...~CHAPTER 2~...

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Wooyoung stepped foot inside his classroom which was starting to become more occupied by students. He maintained a poker face as some girls walked up to him shortly with wrapped boxes in their arms.

"Happy Birthday Wooyoung," One of them said, a smile playing at her lips. Her dark brown hair fell on her shoulders flawlessly while her friends either had their hair up in a ponytail or the same style as her. "My friends and I created some presents for you and we hope you like them," She finished, nodding her head to her friends to which they handed him their presents carefully.

She then passed her own to him and inclined her head before walking off with her friends. Jung-hoon, who was standing off to the side jogged up to him and pat him on the back.

"I see you already have some girls falling for you already!" He chuckled and then seemed to remember something due to the look on his face. "Oh, and Happy Birthday, I forgot this time I swear-"

"It's fine," Wooyoung cut him off a little too quickly, and responded hastily, "Sorry, I'm just a little exhausted and since today is the state-wide exam, I needed to study and didn't realize it was late," He explained, noticing a glint in the other's eyes but didn't care for it.

"Hey, you don't need to apologize for being a genius!" Jung-hoon exclaimed, positioning a hand on his shoulder as if to show him reassurance. Wooyoung nodded without saying anything else and Jung-hoon retracted his hand back to his side. Wooyoung strode towards his seat that was in the middle row and hung his bag on his chair.

He stacked the gifts underneath his desk and brought out a book, opening it and proceeding to read the small printed words. He didn't recall how much time had passed when heavy footsteps could be heard from outside the classroom.

"Alright students, the class will begin in just a couple of moments, but for the students that will be taking the state-wide exam today, it will take place in the auditorium just after Lunch period ends," The teacher spoke as he entered the room, strolling behind his desk that had stacks of folders and ungraded assignments piled next to each other.

Wooyoung felt some stares thrown his way but he didn't mind them and only held his attention on the teacher in the front of the board. He twirled a pencil between his fingers feeling disturbed all of a sudden, nibbling on his bottom lip subconsciously.

He zoned out throughout the entire lesson, having already knowing the knowledge that was being handed out to the other students. He knew that class had finished once he heard the bell ring, indicating that the next period will start in a few minutes.

Wooyoung gathered his belongings, including the presents, and left the classroom, not bothering to check if his friend was behind him. He sauntered to his locker and opened it with a code, setting the items inside the small space. He slammed it shut and walked by himself to his next class.

It was finally Lunch period and he rose from his seat, resting his hands on his desk. His thoughts began racing rapidly and he started to quiver with anxiety. He knew that if he didn't pass the test, or even get a high grade, he would become a disappointment to his parents, and who knows what happens next.

As he walked down the hallway to his locker, Jung-hoon appeared on his side with an irritated expression present on his face before instantly shifting it. They both said nothing for a while until Jung-hoon abruptly stopped moving.

Wooyoung looked back with a brow raised in question and he too halted his movements.

"Is something the matter Jung-hoon?" He asked, his lack of concern apparent in his voice.

Jung-hoon didn't say anything and Wooyoung began to feel alarmed at his behavior. The next thing he knew, he was stranded in the corridor, facing the fleeing back of his friend as his running footsteps became more distant.

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