...~CHAPTER 12~...

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"This isn't going according to plan," A voice growled out. The individual narrowed his eyes as his finger tapped his chin, apparently deep in thought.

The woman beside him huffed in frustration, fiddling with the dagger between her fingers.

"I say we kill him," She suggested, an evil grin displayed on her face.

The male shook his head, turning his head to glare at her to which she stuck her tongue out.

"If we do that, then the mission will be ruined and we won't gain the stone. And most importantly-"

"You'll make him yours and I can kill San, yeah yeah," She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You're acting as if I'm stupid and will forget it...'

"That's because you are stupid," He deadpanned, smirking internally when she gasped.

"Excuse you, just because I'm a year younger doesn't give you the right to insult me,"

"I wish I could give two shits about it, but I can't,"

They continued like this for a while and finally, they managed to stop their bickering.

She crossed her arms over her chest, glowering at his back, but he pretended to not notice.

His main focus was the two males a glass wall away from them.

"How can we stray the two apart..." He pondered, many possibilities running through his mind but they weren't enough.

"Oh! How about we allow them to know each other, and-"

"No, did you just not hear me earlier? If we stray from the original plan, it's going-"

"Let me finish my thought!" She wailed, directing a threatening frown at him. "Sweet Zednanref, you can't be fucking patient huh?!"

He merely shrugged and kept silent.

"As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, we should allow them to get to know each other. After all, San knows Hongjoong who'll be introduced to his new friend or whatever his name is. And finally, Hongjoong will be brought to us,"

He listened attentively with his eyes glued forward before humming.

"For once your ideas aren't idiotic.." He muttered absentmindedly, receiving a smack to his head.

"Ow! You asshole!"

"oW! yOu aSsHoLe--Shut the fuck up you big baby," She snapped, her irritation matching his.

Before he could respond to her remark, she was gone.

"She always does this bullshit," He groaned lowly. His hand twitched as something grew from behind him, a light tingling spreading throughout his body.

He felt the ground move farther away from beneath his feet until he could feel engulfed in clouds.

His sight was keen enough to peer through the thickest of fog and floated his way through the lit sky.

He shifted his attention down at a cloudless area, glimpsing the building.

With a twirl of his fingers, a small circle gradually gained in size before him.

With one last glance below, he vanished inside the mysterious shape.

However, he didn't realize that his sister stayed behind until the portal flashed away.

He cursed under his breath, knowing she was going to cause trouble in the human realm.

"I swear to Zednanref, if she does anything wrong I'll make sure her dumbass is locked up in the dungeon..."

"Who will be locked up in the dungeons?"

He whipped around to lock gazes with the one and only Yoongi, who was gazing at him with no emotion.

"Well? I'm awaiting my answer," Yoongi demanded, his eyebrow quirking upwards until it disappeared under his mint-green locks.

"It's just a thief that I found in the village and was going to report it..."

"Yeah because I definitely didn't just see you come out from the portal," Yoongi totally believed his excuse and shook his head.

"Ugh fine, Seulgi is in the human realm again...old grandpa.." He swore underneath his breath, which unfortunately didn't go unheard by Yoongi.

He yelped when his ear was yanked forward.

"Just 'cause I'm your uncle doesn't mean you can act as if I'm your friend," He barked, his eyes flashing red. "And I certainly know that you and your sister are up to something, and it's apparent it's not good,"

The people around them stared at them curiously as they passed by. 

"So I'll have you know that whatever you're planning, it's going to end badly,"

With that, he snatched his hand away and walked off, not without a glare thrown his way.

The male trembled, not from fear, but fury. His eyes showcased it and the citizens scurried away to their destinations.

He forgot that he was at the portal station and stomped off without a second thought.

Yoongi sat on the railing of the roof outside, watching the small figure of his nephew disappear in the sea of people.

"I'll be watching you, Jung-hoon..."


I genuinely got excited while planning and writing out this chapter.

Everything is finally being set up the way I want it to and nothing makes me happier.

I also hope y'all understand this part of the story and if you didn't, that's fine!

Some hints were given on these characters. I'd like to see your guesses on these details 👀

Anygays, I hope y'all are having a wonderful day/night in the comfort of your beds.

Make sure to eat enough food and drink enough water! I love you guys so much for the support on the book 💛✨


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