giant snowflake." Stefan said "I prefer to think of it as an expression of post-modernism. It's my donation to the winter wonderland charity event." Nik said and Adrian walks into the room. "You said it was urgent?" Adrian asked "Yes. Take this to the mystic grill immediately." Nik said "You want me to be a delivery guy?" Adrian asked "What I want is for you to do whatever I say, without the attitude. Be careful with that. It's still wet." Nik said and Adrian leaves the room. "Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, you know." Stefan said "What is the point of my hybrids being sired to me if I can't maximize on the benefits of free labor? What are you doing here?" Nik asked "Elena is sired to Damon." Stefan said

"I intuited as much." Nik said "Which means I need to find the cure now more than ever, and here you are making post-modern snowflakes." Stefan said "I've delivered. I retrieved the hunter's sword from Italy, which we'll use to decipher the map hidden in the hunter's mark. You're the one who's supposed to deliver the hunter and his mark." Nik said
"Well, Jeremy is the hunter, and he has to keep killing vampires to complete his mark, but we can't quite figure out how to keep him from killing us." Stefan said "Sounds like quite the chore, which is why I feel perfectly justified in doing a little charity work." Nik said "Or maybe you're lying about having found the sword." Stefan said "Why would I lie to you, Stefan? We're in this together. The hilt acts as a cypher which we'll use to decode the marks on Jeremy's tattoo when he's killed enough vampires to complete it. I heard you moved out of your house. Bit of a martyr move, hmm?" Nik asked "I'm not here to bond, Klaus." Stefan said "Oh, on the contrary, I think right now I'm the best friend you've got." Nik said

-time skip-

Once I get to the grill I follow Hayley into the restrooms with Tyler and Caroline. "How the hell did you even get out?" Tyler asked "I got out because even your idiot hybrids recognized the stupidity of your Alpha hybrid martyr plan." Caroline said said "I'm not going to fight with you anymore, Caroline." Tyler said "Oh, we're gonna do plenty of fighting, the second that you shove Klaus into someone else's body." Caroline said "We've been through this. I don't have anyone else's body." Tyler said "Yeah? Well, I do." Caroline said "What? Who?" Hayley asked "Klaus' sister Rebekah. She's got a dagger in her. Stefan's been hiding her coffin in the tunnels. We dump Klaus into her body and bury her. We just killed two original birds with one stone." Caroline said "It's too late to change the plan." Hayley said "Call Bonnie. Make sure it'll work." Tyler said "Tyler." Hayley said "It's a brilliant plan, Hayley." He looks at Caroline. "You're a genius. I love you." Tyler said "Mmm. I love you, even when I hate you." Caroline said "I got to go find my mom, let her know I might actually graduate." Tyler said and Caroline calls Bonnie.

"Caroline, hey." Bonnie said "Bonnie, I need you to think fast. I know that the daggers don't work on Klaus, but what if we put his essence into Rebekah? It'll work, right? Say it'll work." Caroline said "Slow down. Slow down. What's happening?" Bonnie asked "Just come on, Bonnie. Will it work?" Caroline asked "Yeah. I don't see why not." Bonnie said "Oh. Bonnie Bennett, I love you." Caroline said "Do you need my help? I can leave Elena here with Jeremy." Bonnie said "Elena? She's there, too?" Caroline asked "Yeah. She came with Damon. Who's being slightly less horrible than usual." Bonnie said "You know what? I can't deal with this right now." She hangs up with Bonnie and turns around to look at Hayley and I. "She said it would work." Caroline said "I gathered. Congratulations." Hayley said "Thank you." Caroline said and Hayley breaks her neck and looks down at her body. "My pleasure." Hayley said

-time skip-

I'm standing beside of Nik when Hayley walks up to Nik saying something to him that I don't catch before walking away. Stefan walks up to us when Hayley walks away. "She doesn't like me much. Where have you been all day?" Nik asked "I've been around." Stefan said "I'm not interested in vagaries, Stefan. You've been dodgy and Caroline's been lovely, which I've come to recognize as a tool of distraction. Now do you have something to share with me, or should I compel it out of you?" Nik asked "I broke into your safe to look for the sword." Stefan said "Why?" Nik asked "Because I don't trust you." Stefan said "I showed you the sword. I explained its value. I've been on your side the entire time. What do you want from me...A secret brotherhood handshake?" Nik asked "I found the letters. You have a few pen pals over the centuries?" Stefan asked "Well, is keeping my victims' letters really so different from writing their names on a wall, like you did, ripper? Loneliness, Stefan. That's why you and I memorialize our dead. There's the briefest of moments before we kill where we literally hold their life in our hands, and then we rip it away, and we're left with nothing. So gathering other people's letters or writing their names on a wall... It's a reminder... That in the end we're left infinitely and utterly alone." Nik said

I walk away from them and walk towards Hayley and Tyler. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be taking the witch to the cellar." Tyler said "There is no witch, Tyler." Hayley said "What?" Tyler asked "I made it up. I never intended for you to put Klaus down. I needed him for the sacrifice." Hayley said
"What?" Tyler asked "I don't know how to explain it, but I made a deal with someone who can help me find my family." Hayley said "What are you talking about? What kind of deal?" Tyler asked "There needed to be 12 for the sacrifice, Tyler." Hayley said "12 what?" Tyler asked "I'm sorry." Hayley said "Hayley, what did you do?" Tyler asked "If you run now, you might make it out alive." I say

Hope y'all like the chapter. Sorry for the short chapter but I didn't think I could put Valentina in many scenes in this episode. But I have y'all are ready for the emotional roller coaster of the next chapter. Next chapter is S4E12.

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