Chapter 31 (An Ass Whooping)

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All the steel barriers in which we came threw before, open and pack doctors and nurses that belong to the three packs these women were from, went around and collected the women's unconscious bodies and wheel them to the make shift clinics.

Leonard and one of our 10 pack doctors along with 3 nurses, stood in the entrance of my chamber with Leonard beacoing me over.

Once I got to the barriers the doctor and nurses shove me into a wheel chair and wheeled me hurrily to our packs make shift clinic. When we got inside Leo lift me from the wheel chair and onto a medical bed. The doctor and the 3 nurses mean while we're running around getting all the things their gonna need.

"What's with all the rush? we have time."
"Actually we only have 30 minutes." said Dr. Mathew
"30 minutes, the fuck? What if I had a broken arm, your telling me I'd only have 30 minutes to recover?"

With hesitanc and guilt in his eyes and on his face he says "Yeaah, but babe I know your gonna win and you still would win with a broken arm."

Giving him a nasty look, I decide not to waste my 30 minutes, now 25 minutes of recovery cussing him out. I'll do that after the fights."

The doctor and nurses hurrily but perfectly treat and patch all the wounds I'd sustained. Which wasn't alot surprisingly. I thought I was gonna receive worst.

25 minutes of patch, relaxing and drinking water later, I was rushed back into my chamber and waited 5 minutes before the barriers were lifted again.

This time it was 4 women. This. This caught me off guard because one of the women was a twin and yes her twin was fighting along side her. I laughed so hard, long and loud that my stomach began cramping badly and it felt like my lungs were filled with air (I couldn't breath).

Cooling down from my laughing fit and turning to Leonard I shout "Yow Leo! Do you like double Twinkies!?"

Confused he answers "Yeah"
"There's one right over there." I said even though I could barely control my laughter. I point to the twins and his face turned red with anger.

But, instead of cussing me out or shouting angrily he kisses his teeth and mumbles " guh suck yuh Mada." but only I along with the kids could understand

I burst out laughing at that.

The fight resumes after that. The first one went down quickly while the second one yeeled before I could even lay a finger on her. Her reason, she didn't want to fight me anymore after seeing what I did to the first three.

That left only the twins. These 2 put up quite a fight and the only reason they gave up was because one bit into my ankle, which broke a couple teeth and caused a couple to fall out. Apparently werewolf healing powers don't heal teeth.

The other twin got a fractured spin after being beaten across the back with a metal pipe.

The other 8 women tried to put up a flight even though they were terrified of me. Those fights didn't take long either.

Now we're down to the last 2 and they're actually getting a couple hits in since I'm now slowing down from exhaustion. I guess I only have myself to blame for that because Leo asked me if I wanted to stop and continue tomorrow but I said no.

Each of us had a knife in our hand and I was the main target. They're both working together to take me out and It's going alright, I guess.

One of the women slices at me but missed since I jumped back, which then earned me a stab in the thigh from the other woman.
I then use my knife to stab her deep in the shoulder and kick her away. She however kicked the knife in my leg deeper on her way down.

The pain caused me to fall to my knees and the other woman toke this opportunity to deliver 3 hard kicks to my chest and stomach. Rolling over to lie on my back, I see the woman walk over towards me with a smile on her face. She sits on my stomach which caused me to groan at the sudden weight. She then begins to taunt me.

"Your not so big and bad as you say you were. Look at how easy I took you down and look at you gasping for air with your mouth wide open like a common prostitute.

She shrugs her shoulder and says "Well I guess that's the shape my mouths gonna make when it's wrapped around Alpha Leonard's big hard cock. All I have to do is finish you off along with those 2 other women then he's mine."

She then looks me in the eyes "Ooh, I can't wait to feel him inside me. I'm gonna give him so many orgasms you-" her sentence is cut off with a blow to the head from the back of the knife I pulled out of my leg without her noticing.

With rage and anger flowing through my veins, I got on top of her and repeatedly hit her in the head with no intentions to stop. It's when I'm pulled off her I realize she's not moving or breathing.

I shook the person off and turned round and looked at the last woman with murder tuning threw my veins. I'm sure she can see it in my face and eyes.
She whimpers and falls to the ground clutching her arm with the knife still lodged in it screaming "I yeel Luna Kenesha, please don't hurt me anymore? I'm sorry, my dad the alpha of my pack forced me to do this!"

I did however punch her with all my anger and knocked her out after she yeeled, which is why my 5 day recovery was whinded down to 3 days.

I won, which only leaves Lady Marrenette. I saw her while leaving the arena standing to the side next to Jason talking hushly and glaring at me while I walk by.

With a smirk, I lift up my middle fingers at them and shouted "See you in 3 days cockroach." and walked out with my middle fingers still in the air.

Sorry again for the late update. Vote, share and don't be shy to leave a comment. This is short but worth the read, hopefully.

The Sexy Alpha and his Fiesty chubby mate.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin