...~CHAPTER 9~...

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Wooyoung couldn't believe what he was doing. But he wasn't complaining. In fact, he was actually joyously pleased with what was happening at the moment. He struggled to stay still in his seat, fidgeting his fingers together. A small smile threatened to break out on his face as he glanced at Yeosang.

Yeosang was grinning from ear to ear with his arms crossed, standing to the side. His friend couldn't stop shifting in the stool he sat on. His excitement was basically radiating off him and even the worker smiled at his enthusiasm.

"And you're done!" The employee spoke suddenly, placing the piercing gun down on the small table beside them. They picked his choice of earrings and inserted the jewelry in the fresh hole. They grabbed the handle of a mirror off the small table and held it out before him.

Wooyoung stared in awe, admiring his earrings with precise concentration. He extended his fingers that were trembling and weakly tapped it, causing the metal to sway to the side and back. He watched as it twinkled in the overhead lights of the small store and he couldn't be any happier.

"God, it looks perfect!" He squealed, his grin brighter than the sun. It took him a few seconds to recollect himself and cleared his throat. The tips of his ears heated up and he sheepishly chuckled.

The employee shuffled to the register that was across the large area. They passed by the racks that were occupied by different clothing that varied in designs and sizes. The shelves that were packed with backpack keychains, colorful coffee mugs, and plushies were aligned to the side and towered over any customers.

A large glass box was positioned beside the accessories that was locked and present inside was jewelry. Chains transitioned into earrings, that changed to bracelets and finally rings. Each had a specific design manufactured on the item with precise details. One of Wooyoung's favorite was a ring that was a golden silver, a mini hourglass that was carved from pinewood which held its scent.

He has always desired the ring, but because of his parents he was hesitant in his decision and ended up not buying it.

The duo of friends stood in front of the counter, the employee punching in some numbers on the register.

"Ok, your total will come out as $10.35," They spoke, waiting patiently as Yeosang pulled out two 10 dollar bills. They accepted it, counting through the money and giving his change.

"And here's your change sir! Have a wonderful day," They exclaimed with a smile evident on their face.

"See? That wasn't so bad," Yeosang conversed with him as soon as they stepped foot out of the store. "So am I now your favorite best friend?" He nudged his shoulder playfully with his elbow, and in response, he earned a snort.

"Who said I picked favorites?" He teased the male while proceeding to walk ahead. Yeosang pouted and caught up with a huff of frustration.

"But you confessed yesterday that your favorite was Jung-hooon~" Yeosang whined, dragging his feet. "You're just being biased because you knew him before me,"

Wooyoung only shook his head, preventing his laughter. His best friend was behaving like a child who was refused candy.

"Let's see, you can become my favorite one," He began, noting how the other perked up at this. "If, you buy me something at the food court,"

Yeosang nodded with striking willingness in his gaze. Wooyoung snickered and altered his direction towards the food court. It was crowded as usual, with conversations overlapping each other and the sliding of chairs being hauled around.

"What are you in the mood for?" Yeosang hurried, taking out his notebook from his pocket that he always kept. He clicked a pen that appeared from nowhere but Wooyoung thought he was visualizing things.

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