...~CHAPTER 8~...

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Weeks have passed by in a blur as the boys have gotten closer since then. Wooyoung has gotten more comfortable around the male but still keeps his defenses up nonetheless. It's not like he doesn't trust him at all, it's just that he doesn't want to aggravate him by accident and lose him.

He prefers going to his house rather than to his own, still frightened of what his parents did to him. And they were at the house more often now which intimidated him. He felt uncertain in his own house and always tried to find a way to leave someplace else.

Wooyoung sauntered down the regular path he uses to arrive at Yeosang's house with his hands clutching the plastic takeout bag. He hummed a soft melody as the sun overhead shone down on him. But it wasn't enough to make him remove his denim jacket. His hair bounced lightly with his every action.

His earbud was inserted in his ear while the other was dangling down his chest. A chain drooped around the belt hoop of his ebony black jeans and blinked in the sun. He looked handsome as always and any individual walking by gave him an additional glimpse as they wandered by.

He eventually knocked at the door of his friend's house and patiently loitered on the porch. What felt like a few moments to him, the doorknob jingled for a bit and the door was opened.

There standing in the doorway was Yeosang, appearing with a cropped hoodie over a white t-shirt, tucked in some grey sweatpants. He beamed upon sight of the male and invited him inside.

"Sorry for the mess, I didn't have time to clean up properly and because I was too lazy," Yeosang spoke as both strolled towards his room.

"Are your parents home?" Wooyoung asked, his eyes trailing over the other doors that led into further rooms.

"Nah, they're still on their business trip," He didn't glance back when he said this and Wooyoung nodded in awareness. They shuffled into his room that was dark at the moment.

Yeosang grabbed ahold of an object and came off pressing on it, causing a purple glow to pour down the walls and across the room. He laid the small remote on the small desk pushed against the wall. Small figurines lined up along the surface that was next to a printer. A laptop sat in the center of the small table and a white mug was posted beside it.

Wooyoung set the bag on the desk on any lingering space accessible. His friend pulled up a chair from the other side and rolled it to the male. He plopped himself on the chair and Yeosang unloaded the bag.

"What did you get?" He questioned while sipping from his mug then settling it down as he opened the carton. The aroma of fried chicken caught his attention rapidly and he grinned brightly.

"Fried chicken, I knew you loved it and because you always ask for it whenever you're hungry," Wooyoung timidly explained, a slight smile materialized on his face.

"Not even my other best friend knows me this well!" He dramatically exclaimed, adding more to his words by laying a hand over his heart. Wooyoung scoffed jokingly at his friend's theatrical actions.

"Just eat your food,"

Wooyoung was full of joy that he made his friend happy with just fried chicken. His arms were crossed over his chest and he spun the chair side to side with his foot. His eyes remained on the banner hanging over the window that fluttered slightly.

When he first saw it, he was inquisitive but was anxious about inquiring Yeosang about it. So he took it in his mind to search it up when he returned to his house. It turned out it was the Bisexual flag and was happy when he read the definition of it. He silently supported him from afar without Yeosang noticing.

That was when he started questioning his own identity and has been in subtle thought since. He wasn't the type to discuss his love life with anyone.

"Hey, Wooyoung?" Yeosang spoke after consuming a mouthful of chicken. Wooyoung broke out from his thoughts and granted his attention to the male.

"Yeah what's up?" He asked, sitting up appropriately from his meltdown posture.

"Have you ever liked anyone, you know, romantically?" He voiced his question with evident interest.

"What made you ask this so suddenly?" He joked but contemplated for a while before providing his answer.

"I'm not sure, but I believe I did have this minor crush on a girl in 9th grade. She wasn't that sweet, but she wasn't so mean either. She was just in a tough spot at that time," He responded, then recollected something else. "But then again, there was this individual too,"

Yeosang cocked his head to the side. Wooyoung proceeded with his words.

"They said they went by they/them, and I'm going to respect what they want to go by. And they were delightful to be with. They were comical at times," He chuckled at that, identifying his remembrances.

"How about you Yeosang? I know you mentioned you had a girlfriend before at the cafe a few weeks back. Was there anyone else as well?"

"Hm, before I dated her, I also was in a relationship with this guy too, but it didn't work out since he cheated on me a few months into the relationship. Which was stupid when I found out," He rolled his eyes. Wooyoung shook his head in irritation.

"Did you date anyone too or were they just little crushes?"

"Well, my parents never entitled me to date and they still don't, but I privately got into a relationship. I later found out they were gender-fluid but that didn't stop me from loving them with my heart."

"They never found out about my relationship which made it more thrilling. My partner was intriguing, to say the least."

"They were so serious at times with other people. But I've discovered she was considerate and lovely with me whenever we were alone. Thankfully he understood that I was uneasy with public affection and only resorted to smiles and compliments. Unfortunately, their parents didn't approve of us and forced her to end things with me..."

Wooyoung sighed with longing in his eyes and his heart ached. They would deliver him gifts to express their love now and then. In return, he would do the same but would add either white lilies or plushies to the presents. He would also give him flower crowns and jewelry. He still has the denim jacket he was given by them, the exact one he was wearing at the second.

They would make eye contact in the crowd but she would ignore him at every encounter they would make. This shattered his heart even more and he struggled with moving on extremely.

Yeosang eyed him with sympathy on his face and gently clasped a hand on his shoulder in consolation. Wooyoung let out a grim smile and shook his head.



Sorry that I had to put this story on hold for quite a while. I had no motivation and didn't know how to start this chapter. But I got an idea for it now so like, I guess y'all don't have to worry about updates not coming?

This chapter was initially going to be a fun-filled one, but I chose to explore their identities and their past relationships and crushes. I was making myself sad when I was writing Wooyoung talking about his past relationship with a person who identified as gender-fluid. 😭💔🥀⛓(this is a joke please don't commit arson against me-)

I approved of myself to use all the pronouns they usually use so please don't be confused by it :).

I wanted to add more representation, and if there is anything false please point it out.


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