...~CHAPTER 10~...

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Now he had regretted his choice of hanging on his father at the mall. He carried his book bag to school while hobbling unnoticeably to others. Pain shot up in his leg every time he increased pressure on it and he internally wept because of it.

Tears threatened to pour from his eyes as he walked up the slight flight of steps, exhaling harshly when he stood before the vast doors. With all the stamina he could summon in his arm, he heaved the door open and heard it close from behind him.

Many students were all crowded together, gaping at their phones in shock, but distress is what they mostly felt. He could feel the auras encircling their tensed bodies.

Wooyoung brushed this off and resumed onwards to his first period which was right across the corridor. He felt a familiar arm snake around his shoulder and he whirled his head sideways to lock eyes with the individual.

"Good morning Jung-hoon," He spoke, his lips quivering from the tension that built on his shoulder where it hurt greatly. His footsteps never ceased so both were strolling side by side.

"Good morning Wooyoung!" He replied, unquestionably pleased to see him. He didn't take attention to the other male's unstable efforts and glimpsed around. He too had taken a moment to gaze at the student body stuck to their phones as if their lives depended on it.

"I wonder why everyone is acting so unusual today.." He mumbled, incoherent to Wooyoung next to him. Running footsteps sounded from far behind them which caught their awareness.

It was Yeosang who was charging at them. He looked perturbed as he emerged closer with his phone in his hand.

"Did you guys watch the news?" He rambled as soon as he was a couple of feet away and creased his eyebrows.

"No?" Jung-hoon retorted with striking interest at the question. Wooyoung tilted his head barely and his eyes remained on the device in his hand.

"A corpse was found this morning at an alley downtown!" He gasped out, nudging his phone in their faces.

On the illuminated screen was the news station broadcasting a news reporter at the crime scene. Yellow tape encircled the opening of the alley, prohibiting access of any civilian. Police cars were stationed by and some officers communicated to one another on the radio. The news van was possibly behind the camera and many people wondering what the commotion is.

Wooyoung recognized that area, his face becoming pale and dread pooled in his stomach.

"Although there was no clear confirmation on who the man is, due to him being slashed many times on the face and his body being disfigured, many speculate that it is the male student who had gone missing months ago and hasn't been heard from since. Witnesses have insisted there had been screaming and the smashing of a glass bottle at this exact location." The news reporter announced solemnly while grasping their microphone tightly.

Wooyoung felt his heart quicken with every word. Breathing was suddenly a difficult task for him to do and his legs almost gave out. The realization came to him once more; He was the murderer who ended this man's life, who could have been the missing student. But suspicions scrambled to his mind all at once.

Why was his body disfigured when he merely utilized a glass bottle? Why would anyone reckon it was the missing student when there are many probabilities? And wasn't the body gone when he was there at that time?

'Unless..' He wondered about it for a while but the only answers he was returned came blank. He didn't give attention to the worried glances he was given by the two males with him.

He was brought back to reality when his shoulder was patted and he recoiled.

"Wooyoung? Are you alright?" Jung-hoon interrogated anxiously when he saw his friend spacing out while silent. Wooyoung relaxed, curtly nodding his head in response.

And that was how he behaved the remainder of the day, only answering with his head or remaining silent. He was too troubled to pay interest to anything that was occurring around him. This concerned his friends who were struggling to figure out the main cause. They concluded that the death of a possible student who attended here was the reason their friend was not cooperating with anyone.

"How should we calm him down? It hurts me observing Wooyoung in this state of shock," Jung-hoon grumbled with frustration, placing his head on the table of the school library. Yeosang was skimming through a psychology book, reading it with unmistakable investment.

"Hey did you know it takes 66 days for an average human to develop a daily habit?" He stated out loud from the page he was on, not taking any notice of Jung-hoon's words.

"What things does Wooyoung do when he's this disturbed?" He wondered out loud, pondering as he rummaged through the files in his mind to recall.

"People with a profound sense of guilt have a larger chance at identifying people's concerns and emotions-"

"Yeosang! We are trying to find ways to help our friend who is terrified and you declaring random information from your book isn't helping!" He huffed out, his hands tangling in his hair. Yeosang slouched down and pouted, feeling offended.

"Not my fault this book is captivating..." He murmured to himself while proceeding to scan the words on the page.

Jung-hoon rolled his eyes at his antics and interlaced his fingers together. Nothing popped up in his brain and he whined, thumping his head against the wood.

"And you slamming your head against the table isn't helping either," Yeosang said out of the blue, entranced with his book, and paid no mind to anything else.

Jung-hoon threw an intense scowl at him and sneered, jerking his phone out. Currently, it was after school hours, and students were attending their clubs or finishing up their assignments in the library. He was surprised he wasn't cast out at this point due to him always causing disruptions.

Wooyoung had gone home already, claiming he needed to study and finalize his homework. But what both boys didn't know is that he had used that as an excuse to wander around to clear his mind. Too much was on his mind that he couldn't think straight (💀).

He chose to visit the mall that Yeosang and he would go to hang out at. Some of those times involved Jung-hoon but that rarely happened since he was busy most of the time.

He mostly kept to himself and fixed his eyes ahead. He was wearing a t-shirt with a sunflower imprinted on it, that was casually gathered in some black ripped jeans. An ebony jacket was thrown over his shoulder, thankfully not adding any burden on his injured shoulder blade.

The boisterous environment with an abundant number of people everywhere resulted in his discomfort, affecting him with a headache. He mumbled lowly and departed the mall intending to travel someplace else.

He caught sight of an elegant greenhouse near the exterior stores, discovering that it was a floral shop that was currently open. What grabbed his attention were the sunflowers planted in front of the glass, the pots adorned with miniature blossom designs. 

Stepping towards the minor greenhouse with inquisitiveness, he appreciated the assorted flowers, that ranged from roses of several hues to geraniums. It contained lavender and lilies the further he roamed inward. The aroma has arrested him in a soft daze and everything felt serene.

That's when he heard a person approaching from behind him and he peered back. His eyes were confronted with a glamorous male and he felt his pulse quickening when he flashed a smile, his dimples on full display.

"Hello I'm San, do you need any help searching for anything here?"



Don't mind my writing style changing towards the end, perhaps it was the motivation to continue with the events happening in this chapter 💥👏

Anygays, I hope y'all can be patient with the development of each characters' relationships with one another, we want everything to move along at a normal pace. So don't worry about their relationship pursuing with such haste that it ruins the story- 🥲✋

Anygays, I hope y'all have a good day! Gain more hours of sleep, consume more food, and stay hydrated with enough water to keep you energized throughout the day :))


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