...~CHAPTER 6~...

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(Not Proofread unfortunately, wanted to get the chapter out as soon as possible 😭, so point out any mistakes-)

Despite him being shaken by his bleeding back, Wooyoung managed to attend school that day. He didn't know how to use stitches and thought of visiting the school nurse for his injury.

His shoulder-blades caused him pain every time he touched it or even moving them when he needed to. He sluggishly lifted his feet and moved down the hallway. His book bag hung on his neck and it weighed him down, making him look miserable to anyone who saw him.

Dark circles were apparent underneath his eyes and he felt sleep deprived from this week's events. And to top it all off, school work has been piling up since he skipped a day and he felt like he could collapse at any point now.

He practically looked like a zombie and he couldn't care less about it. Students began whispering behind their hands to each other and pointed at him.

The same group of girls that gifted him the presents seemed concerned and walked to him.

"Wooyoung? Are you alright?" One of them asked, feeling worried for the male. He nodded lazily and trudged forward, dismissing their worry. They all looked at one another and seemed to walk in a particular direction.

Wooyoung watched them from the corner of his eyes and saw them take the route to the area he wasn't familiar with. His curiosity peaked but he restrained himself from following them.

He reached his locker and made a move to open it, but pain spiked once his arm was lifted. He grit his teeth to prevent any noise escaping from his throat. He endured the torture and opened his locker door, grabbing ahold of his bag and setting it down with the rest of his books.

He closed it shut and finally dropped his arm to his side. He deliberately made his way down the nurse's office and paused in front of the doors.

If he got the stitches now, and if his back bled again, would it be rendered as useless?

He shrugged the thought of, oblivious to the fact that it will indeed happen. Many times actually-(oops I said too much-). He pushed open the doors and was met with a white room that held beds against the wall in rows. A cabinet filled with medicines and bandages appeared to the side space that was free of beds. Curtains fluttered around the mattresses to give any patient privacy.

The sound of footsteps and humming reached his ears. He looked to the side and noticed a plump woman nearing him with a nurse outfit.

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Park, what seems to be the problem dearie?" Her voice was laced with sweetness and concern when she looked at his current appearance.

"Um, do you use stitches?" He asked, cautiously making sure he doesn't move his arms. When she nodded with a puzzled look visible on her face, he sighed and sat on a bed.

Wooyoung hesitantly lifted his shirt and turned around, his back facing her. She gasped lightly and quickly bustled to the cabinet. She came back with suture and a needle occupying a tray. A pair of blue medical gloves sat atop the tray. He eyed the objects with uneasiness.

"Oh it's nothing to worry about dearie, this will be quick and done in just a couple minutes," Mrs. Park responded with words that was directed to his facial expression, filling up the space behind him.

He heard the noise of her stretching the gloves on her hands and lifting the medical supplies. He felt the suture sewing through his skin, and pain slammed into his wounds. He released a harsh breath but made no complaints.

She continued with the procedure with silence engulfing the room. He didn't notice how much time had passed until a hand gently patted his shoulder.

Wooyoung carefully craned his neck to face Mrs. Park to see her setting the needle on the tray and rolling the gloves off. She put them aside and grabbed ahold a clipboard on the small table near the two.

"If you don't mind, could you tell me your name and what happened that caused those wounds on your shoulder-blades?" She clicked her pen and positioned it on the document while looking straight at him.

"Um, Jung Wooyoung and," He stated, but any excuse came blank in his mind. "....I woke up like this and pain exploded as soon as I moved my upper limbs."

"And how did you discover the wounds?" She questioned, jotting down his confession.

"I hurried to the restroom and checked my back, and it was completely covered in blood,"

"And how exactly would you rate your pain?"

"If I'm being honest, possibly an 8/10," He told her, fidgeting his fingers together. She hummed in understanding and finished her note-taking. "I'll be back in just a jiffy,"

She disappeared into her office and the noise of papers being stacked, objects moving around, and a stapler being utilized rose into the atmosphere. She returned moments later with a few documents stapled together in her frail hands and handed it to Wooyoung.

"These papers are the instructions on how to manage through the healing process while doing your regular activities, and how to clean your stitches properly without getting an infection," She explained, then added, "For now, don't wet them before 48 hours are completed. Come see me everyday after classes for a daily check-up,"

Wooyoung nodded after she finished her explanation and stood up. He bid her goodbye and she returned the gesture with a small bow. He pushed the door open, being mindful of his back which felt numbed at the moment.

As he walked down the hallway, he heard his name being called. He spun his head around and it was none other than Jung-hoon speeding at him. He slowed down when he was within a few feet of distance from the male.

"Wooyoung, are you feeling alright? You look like absolute shit," Jung-hoon spoke, them stopped himself when he saw Wooyoung's perplexed look. "Sorry, was that too insensitive of me to say? I'm sorry, my worry really has been getting to me lately..." He hurriedly confessed to him.

Wooyoung felt touched by his words and felt his heart flutter. A smile made its way to his lips and he shook his head.

"It's alright, you don't have to apologize again," He gently lifted his hand that rested on his friend's shoulder. Jung-hoon seemed to be somewhat satisfied and smiled as well.

"Also, is it alright if I introduce you to a friend of mine?" Jung-hoon asked suddenly, which confused him but he answered anyways.

"Sure I guess," He replied and withdrew his hand. Both males walked side by side with Jung-hoon leading the way. Wooyoung recalled back to his morning and his palms felt clammy. He attempted to shake off the feeling of the tension he felt even when there was nothing happening at the moment.

His eyes trailed over to his friend, who was looking ahead. When he first met him, he felt off all the time, too outgoing and laid-back for his own liking. But after a couple months after befriending him, he calmed down somewhat but continued his behavior.

But seeing him obviously worried for him made him feel warm inside. It made his heart skip a beat. And that one time when he insisted to pay, his cheeks warmed up at that.

His gaze broke away from Jung-hoon and he gazed down at the floor, feeling a small smile stretch onto his face.


And that's the end of tonight's chapter-

I wanted to get this chapter out immediately cause I promised y'all I'll upload chapters everyday depending on much I had written in my vacation-😩✋

It's crappy I know, but oh well. Anygays, hoped y'all enjoyed this chapter somehow and the next chapter someone will be introduced. I can't wait to to get that chapter out but before that happens, Imma have to do my research.

But for now, I'm going to sleep so if any of y'all comment, I'll reply when I get the chance tomorrow. So goodnight my waffles! Or for any of yall, good afternoon! Eat that oxygen and drink that air 🔫🤡

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