...~CHAPTER 14~...

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San had sparked a conversation between the two as they headed to their houses. Wooyoung nodded attentively while adding some comments here and there.

A cold breeze swept past them, resulting in Wooyoung tugging his jacket closer to his body than it already was.

He accidentally pressed his jacket on his shoulder roughly and sucked in a harsh breath.

San glanced at him with worry written all over his face, a crease appearing between his eyebrows.

His lips were pursued together, parting as if he was going to talk.

Before he got the chance to do so, the temperature around them dropped drastically.

Wooyoung jerked at the sudden change in the atmosphere, his teeth gritting together.

It became eerily noiseless while everything seemed frozen in time, the moon revealing itself as the clouds parted.

It twinkled a brilliant white on the buildings below, illuminating silhouettes of the elevated structures over the sidewalk.

The sky began to gradually transition from an indigo blue to a now crimson blood color.

Loud screaming echoed in the distance, causing both Wooyoung and San to snap their heads in the direction. It was quiet again, then the shrieking started up again.

Wooyoung was undoubtedly terrified at the unexpected change of events. Meanwhile, San quietly plucked a dagger out from his sleeve halfway, readied for anything.

Abruptly, Wooyoung was tackled to the ground, grunting when his shoulder made contact with the ground first.

San whipped around to discover what the commotion was and instantly charged forward.

On top of Wooyoung was a creature with bared pointed teeth, preparing to sink its teeth in his neck.

Its paw pinned him down by his shoulder which earned it a cry.

Before it could attack its target, a gut-wrenching howl escaped its mouth and fell limp.

It wobbled and tumbled to the side, giving Wooyoung a clear view of San ripping a blade from the back of the beast.

San smeared the blood off his dagger with his shirt, sweeping a glance around the perimeter of their area.

"It's not safe here, we need to keep moving-"

He stopped, his eyes drifting to Wooyoung to examine him for injuries.

That's when he saw him whimpering softly, clutching his shoulder as his face was scrunched up in pain.

San shortly stooped down, laying his weapon on the ground next to him.

"Wooyoung, can I take a look at your shoulder?" He gently asked, not wanting to frighten him by demanding.

Wooyoung found himself nodding without realizing and winced when his sleeve was lifted after his jacket was taken off.

The cold air prickled at his exposed skin, goosebumps emerging. Wooyoung was wondering what the hell just happened when his friend spoke.

"It seems that the impact left a deep bruise on your blade, it'll be able to heal soon enough," San said after inspecting the male for a bit, allowing the sleeve to fall on its own.

He grabbed ahold of the sweater from the ground, dusting it off and gliding it over Wooyoung's shuddering body.

"What was that thing-" He asked but a vicious snarl caught their attention, learning it was another monster when they looked back.

San snatched his dagger and shoved it down his sleeve, hearing a small click. He pretended not to have seen Wooyoung's bewildered look thrown in his direction.

He carefully swooped Wooyoung into his arms, now dashing down the vacant road as the beast hunted him down while snapping its jaws.

His feet stomped on the pavement, speeding up by the second.

Wooyoung squealed the instant San picked him up, clinging onto him for his dear life.

"What is that thing!" He shouted, peering over San's shoulder and eyeing the creature as it approached them.

He almost shrieked when the monster managed to tear off a piece of San's knitted sweater.

"I'll explain to you later cause right now-"

They were then heaved to the side, colliding with a nearby building wall. Wooyoung thumped head-first with the bricks, pain exploding in his skull.

His eyes were crossed as his sight was losing focus. San was underneath his body, unconscious now.

A blurry figure neared both of them, growling lowly. It was about to pounce when a faint incantation rang in his ears.

Blazes of light blinded him temporarily, hearing a scream and stillness once more.

An outline of a person stepped towards them from beside a fuzzy mound of remains.

His eyes shot upwards, taking in the person's features despite not being able to view them properly.

What caught his attention first were the glowing eyes, presumably since they were very bright. A pair of horns were pointed towards the sky-

'Wait, horns?'

He was in doubt understandably, but then again, he was attacked by those monster things.

He didn't even know what to call them for his friend never got the chance to explain to him.

At that point, the mysterious individual had crouched down and placed a cool hand on his forehead.

A pang of familiarity shot up his spine, yet he couldn't pinpoint where he met this person.

He sensed himself drifting towards the brink of passing out when the person twirled their head towards San.

A blonde mullet faced his eyes and that's where it hit him.

It was-


He snapped his head up, where his sight was met with the entire class staring at him while the teacher was fuming with anger.

He glanced around and met Yeosang's eyes, who sent him a worried gaze.

"Care to explain why you slept in my lesson?" Mr. Park seethed, lifting an eyebrow as he expected an explanation.

His arms were crossed over his chest with his foot tapping against the floor.


"S-sorry Mr. Park, I didn't get enough sleep last night..." Wooyoung answered, eyes flickering around feeling his chest tighten.

He could feel his leg shaking underneath his desk and his lower lip trembling.

"Detention after school with me Mr. Jung," He scoffed before returning to his lecture, taking everyone's attention back.

Wooyoung froze, his mouth parted as his eyes glossed over. His heart pounded in his chest while he hushed his cries for the remainder of the period.


That's it for today folks!

This chapter was finished and edited by me at 3-5 AM, so there's a high chance of there being mistakes within this part of the story.

How are you guys doing? I hope you're doing well and getting enough rest (🤡☝️).

Remember, you are valid no matter what people say and we are glad to have you in this world ♡´・ᴗ・'♡

If anyone says otherwise, they better square up cause they'll be catching these hands (ง'̀-'́)ง

Enough of this crackhead mess, please enjoy life to the fullest while you still have the chance ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Caught In Your Arms (DISCONTINUED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon