...~CHAPTER 5~...

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Scenes of emotional abuse and possibly physical abuse as well (?) *remember, if anyone is experiencing any of the following actions depicted in this chapter, seek help immediately and if you are not able to, feel free to talk to me or anyone you trust absolutely, no one deserves to go through this kind of trauma 😕💛*

A loud slap echoed in the room and a small wince followed afterward.

Mr. Jung was heavily breathing as his hand returned to his side and clenched into a fist. Mrs. Jung watched to the side with her arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed. Her lips curled downwards into a snarl when she noticed Wooyoung's lips trembling and tears glossing in his eyes.

Wooyoung stooped his head down to avoid their disappointed gazes and attempted to blink his tears away. The pain lingered on his now swollen cheek. He accidentally released a weak sob and his eyes expanded, his heart racing with tension.

"YOU SHUT UP, real men don't cry," His father seethed, taking a closer step towards the boy who he is too ashamed to call his son. "You have been becoming too soft these days,"

Wooyoung stayed glued to his place, not bothering to defend himself, having used to this kind of treatment. He shut his eyes and waited for another strike of pain to come towards him. And it did.

His father heaved a blow to his abdomen, and Wooyoung hunched over in pain, voicing a groan. He was jerked onto his knees and he hesitantly glanced up to lock eyes with his mother.

Instead of the loving eyes he remembered when he was an infant, they now held hatred and it haunts him every night.

"You disappoint me greatly Jung Wooyoung, not only to me but to our entire family branch!" She screeched, yanking on his hair and pulling him closer to her. He could feel her resentment rumbling from her in waves and it suffocated him.

"YOU ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT TO US, A DISGRACE!" She directly shrieked in his face, madness twisted into her features.

He felt like he was stuck underwater, desperately thrashing around in an attempt to reach the surface. But he seems to be pulled down deeper no matter his objections while his throat feels like it's closing in.

Yet his face held no emotion and he endured the beating from both parents with no objections. Mr. Jung kissed his teeth before walking away while Mrs. Jung scoffed and waited in the room.

"You need to learn how to man up, no woman would want a man who's weak!" She kicked his limp body before pursuing after her husband.

Wooyoung stared at the ground with his vision blurring until he comprehended he was crying again. He lifted a hand towards his rib cage and only earned pain in response when it came in contact with his hand.

He used the coffee table as support to hold up his aching body from the ground and staggered against the wall. The pain would decrease soon enough and he will lock himself in his room to treat himself.

A few moments passed and the pain relieved just as he speculated, dragging his body to his room. He shut the door and whimpered in discomfort.

"What did I do to deserve this..." Wooyoung muttered while his tears cascaded down his cheeks even after rubbing them away. He decided to not throw himself a pity party and dealt with it as he tended to his bruises.

He didn't know what to do with his agonizing rib cage and just plopped himself in his screwed-up bed. For the rest of the night, he was alone in his room with his thoughts swimming through the ocean of his mind. He wasn't able to sleep despite his attempts and gave up afterward.


The next morning, he sat up in his bed as soon as he saw an orange hue of light pouring in from the window. He laid his hand on his ribs and felt the pain had gone. He didn't question it and instead was relieved.

His phone sat untouched on his nightstand with the screen lit up with numerous missed calls and messages from 2 nights ago. He stretched his limbs but then felt immediate pain in his back.

His legs slung themselves over the bed and dangled over the edge. The pain only intensified when he stood at the foot of his bed and he was forced to settle on the mattress again.

His hands gripped the bedsheets, his body bending over as his breathes came out in an urgency. Not even a few seconds later, the pain subsided and he titled his head. He glimpsed something distinct about his dark outline on the floor and he looked back but saw nothing.

Wooyoung peered down and the additional detail faded away before he could fully identify it. He shrugged it off but felt a liquid rush down his back and reached for it.

When his hand landed back into view, he froze in place. His fingers were coated in blood and he scurried to the restroom. He tugged his shirt off and nearly passed out when he gaped into the mirror.

Blood decorated the entirety of his back and a pair of subtle lines were on his shoulder blades, which was the main source of the blood.


Sorry if this chapter was unfortunately short. I have been getting writer's block on how I should write things out to get to the point of the story. But don't worry, I'll make sure the other chapters will be lengthier than this mess of a chapter :)

(And to make them more intriguing cause things aren't making sense-)

Anygays, how are y'all? I hope y'all are doing good because I'm so sorry if anyone has been enduring anything that has appeared in this chapter. This topic is awfully serious and will not be romanticized throughout the story. On a side note-


I extremely appreciate it so much that my book is being found and people are enjoying it too 💛💛



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